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Science Fiction ships


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I loooooooooooooove the Nova Class starship. One of my favourite science vessels. I will need to download this and add it to the save game. I love flying other people's craft. :D

The death star is a nice one. That looks surprisingly light. I'm impressed with it!

Heh. I tried looking at this and realised I would be biting of waaaaaaaaay more than I can chew even attempting a couple of these.

How about a very Kerbal looking Moon Ship?


BTY, Moya from Far Scape happens to be a life form.

I would totally make one of those Moon Ships. That looks like an awesome challenge!

Yes, Moya is a living entity. She's still a ship, for all intents and purposes here though. :)

If you wanted to do the Valkyrie from Avatar this mod has a very Valkyrie-esq cockpit

I have that mod! I know exactly the cockpit you speak of! :cool:


If you are serious, then just try and keep it realistic.


But keep it within the realm of real physics.

That is all I (and many of us (but not all) here) ask.

Yes, I am serious! I just want my audience to be happy with the things we are making too. :)

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In alphabetic order. Now, chop-chop. :cool:

Something seems off with that scale.

The Executor crashed into the second death star at endor, and the death star appeared much bigger than the SSD, but on that image, the Executor dwarfs the death star.

I want to see the USS Defiant. It's a tough little ship.

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Something seems off with that scale.

The Executor crashed into the second death star at endor, and the death star appeared much bigger than the SSD, but on that image, the Executor dwarfs the death star

I think you may be misapprehending; the Death Star isn't there (that I can find - apologies if I'm missing it). That little circular thing next to the Executor is a CIS heavy supply ship.

EDIT: The Death Star II is given a diameter of 160 km by Wookieepedia. The image itself is 4268 x 5690 pixels, or 42.68 x 56.9 km by its scale as given. So the Death Star II wouldn't fit into the image at all :0.0:

Edited by AlexinTokyo
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And i still want an Endurance.

But now, Make a TARDIS.

Tardis is done. Doesn't so much fly; more that it falls. But it does spin. It has no form of propulsion, sadly. Way too easy. :P

Something seems off with that scale.

The Executor crashed into the second death star at endor, and the death star appeared much bigger than the SSD, but on that image, the Executor dwarfs the death star.

I want to see the USS Defiant. It's a tough little ship.

The information in that scale is based on stat sheets provided by the creators of these craft; not necessarily the models used in production of these programs. I've watched that scale grow from like... 30 ships into what you see above over the last decade or so. It's a massive project.

And nice use of the First Contact quote there. It is a tough little ship... Even tougher to build. I tried that one night, but it has had to be shelved as it was too complicated with the parts I had available at the time. I still want to go back to it.

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I think you may be misapprehending; the Death Star isn't there (that I can find - apologies if I'm missing it). That little circular thing next to the Executor is a CIS heavy supply ship.

EDIT: The Death Star II is given a diameter of 160 km by Wookieepedia. The image itself is 4268 x 5690 pixels, or 42.68 x 56.9 km by its scale as given. So the Death Star II wouldn't fit into the image at all :0.0:

Not the CIS ship. But you're right, what I was thinking is the Death Star, is a Torpedo Sphere Assault craft. In between the Valiant class star destroyer and the Nebula Class star destroyer. My apologies.

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The Normandy SR-2 from Mass Effect 3 (yes, 3; 2 has an orange version and 1 has a smaller one).

All of the Normandy versions look rather interesting as a build. I recall someone had parts for it, possibly mentioned earlier in this thread. I would love to grab them and build it. :)

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You could try the ships from David Weber's Honor Harrington series. Sure, they all pretty much look the same, but that's due to his drive physics (and never mind the derogatory comments about what they look like - I've heard them all before, many, MANY times). I'm a member of BuNine, a group of fans who work directly with David Weber to visualize and flesh out the Honorverse. We co-wrote House of Steel: The Honorverse Companion with him, and are currently working on the second Companion, House of Lies. We not only provide the most accurate representations of his ships, uniforms, medals, heraldry, etc., but also do a lot of background tech, military, and political writing for the Honorverse.

