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When do you think 1.0 will be released?


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April 30th. I said that the day Experimentals was announced, felt no need to revise it when Experimentals was announced a second time, and still feel no need to revise it now that Maxmaps announced that they're dropping features to get it out in time.

Though honestly that last one gave me pause, making me think maybe they're going for some time in the next week or two.

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Well, I already said my opinion, but there was a thing that is bugging me from yesterday Squadcast. Maxmaps said, after aerobraking a asteroid on Kerbin and dropping a unshielded ship in steep dive onto Kerbin, that the episode was a fitting goodbye to the old atmo. Supposing that he wasn't being hyperbolic, that would mean that next Squadcast would not have the old atmo ...

But yeah, I'm really not expecting it to be released this week :D

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You have a link to the source? I'm interested
I must have missed this, where was it announced?
Tier 0 buildings (the Barn) - you recall they're being redesigned to a higher standard? Well, it's such a big redesign that, not 100% sure but, it maaaaay be that they don't appear in 1.0. If that's the case, they'll be in the update after 1.0 for sure.

Also, there's the hinted-at-but-then-suspiciously-never-mentioned-again Schmelta-Schmee.

Granted, "The Barn" isn't exactly a FEATURE so much as an ASSET but still, it implies they're rushing.

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Also, there's the hinted-at-but-then-suspiciously-never-mentioned-again Schmelta-Schmee.

Maxmaps said specifically two Squadcasts ago that the delta-V meter was to be postponed to after 1.0 because they were not going to be able to flesh it out in time.

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While one could criticize Squad for seeming to "rush" to meet a ship date (with this news of dropped or delayed features,) at the same time I think they should be complimented for not sacrificing their quality goals for those features, in order to meet a ship date.

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While one could criticize Squad for seeming to "rush" to meet a ship date (with this news of dropped or delayed features,) at the same time I think they should be complimented for not sacrificing their quality goals for those features, in order to meet a ship date.

hmmm... Agreed, but isn't dropping a feature the same as sacrificing quality ? (somehow) But then even if the shmelta-vee reader and the barn don't make it in 1.0, they are only delayed, so we cannot complain, we are gonna get them anyway :D

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Also, there's the hinted-at-but-then-suspiciously-never-mentioned-again Schmelta-Schmee.
Maxmaps said specifically two Squadcasts ago that the delta-V meter was to be postponed to after 1.0 because they were not going to be able to flesh it out in time.

Aha. I did not see/read/hear that. Nice to know. So add that to the list of dropped things, implying a nearer release date.

While one could criticize Squad for seeming to "rush" to meet a ship date (with this news of dropped or delayed features,) at the same time I think they should be complimented for not sacrificing their quality goals for those features, in order to meet a ship date.

I agree with Hcube here. For 0.90, I would have much rather had the gameplay enhancements due to 5 full tiers of each building, than 3 perfectly crafted tiers of buildings with huge jump in benefits for each tier. Especially because we got neither ;)

Of course, 1.0 is different than 0.90 so for that I expect the full number of tiers of well crafted buildings. And we'll probably not get either of those, either.

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On September 12, 2022 , Squad made the infamous release date speech:

"We choose to finish version 1.0 . We choose to finish version 1.0 in this decade and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard, because that goal will serve to organize and measure the best of our energies and skills, because that challenge is one that we are willing to accept, one we are unwilling to postpone, and one which we intend to win, and the others, too."

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Me 2, but, typo? I was expecting just one new tier, a new foundation for the three in v.90.

I don't have a link but I distinctly recall them saying there would eventually be 5 total tiers. The barn was the first of these and the sandbox space center the 5th. They only had time for 2 new tiers in 0.90 but would add the other 2 later.

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@5thHorseman: ok... how long ago, do you think? I started looking, and found this..., suggesting ideas for upgradable buildings go "way back." Another intermediate upgrade tier could be on the same level of possibility as GP2.

