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Official 1.0 MEGA Hype Thread!


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Chrome shows images for me. However the store page has the Kerbal with a white background while the main website shows a Kerbal with a space background.

I'm telling you every other minute it keeps flipping back and forth between text and images.

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That is brilliant! Have some rep!

I'm using https://code.google.com/p/irssi-libnotify/source/browse/notify.pl so Irssi will send a desktop notification if there is a word that /hilight highlights, in this case KSP.

In the other end, I've modified my dota 2 auto acceptor:

import glib
import dbus
from dbus.mainloop.glib import DBusGMainLoop
import subprocess
messagelist = []

def notifications(bus, message):
messagelist = [arg for arg in message.get_args_list()]
print messagelist
if dbus.String(u'Kerbal Space Program') in messagelist:
print 'match founded'
subprocess.call(['mplayer', 'taking the hobbits to isengard-uE-1RPDqJAY.mp3'])


bus = dbus.SessionBus()
bus.add_match_string_non_blocking("eavesdrop=true, interface='org.freedesktop.Notifications', member='Notify'")

mainloop = glib.MainLoop()
print 'Dota 2 Auto Accepter armed'

so it will play some sounds if it detects a desktop notification containing KSP. Now I can do my homeworks now

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Chrome shows images for me. However the store page has the Kerbal with a white background while the main website shows a Kerbal with a space background.

I'm ctrl+F5ng on both browsers on both pages and no background OR image.

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41 pages and we will have broken the hype-barrier

anything could happen then

like maybe the release of 1.0

not that I'm saying Squad is waiting for this to happen

but I'm not going to not say that either

also, it has been the 28th for the poor people of Kiribati for almost 4 hours

Edited by Invader Myk
a full page filled in the time it took me to write and post this
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Shove the hypecoal into the hypecontainer, and make the hype train hype! Hallelujah!

I've always been confused by this, is it a hype-steam train or a hype-diesel train? Or is it one of those newer hype-hybrid locomotives that runs on hype-tears and hype-hope?

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I've always been confused by this, is it a hype-steam train or a hype-diesel train? Or is it one of those newer hype-hybrid locomotives that runs on hype-tears and hype-hope?

It accepts all sorts of hype. Even junk hype like the delorian.

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I've always been confused by this, is it a hype-steam train or a hype-diesel train? Or is it one of those newer hype-hybrid locomotives that runs on hype-tears and hype-hope?

It's a hype rocket fuel steam train. Duh.

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I've always been confused by this, is it a hype-steam train or a hype-diesel train? Or is it one of those newer hype-hybrid locomotives that runs on hype-tears and hype-hope?

Can't it be both at the same time?

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I've always been confused by this, is it a hype-steam train or a hype-diesel train? Or is it one of those newer hype-hybrid locomotives that runs on hype-tears and hype-hope?

Actually I heard it runs on F5-fuel.

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