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KSP Has taught me more about life than life itself has.


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Another thing: When in doubt, moar boostarz isn't always the best option, try more efficent builds, micro-engineering works well, except for large payloads, then.... MOAR BOOZTARZ!

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From the game:

Persistence is everything. If it crashes and burns the first time, try again. And again. And again, and soon enough, your goals are reached.

From the community:

Not everyone gets what they want. Sometimes, things simply cannot happen and you have to make do with what you've got.

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Life is fair. Brutally fair. No matter who you are, if you don't follow its laws, you get beat down, hard.

There are very little differences between a rocket carrying a scientific orbiter to advance human knowledge and an ICBM carrying enough destructive payload to blast a small city to the stone age. Technology is neither good or evil. We have to be careful of what we do with our knowledge.

There is no such thing as participation reward. You either get to your target location, or stay home. Anything in between is just you drifting helplessly in the void of space.

Edited by RainDreamer
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You can learn and do anything you want. Don't look for approval. Definitely don't wait for permission. Make it. Be awesome. Profit.

Kerbals are awesome because they are endlessly failure tolerant and don't understand the concept of risk aversion. Be like a kerbal.

I think the Kerbal Space Program works so well because the boss (you) makes the call about the direction of the agency. For good or ill, that is a very powerful thing. Something many organizations, maybe our society, gets wrong is trying to diffuse blame to the point that nobody is really in charge. Someone else can always be at fault. What that does is make it so we don't actually get anything done... I apply this one at work now... and ended up the boss. So, that's nice... sometimes.

The supposed to-s are garbage. If you want to do something, start doing it. The proficiency will come with practice and research. Classes aren't necessary... I am starting to think they are a red-herring of sorts. Just about anything you want to know is available. The best proof of knowledge and education is successful projects, not pieces of paper (certifications and degrees).

Part of that has come from my experience modding KSP, so its you guys too not just the game. But the game attracts the players, so it's the game too.

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  • The power of deontology: my absolute responsibility for my crews' lives motivates me to extreme deeds.
  • The ease of attachment: I almost love my Kerbals.
  • The speed of the mind: the above power and ease can hasten my mind beyond its normal limits.
  • Reflection: KSP is so unbound by real life pressures as to clearly reflect everything about me.
  • Patience: I have played for two years but launched only one manned interplanetary mission.


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KSP Taught me one simple thing and the answer to a great question of science

Time Travel IS Possible

but only forwards, not backwards...

To achieve this miracle of science and technology..

you simply do 3 things

Get out of bed on weekend -

Turn on PC -

Load up KSP for "10 minutes" before starting the day

Then look outside.. its dark now... its not Morning anymore, thats not sunrise.. its sunset..

You have now Time-Traveled over 12 hours..

Tomorrow is work...

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Huh? KSP is part of what you refer to as 'life'.

If you mean it has taught you more about life than the actual study of life then I'm even more confused. Ksp has taught me about space travel. Nothing about how to live my life, except in the case of managing my time better. :wink:

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  Majorjim said:
Huh? KSP is part of what you refer to as 'life'.

If you mean it has taught you more about life than the actual study of life then I'm even more confused. Ksp has taught me about space travel. Nothing about how to live my life, except in the case of managing my time better. :wink:

KSP, having infinite possibilities as you run your "space program", forces you to make moral decisions in times of need, manage money better, etc;

Many life lessons can be found in a game like this, (e.g. Don't stop trying, eventually you'll have done it right; or: it's ok to scrap everything and go back to the drawing board, especially before it becomes a catastrophic failure.) I personally have played sense October last year, not long, but somehow this game has changed my life in many ways.

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If something is missing in life, you have to actively look for it, it probably won't just come stock. Mod the hell out of your life, just as you mod the hell out of your KSP - not all of it will work, but trying new things can lead to some magnificent results.

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Space is not hard as long as you're a good engineer working with reliable parts. If only we were so lucky in real life.

While it may be said that life is about the journey, if you don't know where you're going on that journey, you're going to get nowhere fast. Have a goal to shoot for, no matter how far off it may be.

With enough thrust, anything can fly. It probably won't fly for long if you don't steer it or it's not aerodynamic, however.

There is no accomplishment so grand for you to achieve that you will be unable to think of a way to one-up yourself. The only real limit is what you can bring yourself to do, given the trouble it would be to do it.

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  SkyRender said:
Space is not hard as long as you're a good engineer working with reliable parts. If only we were so lucky in real life.

While it may be said that life is about the journey, if you don't know where you're going on that journey, you're going to get nowhere fast. Have a goal to shoot for, no matter how far off it may be.

With enough thrust, anything can fly. It probably won't fly for long if you don't steer it or it's not aerodynamic, however.

There is no accomplishment so grand for you to achieve that you will be unable to think of a way to one-up yourself. The only real limit is what you can bring yourself to do, given the trouble it would be to do it.

Hoold up, your sig says you wrote a novel, and the author says "Warren Moore", is your moms name Tammy Moore? if so she teaches my science class in school (online course)

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  Wafle Master said:
Hoold up, your sig says you wrote a novel, and the author says "Warren Moore", is your moms name Tammy Moore? if so she teaches my science class in school (online course)

No relation that I'm aware of; sorry. Though it would be interesting to meet a relative of someone you know on a forum for a game you like, I must admit.

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KSP has taught me some very fundamental things in life:

- If something is physically impossible, it's okay to change the physics.

- Everything in life is fair. What's fair is fair. But some things are more fair than others, like asparagus staging and Ion engines.

- Don't forget your snacks.

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