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An art installation that reminds me of KSP

Mister Dilsby

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Went to Massachusetts Museum of Contemporary Art (Mass MOCA) today, and though you all might like this exhibit. It's called "All Utopias Fell", and it looks very much to me like a crashed Kerbal spaceship (modded, of course):



You can see the solar panels of course and the collapsed parachutes (which are, apparently, persistent in this version). The interior was closed today, but I've been inside before and it's freaky. Exploring it you can find notebooks and other left-behind items that give some clues of who built the spaceship, why, and how it came to crash where it did. More on the art here: http://www.massmoca.org/event_details.php?id=547

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I went to a Beck concert there last summer and saw that thing! Small world.


(Jason Faulkner and Roger Manning Jr. from the band Jellyfish are in Beck's touring band, I hung around for an autograph)

Edited by klesh
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That's awesome klesh! I remember some friends of mine going to that concert too. Old school cassette for the win!

Did you get to go inside the ship? First time I saw it was with my wife & kids. We stopped for a picnic after the drive from NY and noticed the ship "crashed" up in the catwalk. We hadn't been inside yet or read anything about it so we didn't know what it was or if it was even part of the museum. So my daughter and I climbed up and explored it, not quite sure whether we were supposed to. Going inside and finding the abandoned instruments, notebooks etc we started to piece together the backstory. It was really neat to discover the whole thing for ourselves without any meta-explanation.

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That's awesome klesh! I remember some friends of mine going to that concert too. Old school cassette for the win!

I bought that cassette in 1990 as a 12yr old and was determined that that is what I wanted signed. Jason Faulkner and I had a good laugh when I took it out; he was surprised to see the 24 yr old cassette tape. The groups were going to check out the art museum after the show. Also of note was that I was standing next to the opening act Sean Lennon for awhile (I don't really go for his stuff, so I didn't want to ask for his autograph just because of who his parents are) after the show, and he is very short and thin. He was looking like Hey Jude era John Lennon with long hair and a beard. It was very odd, because in the evening light one could very easily mistake him for a diminutive JL. Please ask your friends if they thought the show was too bass-heavy. I was up close and it was chest-explodingly loud.

I didn't really get to check out the exhibits much, other than walking past that one. There was zillions of people all over and I was more concerned with elbowing my way up close to see my fav guys doing their performance. I live on the east coast of MA, so its hours and hours of driving to go back, but definitely worth it. What a cool venue.

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