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Any "Modpacks" for .9?

The Kiester

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+1 for CKAN.

However, most mods don't really need a "modpack" per se. You'll generally need the Firespitter DLL, ModuleManager, and maybe a few other DLLs, and 95% of the mods you download will work. Most mods will include the required DLLs for you, since most of the major dependancies are allowed to be bundled.

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You're probably looking for a mod manager instead, but honestly, downloading the mods you want is much easier and probably faster.

Besides, I don't think you'll find any mods for 0.9 at this point. I mean, it was released almost four years ago, back in august 2011...

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  Streetwind said:
The closes KSP has to a "modpack" is Realism Overhaul. It's best imagined as a suite of related mods that work best when installed together. However, it's not distributed as a one-click installer.

I d add the SETI-BalanceMod in my signature to that list of "modpacks". It is more in line with Stock gameplay.

Also not one-clickable, but there are short descriptions and links to the supported mods and even example craft in the download, described in the GUIDE in the second post.

Edited by Yemo
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  stibbons said:
I'm curious about your reasoning for this. Doesn't seem to add up.

I usually make a list of mods I want when updating the game version, so it's just

1) Google the mod

2) Download directly to GameData

3) Maximum euphoria archieved, eat doritos and Mt. Dew all day.

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A few mods do have a bunch of other stuff packaged with them, I'm mostly thinking of B9 Aerospace, and the suite of mods that come with it, but that's the closest KSP gets to a modpack.

Theres also that Kerbal Orbiter pack thing which has a couple packs in it, but that's more like one huge mod being split up into sections rather than a modpack.

You COULD call the Umbra Space Industries (RoverDude) stuff a modpack since they're by the same person, but they're individual mods rather than packed into one.

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mod packs aren't a thing in ksp. However, various youtubers, streamers, and mod devs have created lists of mods they like. However you have to manually download all the different mods. They can give you inspiration however.

Check out my modded series. Might give you inspiration to get some of the mods

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