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Ok, so maaaaaybe I might be working on something again.


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... but no promises! Just happened across a Scott Manley video where he talks about a one hour munar mission challenge or something. And he built a large ship.

It got me thinking. Why one hour? Could it be done in fifty minutes? Forty? Thirty? Can I hit the Mun with a direct, high speed ballistic trajectory? What if I accelerate as hard as I can halfway there, do a 180, and spend the whole rest of the way decelerating? Can I do this? Should I do this?

It occurs to me that I haven't even played since they changed the VAB.

I've got a lot of catching up to do. I suspect.

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  Seshins said:
subscribed. Why the hiatus? Just needed a break? I havent played in any meaningful way for months now. Waiting for 1.0

I was sitting here with the VAB open and saying to myself, "Now what?" Couldn't think of anything. For months. Sneak peek at what I'm doing now...


Not really FOR anything, just pretty much getting used to things. And making sure my engineering chops are still up to snuff.

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Nice ship in there. My first launcher to Duna used girders like that. I wasn't expecting it to work (thought the girders would break from the liftoff/acceleration forces). But I made it to Duna with my rover !

Pretty sure your craft is solid... especially since it's well strutted =)

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I've decided to cheese out and go vegetable. The biggest asparagus I've ever done. The build demands it, really. I'm going for a constant boost ship that will have engines firing the entire trip.

Already cutting metal on prototypes.

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Ok, update. I'm not gonna go for efficient. Or sensible. This build demands spectacle. To the shock and surprise of absolutely no one, I've decided to go big with this build.

Asparagus. Large tank stacks. And here's my engine cluster I've designed, thanks to the magic power of clipping parts together. No, did it plain with the editor and careful rotation and design. No cheat menu for teh 'Whack. Never.


This engine cluster contains twenty four LFB KR-1x2 engines, for a total of 48,000 thrust per cluster. Each "rocket" in the vegetable carousel will have one.

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  MalfunctionM1Ke said:
No clipping, pls :(

Even if these engine clusters let me take a stack of eleven of the largest tanks and accelerate them to 3,300 m/s straight from the pad?


#EDIT: If I do this right I might very well be able to land on the Mun and return in under a half hour mission time.

#EDIT2: You know what? Ok. No clipping. Let's do this the harder way!

Edited by Whackjob
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  Foxster said:
So, you clipped a bunch of engines together. So what?

*shrugs* Maybe nothing. Maybe something. Maybe something that will careen out of control and then that something will become nothing. So basically we're talking standard Kerbal things on a Kerbal forum. Perhaps you were expecting something different, here?

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  Whackjob said:
*shrugs* Maybe nothing. Maybe something. Maybe something that will careen out of control and then that something will become nothing. So basically we're talking standard Kerbal things on a Kerbal forum. Perhaps you were expecting something different, here?

Why would I have expectations?

Since the restrictions on clipping were removed and the introduction of the VAB/SPH move/align tools in 0.9, its now easy to make silly spacecraft that can do 'anything'. The challenge is now to do 'anything' in a realistic looking/behaving way, without clipping a bunch of bits together.

So, to expand on my previous comment: You could clip a hundred or a thousand massless engines together and fly to the Mun in 1 minute, but so what?

Edited by Foxster
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