My role in BuNine is to create 3D meshes of the various ships, some of which can be seen at my Deviant Art page here: http://maxxqbunine.deviantart.com/

These ships and missiles should be fairly easy to bring into KSP, although the drive systems will be a bit different. Would be interesting to see if someone could make missiles that actually launch from the weapons ports, including weapons port hatches that open...

Hmmmm... broadside-style missile combat in KSP...

Honor's ship towards the beginning of the series, HMS Fearless CA-286, a heavy cruiser:


Edit: I'd try it myself, except I'm not as well-versed in construction in KSP as most everyone else here - too busy building these things for BuNine.

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A B-wing, from the Star Wars expanded universe. A "super-heavy shields and weapons" fighter that in its original X-wing and TIE fighter flight sim appearances generally gets shot to pieces in seconds because of its horrible lack of both speed and agility.

The B-Wing is most definitely not an EU ship. It was used at the

. :mad: Edited by Nobody_1707
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You could try the ships from David Weber's Honor Harrington series. Sure, they all pretty much look the same, but that's due to his drive physics (and never mind the derogatory comments about what they look like - I've heard them all before, many, MANY times). I'm a member of BuNine, a group of fans who work directly with David Weber to visualize and flesh out the Honorverse. We co-wrote House of Steel: The Honorverse Companion with him, and are currently working on the second Companion, House of Lies. We not only provide the most accurate representations of his ships, uniforms, medals, heraldry, etc., but also do a lot of background tech, military, and political writing for the Honorverse.

My role in BuNine is to create 3D meshes of the various ships, some of which can be seen at my Deviant Art page here: http://maxxqbunine.deviantart.com/

These ships and missiles should be fairly easy to bring into KSP, although the drive systems will be a bit different. Would be interesting to see if someone could make missiles that actually launch from the weapons ports, including weapons port hatches that open...

Hmmmm... broadside-style missile combat in KSP...

Honor's ship towards the beginning of the series, HMS Fearless CA-286, a heavy cruiser:


Edit: I'd try it myself, except I'm not as well-versed in construction in KSP as most everyone else here - too busy building these things for BuNine.

That thing looks crazy huge. I hadn't heard of that universe before, so I will check it out. It's rather interesting.

The B-Wing is most definitely not an EU ship. It was used at the
. :mad:

Yes, it was, but it doesn't matter. I loved it in Rogue Leader... I may have purchased a Game Cube just to play it again.

A ranger. That SSTO shuttle from Interstellar. oh, and can I see some of the pictures of your craft so far?

I've seen this one suggested too. It could be an interesting build.

And yes, you can. You can either go here or here. I'm going to add some details for all of this to my Twitch channel information in the near future too, so it should be much easier. :)

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That thing looks crazy huge. I hadn't heard of that universe before, so I will check it out. It's rather interesting.

Not really. It's only a heavy cruiser, 523 meters long, and massing roughly 305k tons. Now, an Invictus-class pod superdreadnought is a bit larger, massing nearly 8.8 million tons at 1394 meters long.

You really ought to check out the series. Basically, it's Horatio Hornblower in space (the main character even shares the same initials), and the combat is modeled on age of sail naval battles, where ships fire broadsides at each other. The drive system also provides a completely impenetrable "shield" above and below the ship, which is why broadsides are the only viable option. Of course, this also has added a new wrinkle to broadside combat defense - the ships can "roll wedge" against incoming fire. Oh, and combat takes place across tens of light-seconds (light-minutes later on in the series), and not at don't-fire-until-you-see-the-whites-of-their-eyes range like every other type of space combat you see. The main stories take place approximately 2000 years from now.

There's a little bit of handwavium involved, but BuNine's job is to minimize that sort of thing and give plausible explanations for the tech.

