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Official 1.0 MEGA Hype Thread!


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wait, are those not the reworked stock plane parts added in .25 or .90?

No, it's mostly KW rocketry parts, and the ancient Mk3 parts for the caboose.

That was for either the release of 0.24 or the release of 0.25 an would have been done in the version immediately before (so 0.23.5 or 0.24.x ..)

In any case, it was a while ago. I actually made part of a new hypetrain after that, but became de-hyped and never finished it. My willingness to make hypetrains in KSP is directly proportional to how hyped I am.

I'm hoping the devnotes and any squadcast stuff will raise my hype level enough to make a new train in 0.90, for 1.0, as it should be a lot easier now with the new controls.

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No, it's mostly KW rocketry parts, and the ancient Mk3 parts for the caboose.

That was for either the release of 0.24 or the release of 0.25 an would have been done in the version immediately before (so 0.23.5 or 0.24.x ..)

In any case, it was a while ago. I actually made part of a new hypetrain after that, but became de-hyped and never finished it. My willingness to make hypetrains in KSP is directly proportional to how hyped I am.

I'm hoping the devnotes and any squadcast stuff will raise my hype level enough to make a new train in 0.90, for 1.0, as it should be a lot easier now with the new controls.

Ah , thanks for the clarification. :)

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Well we are at over 70 posts so far today. We should easily clear the low bar of 105. Also release day may add many many pages if it goes the way I think it will and people camp out waiting for the release announcement.

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And im on vacation out of the country for a week starting April 29th... must - not - cancel - flight...

I told my coworker I will be going on a holiday next week. I might be physically present at the job, but my mind will be ... elsewhere... refining KSP designs...

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