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Greenfield Industries - Spacers (release)


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this is my first add on for KSP, after i couldn\'t find any spacers parts i went and made these, there modified versions of fuel tanks. there avalible in two sizes a large size and a small size. Both are included in the attached file.


unzip and place in your parts folder.


large Size


Small Size

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Could you make a set of radially attachable conterweights? They\'d be really useful for balancing asymmetrical rockets (my Energia doesn\'t fly straight without a very heavy engine stuck on it\'s back, which is messing up it\'s appearance).

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That, or make one with 1 mass unit and a second one with 10 mass units. If you make them small, it should be possible to stick however many are needed.

In general, conterweights should only be used to bring the ship to the point where SAS and thruster gimbaling can stabilize it.

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