Anyway, if you're interested, the following is a list of all the books currently available (copy/paste from a post on David Weber's forums - these are listed in publication order, and for a first-time reader, should be the order they ought to be read in):

1. On Basilisk Station (Apr 92)

2. Honor of the Queen (June 93)

3. The Short Victorious War (Apr 94)

4. Field of Dishonor (Dec 94)

5. Flag In Exile (Sep 95)

6. Honor Among Enemies (Feb 96)

7. In Enemy Hands (Jul 97)

8. More Than Honor (Jan 98)(Anthology)

9. Echoes of Honor (Oct 98)

10. World of Honor (Feb 99)(Anthology)

11. Ashes of Victory (Mar 00)

12. Changer of Worlds (Mar 01)(Anthology)

13. War of Honor (Oct 02)

14. The Service of the Sword (Apr 03)(Anthology)

15. Crown of Slaves (Sep03)

16. The Shadow of Saganami (Oct 04)

17. At All Costs (Nov 05)

18. Storm from the Shadows (Mar 09)

19. Torch of Freedom (Nov 09)

20. Mission of Honor (June 10)

21. In Fire Forged (Feb 11) (Anthology)

22. A Rising Thunder (Mar 12)

23. Shadow of Freedom (Mar 13)

24. House of Steel (May 13) (Compendium)

25. Beginnings (July 13) (Anthology)

26. Cauldron of Ghosts (Apr 14)

The Talbott branch consists of the short story "The Service of the Sword" from the anthology by the same name, The Shadow of Saganami, Storm from the Shadows, and Shadow of Freedom.

The Torch branch consists of "From the Highlands" from Changer of Worlds, "Fanatic" from Service of the Sword, Crown of Slaves, Torch of Freedom, and Cauldron of Ghosts. <---these should be read in the order listed here, otherwise it might not make sense.

Not listed is "A Call to Duty", written by David Weber, Timothy Zahn (yeah, *that* Timothy Zahn) and Tom Pope (our defacto BuNine leader, although he is not named on the cover - he will be for the other two books in that sub-series), which takes place a few hundred years before the mainline books take place. There's also a three book sub-series written by Jane Lindskold that while technically a young-adult series, is pretty enjoyable by all ages, and deals with Honor's great-something grandmother.

If you want a low-cost way of checking the series out, you can download the eBook versions (several formats, includling Kindle, Nook, and Wordpad, etc.) for free here: http://baencd.thefifthimperium.com/ The most recent one will be the one labelled "Storm From the Shadows CD". It contains everything David Weber has written (minus the stuff from Tor Publishing) up through Storm From the Shadows, as well as all his other books. This is perfectly legal to download and share, as the disclaimer at the bottom of the linked page mentions.

And now I will stop pushing Weber's books. :D

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  • 3 months later...
Planet Express Ship?

Uhm, this would be pretty amazing. Because the Planet Express Ships engine doesn't move the ship but the universe around it. Just like Kerbal Ships do. :D

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Space Exploration Ship from the game Starflight:


FTL, SSTO capable. Has a terrain vehicle to explore Planetary surfaces.

Powered by Endurium. :wink:

Man i stil love that game....

One planetary system isn't big enough to fully utilize most of the proposed ships.

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Space Exploration Ship from the game Starflight:


FTL, SSTO capable. Has a terrain vehicle to explore Planetary surfaces.

Powered by Endurium. :wink:

Man i stil love that game....

One planetary system isn't big enough to fully utilize most of the proposed ships.

One of my all time favorites!

My old synopsis/info page for it is still out there too: http://necrobones.com/starflt/

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I second many of the above, including

. Then there is this; a more "rockety" rocket. You might be able to make the launch system as well!

There is also the spaceship from "The Outer Limits"' "Architects of Fear":


And who can forget "Planet of the Apes"' "Icarus"?


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