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can't return to capsule

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i've landed on tylo but i can't get back to capsule now because ladders that are connected with capsule are little bit too high, and jetpack can't lift me at all because of strong gravity.

is there any way to reach the ladders and get back to capsule, or edit my ship, i mean pull the ladders down?

please help.

thanks in advance!


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If you're okay with craft editing, why not just use LALT+F12 to open the debug menu and turn off gravity for a few seconds? ;)

I would personally not recommend craft editing. Save file editing in and of itself is risky enough. Craft editing however has always lead to "rapid unplanned disassembly" for me. If you really want to try I suggest giving your ship a unique name (otherwise it can be hard to find in the save fail) then quicksave and switch to desktop. Find your KSP directory and BACKUP YOUR SAVE FOLDER. I cannot emphasize this enough as lack of doing so has ruined multiple savegames for me.

Now, goto gamedata-->Squad-->Parts and then look for the ladder since you need to know the name by wich the game references it. When you have that, open your quicksave file and search for the unique name. Then search for the ladder on that craft and change one of the positional values. Save changes and go back to KSP, reload and wonder why things are, or are not, exploding.

Alternatively you could use a method I came up to help someone else with, detailed [thread=115059]in this thread[/thread].

Hope I could help, all the best


Edited by TheXRuler
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Editing your craft after launch is a kind of cheating :P

If you want to do it legitly you will have to send a rescue mission, depends on your dedication I guess.

Oh, I'm not sure but I think ladders can be moved from IVA using [thread=92514]Kerbal Attachment System[/thread].

In stock, as in real life, there is no way to edit your vessel once you have launched. You could of course try launching very gently and hope he clings on.

Tipp: Dunno if you did this, but it is possible to extend ladders in the VAB, maybe preventing this problem in the future.

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Editing your craft after launch is a kind of cheating :P

If you want to do it legitly you will have to send a rescue mission, depends on your dedication I guess.

Oh, I'm not sure but I think ladders can be moved from IVA using [thread=92514]Kerbal Attachment System[/thread].

With KAS, you can grab the ladders and re-place them wherever you want. Theoretically, you could grab one ladder (so your Kerb is carrying it on his back), then climb the one that's still there, and at the top, attach the next ladder where you can transition to it. Once on the next ladder, grab the one before it, climb, then place it down, etc. etc.

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KAS! That was my idea too.

Pick up the bottom ladder and place it between the other two. In theory that should work. If the gap is still too wide just pick up the other ladder and leapfrog.


Now that I think of it. I have an even better KAS solution. Pick up the bottom ladder and place it upside down above the one your standing on. Guaranteed it will reach the top ladder.

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If you press shift and a direction, the Kerbal will look in that direction. If, while doing this, you hit space, he will jump in that direction.

So you can try shift-w + space, followed very quickly by f to grab onto the next ladder.

Some caveats:

  • I'm not sure if this works for looking up.
  • Even if it does, I'm not sure if he'll jump high enough.
  • Even if he does, I bear no responsibility if he misses the next ladder, falls to the ground and dies.

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^ Make sure to record the attempts, because the deaths will be hilarious. Colour me a pessimist, but that looks like Tylo (the only grey moon with high enough gravity to overcome jetpack power) and the ladders are way too far.

Everything you can do to remedy the situation is going to be more or less cheating. I'd personally just go with hack gravity and test ladders on Kerbin next time.

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Any chance you also have a probe core on the vessel? If so, you could (gently) lift off the ground a few hundred meters while your kerbonaut is holding onto the top of the ladder, then shut off the engines and jetpack your kerbonaut up to the next ladder while the vessel is falling (i.e. in weightless conditions), then quickly fire the engines back up to ensure a smooth landing.

... or for that matter, just finish the surface mission and take off back into orbit with him hanging on the ladder, then get him back inside the capsule later.

BTW I often stick a probe core on vessels undertaking long or complex missions precisely to allow more contingency options in case the need ever arises.

Edited by Yakky
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In all honesty, this would be an exception that I'd make regarding cheats. Just by looking at the picture, I can see that the Kerbal should be able to stand on the highest rung of the ladder, reeeeeaaaach and just barely be able to grab the next ladder. To simulate this, hack the gravity and get him on the ladder. Then unhack the gravity and just say he reached real hard for that ladder.

Now if there weren't any ladders at all, then I'd say you dun goofed and need to send a rescue mission. But as it stands, it's riiiight there.


Alternatively, you might be able to jump onto those lights depending on how much gravity there is (never been to Tylo). You could maybe jump onto the light and then from there try to jump onto the uppermost ladder.

Edited by Greenfire32
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You may not like this one, but... from the top of the ladder is he close enough to manually fire one of the radial decouplers? Maybe you can unbalance the craft enough to get it to tip over that way, which might bring the capsule close enough to the ground to get him back inside.

Of course it might also just blow up your entire ship, and even if it doesn't, you're probably stranded on the surface in an unflyable craft at that point. But at least your intrepid astronaut gets back inside the capsule to where his snacks are.

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Everyone has to decide this for themselves, but IMO hacking/editing/cheating to fix a problem like this is OK. If you need an in-game justification, say he stacked up enough surface samples to stand and reach the next rung. Then yeah, test your ladders next time :) For high-grav worlds it's a good idea to hyperedit to surface in sandbox and test there.

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