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While others in my country are still suffering one of the most brutal winters on record, I am fortunate to live where we have had amazingly warm weather.

I just got out for my first hike of the season yesterday with my wife and dogs to the foothills of the mountains nearby. We hiked about about 7 km total, and had amazing views of the snow covered mountain tops from the ridge we climbed up to. There were a number of ice-covered stretches on the path, but with our trusty walking sticks we navigated those, as well as dealing with the inevitable mud because the ice was turning to slush very quickly. The dogs acted like they hadn't had a real walk in months.

I still can't believe we hiked in the foothills in March. I once again renewed my appreciation for some of the relatively unspoilt beauty which I am fortunate is near to where I live. I didn't even think about rockets or space until just before Squadcast. The dogs have only moved to eat and go outside a couple of times since we got back.

My sympathies to all those dealing with terrible weather, wherever they may live.

Happy landings!

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Wisconsin got about one week of nice weather, which was amazing. There was wind, but it wasn't cold! Then just a couple days ago we got a few more inches of snow. That all has melted by now, but it is still really flipping freezing. :(

I hear ya, it got nice here for a week or so, in the 60's, could walk around outside with just a short sleeve shirt and pants on. I was looking forward to the mud drying out and being able to walk around outside and take pictures since I don't like taking pictures in the cold (I can't have gloves on to operate my camera so my hands freeze up if I do it for more than 5 mins). I did get my hard ground back but now it's terribly cold!

Although, we only got just a ground cover of snow here, not a few inches. Thank goodness for that.

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No spring for us here on the other side of the pond (Southern Finland) - cloudy or rainy and a few degrees celsius above zero. It's like autumn all over again. We've had some warm days but the weather forecast predicts mostly rain, sleet and thunderstorms for the next month and a half.

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I hear ya, it got nice here for a week or so, in the 60's, could walk around outside with just a short sleeve shirt and pants on. I was looking forward to the mud drying out and being able to walk around outside and take pictures since I don't like taking pictures in the cold (I can't have gloves on to operate my camera so my hands freeze up if I do it for more than 5 mins). I did get my hard ground back but now it's terribly cold!

Although, we only got just a ground cover of snow here, not a few inches. Thank goodness for that.

Yeah, definitely we should be thankful. But I just want it to warm up so I can go biking! ;.;

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It's raining here this morning, which is almost unheard of.

Normally, around here in March either it snows, or it doesn't snow. There is no rain.

It's actually really good that it's raining. Without the snow cover it has been getting very dry and dusty lately. And my wife is a gardener, so the rain is making her happy.:)

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Wyoming is starting to warm up a tad, but in true Wyoming fashion it's doing so too darn fast! Today is supposed to have a temperature of 70 degrees (Fahrenheit) where I am right now. Whew.

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Yeah, definitely we should be thankful. But I just want it to warm up so I can go biking! ;.;

I want it to warm up to. On the plus side, though I HAVE been finding some neat things to do with my camera inside. This isn't an edit, just a TV in a pitch black room, although I DID edit it to get rid of something that I forgot to turn off and that screwed up the shot. Still the TV effect isn't an edit.:


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