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The object to your _____ is ____!


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sooo, an otter pop. lets play some... oh. you melted. WWWWWHHHHHHYYYYYYYYYY!!!

the next school debate paper you write is seen by the president and is resolved, causing you to need to write a new one. by the way, what was it about?

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Wait, this game has sort of turned from "the object to your [direction]" to "the next object you [action]" for a few post.

That seems like 2 different games.

And my pillow becomes a white hole? What a fluffy white hole.

The object directly under your butt (if you are standing, whatever your butt is pointing at) is sentient.

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That'd be my second monitor. I'm going to slap my bloodied hand on it and call it Willson. It's pretty heavy though, I feel like that might drag our friendship down.

The object you see in the corner of your eye is now animate and very hungry. Beware.

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