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Official 1.0 MEGA Hype Thread!


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*casually places hand near the brake lever*

Would be a shame to remove the Plaid Factor 4.63 velocity, wouldn't it?

Nah, JK. It's fine.

*hypetrain immediately causes nuclear sized explosion from trying to stop at these speeds.

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Hi guys! This is my first post ever, what a better occasion than the mega hype thread!! I'm taking all the remaining tickets for the hype train, chooo choo!!!

May the hype flow through you.

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<br>I feel lucky, 0.24 was the first version I saw (I joined at 0.23.5), so I thought you guys did this with <em>every </em>update <img src="images/smilies/k_wink.gif" border="0" alt="" title="Wink" smilieid="27" class="inlineimg">

EDIT: Umm.

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I wish i knew when they were releasing also. I would pull an all-nighter if I knew the game was coming out at midnight. Aint no party like a hype-train party, cus a hype-train party don't stop!!

Or at least, until the release.

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