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[1.2.2] Contract Pack: Bases and Stations 3.6.1 (30/04/2017) (formerly Kerbin Space Station)


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Can you confirm:

Which version you are running (both kss and contract configurator)

Which contract is misbehaving

Exact steps to reproduce (including any dock/undock events)

A copy of your craft file and save

List of mods installed so I can try and reproduce

Also are you using the station docking port? What happens if you try a normal clamp-o-tron?

Edit: Ok it's not the docking port - I'm unable to reproduce. Please provide information above.

Edited by severedsolo
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I downloaded it yesterday and contract configurator too.

For now

"Add a habitation module to your station"

- "Support 5 kerbals" works

- "Dock with your station" doesn't work

My mods :


My save and crafts : https://www.dropbox.com/sh/irmj6a5mrgk2ew4/AABzkBot2xwS11OP9w4nin0Fa?dl=0

Yes i use the station docking port, i haven't tried with a clamp-o-tron i will as soon as i get a new contract needing a docking to the station.

Thanks for your help.

Edit: I used KSS 2 as station core and "life zone" as hab module

Edited by shiva92
Sorry don't know how to use spoiler for the image
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Sorry I need a little more to go on:

1) Can I please have your complete mod list (I can't even get your save to load properly)

2) What vessel did you use as your Station Core?

3) which of those crafts you provided did you use as your hab module

edit: never mind I see you updated your post. I'll try again

- - - Updated - - -

your save just isn't loading for me for some reason, I can't explain it (or rather it does load, but I can't do anything with it. Advanced Progression Contracts throws an error, and then I can't get back to the Space Centre) It's a quicksave, so I've had to rename it to persistent to get it to load, so that may have something to do with it.)

Can you provide your persistent.sfs please - I'll try one more time.

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Alright I've done some testing, as I said your save will not load for me, but I tested using a new save and the craft you provided, and I am unable to reproduce. My best guess (in descending order of liklihood):

Mod conflict - no idea how to help you with that one except try the 50/50 method til you find the issue.

Your save is corrupted (I'm just basing this on the problems I had)

You ran into the "defined vessel" issue - which is a damn shame as nightingale just fixed that.

Honestly, other than that I don't know, but I am unable to reproduce the error, everything is working at my end.

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  plausse said:
This seems awesome. I immediately get the tier 3 mission "resupply" - without having built KSS core yet (or indeed orbited).. any clues?

Yes, you are running the unfinished development version :P Resupply missions aren't officially a thing yet, I'm working on them for the next update. Download 0.2 that will fix it

Did CKAN update you? or did you grab it from Github yourself? (I had thought CKAN wouldn't update if I put out a pre-release)

Edited by severedsolo
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So.. I may have downloaded the pre-release.. And then when I checked if it was doing it because it was the pre... I downloaded the same build again, but unwittingly. I'm dim. Sorry.

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Quick question, as i'm about to upgrade contract configurator to 0.7.8: I see a 4-day old pre-release and a week-old release, do both work with the configurator ?

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Since i had deleted the whole thing i expected some missions to overlap.

"Cheated" my way a bit since the requirements were met on the station core mission just by making my old one active. Most other construction missions had all the parts just needed a docking.

I had the crew rotation one offered too nothing unexpected i must say.

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I've been trying to help severedsolo squash some of the more problematic bugs and I think we about have it ready. Being ale to re-select the station is in case for some reason the game forgets you had a station. I know I used that feature heavily when testing. Once everything is for sure stable, it might not be a bad idea if severedsolo changes it so all of the construction pieces have to be new vessels. I would be inclined to leave the "core" as-is just in case KSP forgets there was already a station in orbit.

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It's highly recommended you grab the latest CC as it fixes a lot of the issues with ksp losing track of your station,

the pre release works basically but resupply missions will not respect the requirements and spawn constantly until you do a crew rotation. The release (AFAIK) is 100% stable, except for the failsafe, which will void your warranty

Edit: Failsafe is working properly as of 1.0

Edited by severedsolo
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Thanks for ruining the surprise!

I'm joking obviously, the delay is a by-product of using Github/AVC - I have to push the update file to github before I actually release.

On that note, KSS is now feature complete (ie it has all the core features I originally envisioned for it). Which means I can present:

Kerbin Space Station 1.0 Released!

Thanks to Metl who has contributed massive amounts of time and code to this release. This was a joint collaboration,


New Features

New Mission - resupply the station (if you have TAC LS installed) (severedsolo)

ScienceModule now recognises the Station Science Lab (if you have Station Science installed) (severedsolo)

New mission - perform science on the station and return it to Kerbin. (metl)


IF you have TAC LS installed, "CrewRotation" will no longer be the 1st Tier 3 mission you see. Instead, resupply will, then CrewRotation,

then it will open up to all missions as before. (severedsolo)

Failsafe completely reworked, and actually works properly now. It will now kick in as soon as you lose your station, and we will now support it,

because it's working as intended (metl)

Missions now moved into their own "Kerbin" folder in preparation for multiple bodies. (severedsolo)

Removed duplicate requirements for KerbinCrewRotation (severedsolo)

Removed unnecessary "targetVessel" flags (severedsolo)

Tier3StationMission contract group removed - replaced by KerbinTier3 (severedsolo)


Now requires Contract Configurator 0.7.8 or higher (Bad Things will happen if you don't update).

