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I could use some help setting up a double tracking solar panel


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I'm trying to set set up a solar panel that tracks in two axes like the panel in this mod I looked at the config files and I understand how it works on that end but I can't seem to get it to work no matter how I set up my model. I can get one pivot to track on one axis and the other to track on the other axis but combining the two doesn't seem to work.

This is how the config is structured

[B]​[/B]PART { name = suncatcher
module = Part
author = Nycidian

model = KnomicLimited/KarbonFiber/Models/suncatcher

position = 0.0, 0.0, 0
scale = 1,1,1
rotation = 0, 0, 0
rescaleFactor = 1.0

TechRequired = composites
entryCost = 2500
cost = 250
category = Structural
subcategory = 0
title = TBD
manufacturer = Knomic Limited
description = TBD

attachRules = 1,1,1,0,0

mass = 0.01
dragModelType = default
maximum_drag = 0.05
minimum_drag = 0.01
angularDrag = 2
crashTolerance = 3
maxTemp = 3000
breakingForce = 400
breakingTorque = 600
name = ModuleDeployableSolarPanel
sunTracking = true
raycastTransformName = panel1
pivotName = pivot1
isBreakable = false
resourceName = ElectricCharge
chargeRate = 0
key = 206000000000 0 0 0
key = 13599840256 1 0 0
key = 68773560320 0.5 0 0
key = 0 10 0 0

name = ModuleDeployableSolarPanel
sunTracking = true
raycastTransformName = panel2
pivotName = pivot2
isBreakable = false
resourceName = ElectricCharge
chargeRate = 0.75
key = 206000000000 0 0 0
key = 13599840256 1 0 0
key = 68773560320 0.5 0 0
key = 0 10 0 0

name = top
transform = node1
size = 0
method = FIXED_JOINT

name = bottom
transform = node0
size = 0
method = FIXED_JOINT


I have tried to set up the model in all sorts of different ways none of which worked.

The way I thought it should of worked was


  • pivot1
    • panel1
      • pivot2
        • panel2

I also tried


  • pivot1
  • panel1
    • panel2
    • pivot2


  • pivot1

  • panel2
  • pivot2


And many others but I can't seem to get it to work and unfortunately I can't seem to open the mu file in blender from the mod I linked to so I could get an idea of how they set up their model.

Any help would be appreciated

Edited by Nycidian
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When you are trying to configure dual-axis solar panels (which is actually an engine exploit), you should provide suncatchers and pivots for each AXIS, not for each PANEL. :wink:

Something like this.






RotativeCollar and Empty Object is what you should actually rotate as both panels have common axis and keep the same direction - there is no need for 3-rd suncatcher and config module.

And don't forget that your Rotative collar does not produce electricity. :sticktongue:

If that's not comprehensive enough - PM me again - will send you a blender file with working hierarchy.

BTW are you using Unity animation or imported (Blender, Maya, etc.) animation for panel deployment? If it's Unity - plz PM me when you finish... Maybe your part won't have that nasty animation bug my part have...

Edited by Dr. Jet
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