...upgrading facilities. This was something we gave a LOT of thought to. It’s one of the oldest planned features, so there were mentions of possible upgrade effects even in the earliest design notes, from almost 4 years ago.
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@5thHorseman: ok... how long ago, do you think? I started looking, and found this..., suggesting ideas for upgradable buildings go "way back." Another intermediate upgrade tier could be on the same level of possibility as GP2.

I thought it was in the same announcement where they showed the barn, but maybe it was before that. Not significantly so, though.

Looking through Google for a bit, I think I saw "3-5 tiers" and assumed that meant "5 tiers." The current 3 tiers actually fit the original idea, so I guess we could consider the barn an "extra" tier.

But really I think the progression is far too granular. It needs to be a bit smoother (and appropriately less expensive).

Edited by 5thHorseman
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Given that this thread has been allowed to continue, I suspect they have a release date.

Allowing these threads is part of the hype machine we see prior to every update. It helps with google search. They don't start the hype machine until they have an internal date picked. It may be tentative, but I believe we are in countdown. (As if there was ever any doubt about things. Squad's business cycle is no mystery.)

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@5thHorseman: Cool. I think the numbers came from players. (Also, it could get confused with Kerbal skill levels - five there.) I re-read the entire "barn raising / razing" thread, and didn't find a Squad source for the idea, no one was correcting these speculations:

#9 - "... how many stages will the upgradability be in (I imagine 3-5 for start) "

#103 - "What do the other tiers look like, apparently we have 3-5 per building..."

#191 - "this is only 1 level of the 5 (or is it 6?) different levels of KSC."

@Sandworm: Oh yes, they have a release date in mind. ;) Maxmaps has been policing himself hard to keep from leaking it, in the last couple squadcasts.

We listened to you guys, and decided to further extend our test cycle to make sure that release date is... Agh! Here's the thing... it kinda sucks that I can't tell you WHEN it is gonna be...
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On September 12, 2022 , Squad made the infamous release date speech:

"We choose to finish version 1.0 . We choose to finish version 1.0 in this decade and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because we are lazy, because that goal will never be achieved with very little of our energies and skills, because that challenge is one that we are willing to decline, one we are willing to postpone, and one which we intend to lose, and the money, too."

I fixed it for you.

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Whoops - guess reading the news is a good thing from time to time, eh?

Microsoft announced on Wednesday that they had acquired Squad from Electro Chango S.A. de C.V. for 21.2 billion pesos (about 1.4B USD), and will be postponing the release of KSP 1.0 indefinitely, until such a time as they can complete porting it over to the X-Bone console, as an X-Bone exclusive.

Satya Nadella, the CEO of Microsoft, said that the delays were due to porting the game to a new engine, and also figuring out how to get around the lack of mouse control. "We're thinking of going 2D, like SimpleRockets, only we're changing fuel tanks such that they never empty, they only have a maximum flow rate..that way, we'll be able to broaden the market appeal of the game, as any design will be able to fly anywhere, assuming it has enough engines. Also, we're getting rid of the inverse-square gravity fall-off, as we feel it's unrealistic. And upgrading the terrible graphics to UltraHD next gen. Lots of brown and grey. And lens flares. Can't forget those. Our team has already made a prismatic 196-element intra-reflection lens flare in Full HD. It's a sight to behold. Anyhow, we have no solid release date at this time, but look for it in 2017 or 2018. Possibly after the KSP movie is finished."

Microsoft's legal division also noted that they have applied for 138 patents relating to rocket-based games, rocketry, orbiting, space, spaceship construction, little green men, explosions, docking, space planes, fuel lines, and space duct tape, and warn other competitors to "put out or get out" -- that is, paying the fifty million dollar licensing fee (with a generous 25% net profit charge), or abandoning all development on similar games.

...not really. But I'm feeling evil.


I stand by my Glorious First of June guess~

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