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Radio wave from space matching with mathematical pattern


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Nothing to be that excited about I think. The article itself says that small sample size could be cause for bias and cites several possible causes that have nothing to do with alien civilizations. And even if it were alien civilization, as kerbiloid already indicated, that signal comes from several billion lightyears away, which means it was sent several billion years ago. If it was alien life that created it, it is almost certainly already long extinct.

Sample bias or simply an unknown or unexpected phenomenon is far more likely I think.

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The article says the odds of it happening by chance are 5 in 10000. Study the whole sky and you expect to see freak events, and those aren't particularly low odds. But its definitely worth keeping an eye on, it could be a random chance, it could be a distant star system which lines up in a patter, it could be the attention getting header of an alien version of the Arecibo message.

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This article holds no meaning at all, and even says so right in the article. Two sentences, one at the beginning and one at the end :

Highly energetic, these radio pulses seem to be coming from a distance of several billion light years.

I could say the Earth seems flat, that doesn't mean it is.

However, five new radio bursts not included in Hippke’s study do not fit this mathematical pattern.

I can find patterns in any random event so long as I ignore the data that doesn't fit the pattern.

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