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[1.2.2] Contract Pack: Bases and Stations 3.6.1 (30/04/2017) (formerly Kerbin Space Station)


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Appears to be working ok for me. Have you downloaded the latest Contract Configurator? (1.7.7) - There was a bug with the duration parameter which nightingale just fixed.

If you have upgraded, but accepted the contract before you did, you may need to reject/reaccept the contract. Otherwise, I'd guess mod conflict.

Yeah, all mods are the latest versions, and I got the contract after upgrading. I guess I'll just not do those kinds of contracts in the future.

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Yeah, all mods are the latest versions, and I got the contract after upgrading. I guess I'll just not do those kinds of contracts in the future.

If you can post a screenshot of your contract window at the point where the timer should start, I might be able to see where it's going wrong.

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When I try to install with CKAN I'll got an error message (sorry about the Hungarian part of the message, basically it's says an unhandled exception occured), which one is saying it's cannot install the BeCoolStockNuke:


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When I try to install with CKAN I'll got an error message (sorry about the Hungarian part of the message, basically it's says an unhandled exception occured), which one is saying it's cannot install the BeCoolStockNuke:

Well, from the github link the installation worked, as the mod itself. Seems to be CKAN not really up for the work. :)

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Not sure what the BeCoolStockNuke bit is about - but it looks like you are trying to install Useful Space Stations? No longer supported.

CKAN also does strange things if you try and uninstall USS, and install KSS (or vice versa) in one go. That's something for the CKAN guys to sort out though.

TL;DR - uninstall Useful Space Stations. Then after that's done, install Kerbin Space Station. If you are having problems with that, you'll need to report it to the CKAN devs I'm afraid.

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I have same problem as Robhol. I've sent bunch of Kerbals(3 pilots, 4 engineers, 2 scientists) to space station to rotate crew and repair faulty power module and simply gain xp on minmus trip.

During docking one of solar arrays on space station was destroyed(Jebediah dropped his sandbox on main engine full ahead button).

After docking I've 10 kerbals on space station, including 2 engineers on original body of space station.

Sent one of engineers to EVA and now I'm stucked on 2 min timer.



Note: I've done "Tourism Plus: Kick off space tourism" mission from one of contract configurators packs that required me to have turist 4h on orbit of Kerbin. Timer was working properly.

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Oh, whoops - I messed up the folder structure. It doesn't really matter, but best practice would be to place it on GameData/ContractPacks (it will work fine whichever though) - I will fix this when I get back next week,

Thank you for the explanation, and especially for the awesome mod! Space stations are cool again. 8^)

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I have same problem as Robhol. I've sent bunch of Kerbals(3 pilots, 4 engineers, 2 scientists) to space station to rotate crew and repair faulty power module and simply gain xp on minmus trip.

During docking one of solar arrays on space station was destroyed(Jebediah dropped his sandbox on main engine full ahead button).

After docking I've 10 kerbals on space station, including 2 engineers on original body of space station.

Sent one of engineers to EVA and now I'm stucked on 2 min timer.



Note: I've done "Tourism Plus: Kick off space tourism" mission from one of contract configurators packs that required me to have turist 4h on orbit of Kerbin. Timer was working properly.

Just had a quick word with nightingale -

I found a minor bug where the timer text doesn't update (only affects the stock window, Contract Window+ is fine). In the background, the timer is still ticking down. I suspect that's the problem. Give a the dev version a try and see if that fixes the issue.

Basically, if you are using the stock contract window, it won't look like the timer is ticking (but it is). This will be fixed in the next CC update.

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I've just done tests.

here's screenshot of contract+ contract window. it's not working as well


I've also waited over 2 minutes and it doesn't marked mission as complete.

Did you try the dev version of Contract Configurator? Either way the problem is upstream and should be reported to the contract configurator thread

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Hey severedsolo, I've got a tiny little bug to report:


I'm evacuating ISH Pilgrim (Valdi was the only occupant), but in other contracts, such as upgrading crew capacity of other stations with the option of taking current occupants on EVA, that part is triggering despite me not actually taking them on EVA. Am I explaining this ok? I think it sounds confusing.. but yeah, basically, it's checking for any EVA, not the EVA of the target kerbal.

Just an FYI, as it obviously doesn't complete the contract so it's not terribly important. Just thought you should know :)

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Hey severedsolo, I've got a tiny little bug to report:


I'm evacuating ISH Pilgrim (Valdi was the only occupant), but in other contracts, such as upgrading crew capacity of other stations with the option of taking current occupants on EVA, that part is triggering despite me not actually taking them on EVA. Am I explaining this ok? I think it sounds confusing.. but yeah, basically, it's checking for any EVA, not the EVA of the target kerbal.

Just an FYI, as it obviously doesn't complete the contract so it's not terribly important. Just thought you should know :)

Ha, I was wondering how long it would take someone to find that.

That was a placeholder until I worked out a better system of doing it (it was just supposed to be a funny side thing) - and I completely forgot to ever look into it. I have an idea though, I'll look into getting it into the next update (once I have enough content).

As an aside... are all your stations called Fortitude? Or are those duplicate contracts I spy?

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Ha, I was wondering how long it would take someone to find that.

