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It's almost been a year, but I'm back!


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Hey, welcome back! The family always sticks together, eh? :)

Now we are in beta, version 0.90, and the full release (1.0) has been confirmed. Many new features in this massive update will be resources you can mine and transfer into fuel, scanning equipment, female Kerbals (the main one being named Valentina), tons of nerfs and upgrades for current parts, and much more.

However, this update has been very controversial due to the fact 1.0's confirmation came out of nowhere. I was very surprised too, and many of us suspected there could be a monetary incentive at work here making the dev team quicken the release of KSP. In response Squad has said there is nothing making them rush and that all of this is on their own time.

The changes between 0.23 and 0.90 are absolutely monumental in size, so I suggest looking each individual version up on the wiki. It's been worth it though, and KSP is awesome as ever!

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Hey, welcome back! The family always sticks together, eh? :)

Now we are in beta, version 0.90, and the full release (1.0) has been confirmed. Many new features in this massive update will be resources you can mine and transfer into fuel, scanning equipment, female Kerbals (the main one being named Valentina), tons of nerfs and upgrades for current parts, and much more.

However, this update has been very controversial due to the fact 1.0's confirmation came out of nowhere. I was very surprised too, and many of us suspected there could be a monetary incentive at work here making the dev team quicken the release of KSP. In response Squad has said there is nothing making them rush and that all of this is on their own time.

The changes between 0.23 and 0.90 are absolutely monumental in size, so I suggest looking each individual version up on the wiki. It's been worth it though, and KSP is awesome as ever!

I knew there was a lot. I'm interested in making some military-esque whatevers. But I'll obviously have to scrap most of my old designs.

Also, I noticed someone made a tool that I've been wanted since I first joined, 2 years ago; one that allows you to create 3D models of your craft... has anyone tried 3D printing one yet?

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Still insane as ever?

(As in, your ship designs... no offence intended! :P)

I've been busy and elsewhere also, lately, and recently came back to do things, also. Still big stuff. Been distracted by a new significant other. She likes ponies.

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Also, I noticed someone made a tool that I've been wanted since I first joined, 2 years ago; one that allows you to create 3D models of your craft... has anyone tried 3D printing one yet?

Using that plugin, no. But Squad announced a collaboration with Eucled to allow you to submit your craft, and if the correct guidelines are followed your craft will be printed, albeit at around $100-$200.

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Moving this to Welcome Aboard, as messages announcing your arrival and / or return really belong there :)

At any rate, glad to see another returning veteran!

Yes, that's reasonable. I mostly put it in general because I was asking what's changed, but alright.

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So, after almost a year, I come back. I'm assuming many new people are here, so hi, I'm your local turtle, but anyways, what's changed since about .23 (I think?) that I should know of?

But yeah, good to be back.

Well me back good to see you the career mode is the biggest change with contracts and money and the parts from space planes plus have been added and with that some plane parts have been updated and or changed eg flaps.

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