Future releases will now concentrate on multiple bodies (I'm more than happy to take ideas for other missions though)

Edited by severedsolo
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Hi severedsolo, amazing pack, this is one thing i was waiting for KSP for a long time

but, mind if i give you some suggestions? as of now the contract is more like ISS, where they sent an unmanned module as a core, a unmanned hub, and then a habitable core, but that wasn't the case with Salyut stations, Mir and Skylab, they were habitable and able to receive a crew from the beggining (in fact, only Mir had expansions, and Salyut 7 if you count the TKS docked to it and the intended placement of Kvant)

now, i'm not asking to turn the pack into a realistic historic space station build pack, but would it be possible to make the contracts so you can send a crew and a ressuply after you send a core? the (very few) stock stations i made i always started with a habitable core, the only time i didn't was when i attempted building ISS (and even then, Zarya is habitable in the Mir pack)

btw, would it be possible to support Bobcat's Mir and the community ISS as expansion modules? i've tried adding them as contracts compatible to your pack, but that didn't turn out well, i couldn't get them to work :blush: whether it is as a realistic or random is up to you, personally i would preffer random, like puting a Kristall and a Zarya modules in a Salyut 6 or 7 :P

Edited by JoseEduardo
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  JoseEduardo said:
now, i'm not asking to turn the pack into a realistic historic space station build pack, but would it be possible to make the contracts so you can send a crew and a ressuply after you send a core?

I don't see why not, I guess what your asking is to skip Tier 2 and go straight to Tier 3 after the core is deployed? It would be simple enough, a new contract that merged HabModule and PowerModule with the core, I could go one of two ways -

Either an expansion pack, that would allow you to build a second station, but skip Tier 2 (and require living space and power on board the core).

Or, an alternative Core Mission (with the requirements as above), both this and the existing core would be offered together, you can only choose one of these missions, and the one you choose dictates the path through the contracts that you take. Of course you'd still only get one station, but as the failsafe now works, if you changed your mind you can always re-do.

btw, would it be possible to support Bobcat's Mir and the community ISS as expansion modules? i've tried adding them as contracts compatible to your pack, but that didn't turn out well, i couldn't get them to work whether it is as a realistic or random is up to you, personally i would preffer random, like puting a Kristall and a Zarya modules in a Salyut 6 or 7

What exactly are you looking for? If the parts use the stock Module nodes, they may already be compatible with the existing missions. I'd need specifics to know what I could/couldn't add.

Edited by severedsolo
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what i asked first was for something like Salyut and Skylab missions and early Mir expeditions, before the arrival of Kvant-1, where they were sent to the core and had no extra modules, so basically they had all, a lab, power, and habitation with it (although none of these have labs by default in their ksp versions)

on the second question, unfortunately no, they have no module nodes, and Mir modules have a max of 2 crew... i tried making JEM, Columbus and Destiny labs by a mm patch but i failed miserably, i only managed through editing their .cfg, which, if it ever gets updated, i'll have to edit that again unless they make that default in the pack

the modules i'm talking about on the second question comes from Bobcat's Mir and Community ISS, that can be found here: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/81754-Release-BobCat-Ind-Space-Planet-products

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Woo you took my "advice" and had it check for the science module itself instead of the part :P

Thank you!!

Regarding your desire to see the "part" it's nothing super exciting, I just use various mod parts to make a space station module and weld it into a single part.

For example this is a module for the station I was building in my old .23.5 game

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Here are some shots of my station in my current game

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As I go I will have eva missions to remove un-used RCS blocks and engines (and probably some of the lights) maybe even removing some of the solar panels once I get a dedicated power truss up to it. I am role playing it in a sort of ISS style.

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Do you know if this mod plays nicely with Ven's Stock Revamp? I'm having a problem wherein after undocking from the station, the un-docked ship hurtles away at incredible speed and often explodes (I can dock/undock with other vessels just fine). One possible explanation would be that Stock Revamp changes all the other docking ports, but the Station Docking Port remains unchanged, and that this somehow causes problems. If I have time, I'll try digging through logs and seeing if I can figure out what's going on (it's not necessarily anything to do with this mod), but I just thought I'd ask before putting myself through that.



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  Capt. Kerk said:
Do you know if this mod plays nicely with Ven's Stock Revamp? I'm having a problem wherein after undocking from the station, the un-docked ship hurtles away at incredible speed and often explodes (I can dock/undock with other vessels just fine). One possible explanation would be that Stock Revamp changes all the other docking ports, but the Station Docking Port remains unchanged, and that this somehow causes problems. If I have time, I'll try digging through logs and seeing if I can figure out what's going on (it's not necessarily anything to do with this mod), but I just thought I'd ask before putting myself through that.



Oh, I need those logs!! Someone reported that issue with Contract Configurator this morning, but I've as of yet been unable to reproduce! Can you post them either here or on the Contract Configurator thread (I'll see it in either spot).

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Possible but unlikely it's the Station Docking Port... I would expect the problem to happen pretty much straight away, and not at undocking. Having said that, I wouldn't be 100% surprised if the mesh that is used on Stock Revamp is slightly a different size or something, and is causing issues.

Let me know if the new CC doesn't fix it and I'll take a look.

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  severedsolo said:
Possible but unlikely it's the Station Docking Port... I would expect the problem to happen pretty much straight away, and not at undocking. Having said that, I wouldn't be 100% surprised if the mesh that is used on Stock Revamp is slightly a different size or something, and is causing issues.

Let me know if the new CC doesn't fix it and I'll take a look.

It might be safer to instead look for some small part that you throw on the side of the core that doesn't have any other functionality. Also I would rather it not be a docking port as I use universal ports for non-crew passage and IABCMs for crew.

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I thought that, but the problem is, which part? It has to be something I can use the stock model for (I have neither the time or the inclination to learn how to model something for ksp). At least a docking port has a purpose, you are going to need at least one of them.

I'm open to suggestions though

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