That was a placeholder until I worked out a better system of doing it (it was just supposed to be a funny side thing) - and I completely forgot to ever look into it. I have an idea though, I'll look into getting it into the next update (once I have enough content).

As an aside... are all your stations called Fortitude? Or are those duplicate contracts I spy?

Haven't looked at the actual setup of those contracts, but HasCrew works for EVA Kerbals, so is probably your best bet.

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 title = Launch a new Station Core into the below orbit around @/targetBody1.

I messed up the pull request because reasons, but the CoreMissions text should be something like "Launch a new Station Core into low orbit around @/targetBody1."

Agreed, except if you orbit Sun, it's not low orbit, because below 10Mm is unreasonable. I guess I could put "specified orbit" like the stock packs. Ooh, actually, I wonder if conditional expressions work on strings. If they do I'll use that.

Either way, no updates until 1.0.5 comes out.

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Agreed, except if you orbit Sun, it's not low orbit, because below 10Mm is unreasonable. I guess I could put "specified orbit" like the stock packs. Ooh, actually, I wonder if conditional expressions work on strings. If they do I'll use that.

Either way, no updates until 1.0.5 comes out.

Conditional expressions work if you use quoted strings:

type = string
theString = @targetBody1 == Sun ? "Too hot" : "The body is @targetBody1"

Although I tend to break it up because it can get pretty long:

type = string
sunString = "Too hot"
notSunString = "The body is @targetBody1"
theString = @targetBody1 == Sun ? @sunString : @notSunString

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Hrm - I just upgraded to 3.0.1 (from 2.something). I had two pending contracts to launch a Minmus and Mun station. When I started back up, I got "Contract Failed" for both


Side effect of the upgrade? I'm pretty certain I still had many many months left to complete them.

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Hrm - I just upgraded to 3.0.1 (from 2.something). I had two pending contracts to launch a Minmus and Mun station. When I started back up, I got "Contract Failed" for both


Side effect of the upgrade? I'm pretty certain I still had many many months left to complete them.

Probably. The Mun and Minmus contracts don't exist any more, I replaced them with a new one. Hence the major version number change. Usually that indicates "game breaking changes"

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Well, I was a little worried that Squad had ripped me off wholesale in 1.0.5, but nope. Stations still suck.

I see no reason why the pack won't work on 1.0.5 as is (with CC version 1.8.0) - but there are a few bugfixes I'm sitting on. I'll push them out tonight, before I disappear to play Fallout 4.

Edit: In fact I'll do it now:

Kerbin Space Station 3.0.2 Released!

Version file updated for 1.0.5 compatibility

fixed misplaced children in SurfaceSample (khr15714n)

Fixed optional parameter triggering any time a Kerbal goes on EVA in ExtraCrewCapacity (thanks Obsessed with KSP)

Fixed duplicate Maintenance contracts (thanks Obsessed with KSP)

Fixed poorly worded parameter in Core Mission (thanks Obsessed with KSP)

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CKAN updated me pack to 3.0.2 on KSP 1.0.4, but required Contract Configuration 1.8.0 is only compatible with 1.0.5. Version 1.7.8 that I have currently in KSP disables 3.0.2 mission pack. I guess newest pack compatibility should be limited to 1.0.5 only so CKAN won't install it on older version.

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CKAN updated me pack to 3.0.2 on KSP 1.0.4, but required Contract Configuration 1.8.0 is only compatible with 1.0.5. Version 1.7.8 that I have currently in KSP disables 3.0.2 mission pack. I guess newest pack compatibility should be limited to 1.0.5 only so CKAN won't install it on older version.

No problem - you can run the latest version. Just pop into GameData\Contract Packs\KerbinSpaceStation\MaintenanceMissions - and open up KerbinSpaceStation.cfg - in there replace

name = UsefulSpaceStations
minVersion = 1.8.0


name = UsefulSpaceStations
minVersion = 1.7.8

Nothing too bad will happen, I just assumed that everyone would upgrade to 1.0.5 so didn't think about it. I don't recommend going below 1.7.8 though as there were some bug fixes for this pack in there.

Having said that, you are right - I should really tighten up the AVC file (which CKAN reads compatibility data from), as I don't like supporting older versions.

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[quote name='severedsolo']No problem - you can run the latest version. Just pop into GameData\Contract Packs\KerbinSpaceStation\MaintenanceMissions - and open up KerbinSpaceStation.cfg - in there replace

You're right it is not a big problem, I actually just installed manually previous version of mod. But there might be a group of people not being able or not willing to do that, but then I can not imagine anyone playing KSP, using CKAN and hundred of mods and not being able to solve such problems :)

[quote name='severedsolo']
Nothing too bad will happen, I just assumed that everyone would upgrade to 1.0.5 so didn't think about it. I don't recommend going below 1.7.8 though as there were some bug fixes for this pack in there.

I guess there is group of ppl that update imediatelly. But I need to wait for quite some time because my current game sits on lots of mods that need to mature on new release before I can switch and play without any problems.

So basically I don't think this is a huge problem, but it would be nice to prevent CKAN from updating to non compatible version.

Anyway, this is really just a minor issue. I love your contract pack, it gives me a lot of great gameplay.
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