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What Are Things You've Heard That Made You Facepalm?


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"What? Those aren't editing programs!"


- A classmate

A question from a beginning of the year textbook "scavenger hunt":

"What are the four subjects we'll be learning about this year?"

Me: Physics, Geology, Ecology, [Chemistry]-(I actually forgot to write this one in)

Teacher: Nope; Motion, Earth science, Interaction between organisms(or something along those lines).

(This OP was only acknowledging that this is stupid, so I think it's an exception to rule 3):http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/128469-Curiosity-Rover-finds-something-%28photo%29

I told a different teacher(paraphrasing): "We're killing off other creatures, but It's just natural selection. They weren't fit enough to survive. We're just a part of the ecosystem."

That teacher: "There's nothing natural about us driving them to extinction"

But then again, he was a physics teacher, not an ecologist (I am a physicist type as well, but take some interest in other subjects well)

...And a meme I made in 2013, but never posted:


Something that I found:


Not to mention one of my least favourites:

"Chemical Free" and "Organic"

Edit: Oh, how could I forget about anti-vaccination people?

Edit2: ...And that "Charlie Charlie" bos tauros feces.

Edit3: "What's Obama's last name?"

Anti-Evolutionists - "If we came from monkeys, why are there still monkeys?" - No explanation needed

Eco-Activists - "We're destroying nature" - Nature goes on. We should take care of it because we'll die if we don't, not for just for the sake of it

A person who rented out the guest house uploading videos illegally without seeding.

Edit4: Whoops, and Flat-Earthers

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If there are lots of satellites in Earth orbit, why dont they collide the Moon or the other planets?

Shouldnt the tiny Venus fall back to Earth if a big satellite collides it?

Where does the rest of the rockets other than the payload go?

If some countries have the Sun going up earlier does it mean there is like, one Sun for each timezone?

My friend, just a few minutes ago.

At least he knows a tiny bit and isnt that ignorant..

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...And a meme I made in 2013, but never posted:


Something that I found:


Not to mention one of my least favourites:

"Chemical Free" and "Organic"

Edit: Oh, how could I forget about anti-vaccination people?

Edit2: ...And that "Charlie Charlie" bos tauros feces.

Edit3: "What's Obama's last name?"

Anti-Evolutionists - "If we came from monkeys, why are there still monkeys?" - No explanation needed

Eco-Activists - "We're destroying nature" - Nature goes on. We should take care of it because we'll die if we don't, not for just for the sake of it


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This channel.

+rep to whoever manages to watch all of its videos and come out intact.

Have a sample:


zelda is a ripoff from minecraft

I think a significant portion of my brain cells just died.

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"It was a controlled demolition"

Really.... do they know how much work it takes to set up a controlled demolition, how many weeks of preparation. All those workers, just ignored the suspicious looking workmen drilling into the wall in the photocopy room. Nobody complained to the OH&S committee that all the wires running along the floor of the office were a trip hazard?

And something as precisely coordinated as a controlled demolition couldn't possibly be disrupted in any way by flying an actual airliner into the thousands of metres of cables, and tonnes of explosives you'd need to pull it off.

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And something as precisely coordinated as a controlled demolition couldn't possibly be disrupted in any way by flying an actual airliner into the thousands of metres of cables, and tonnes of explosives you'd need to pull it off.

Especially since the collapse started where the plane hit. So obviously they made the explosives out of the stuff they make the black box from, for an open mind there can be no other possible explanation.*

*The open mind comment is an actual comment made by a serial face palmer. However it was about a different topic though, the name has been withheld to protect the stupid.

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There's obscene images involving New Horizons and Pluto on the internet.

(pluto rule34, there's a friggin image of NH banging pluto) IF YOU'RE QUOTING ERASE THIS PART

I literally feel dead inside. The hell did I just see.

How does that even work?!

Don't answer that. Please, don't.

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Someone: The government is wasting money, they give 80% to NASA, and 10% is given away to anyone who quit their job; more should be used on the military.

My thoughts: Less than 2%, probably less, and at least 40%... Why do they think Nasa has not done every proposed project?

Me: Why should the military get any more money?

Someone else: Do think wars are bad?! Because if you do [cussing taken out].


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"I'm sick of these 'Pluto images'. As if a craft came there and precisely hit the spot where the planet would be in nine years. First of all, 'Space' is an imaginary thing invented by 'scientists' to hide the existence of God and to convince people there's something above Him. This morning I was talking to padre Miro who explained they watched footages and that you can see it was all done in a studio, and now someone is trying to show a craft went there. Pathetic attempt of atheists to deny existence of Lord and show themselves as allmighty.

When Son of Human comes, will he find faith on earth? Luke, 18,9

Stop with these lies and admit you're tiny and insignificant compared to the Allmighty. God bless you."

One of the Facebook comments I've translated to English. Seems the dude is not trolling.

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"I'm sick of these 'Pluto images'. As if a craft came there and precisely hit the spot where the planet would be in nine years. First of all, 'Space' is an imaginary thing invented by 'scientists' to hide the existence of God and to convince people there's something above Him. This morning I was talking to padre Miro who explained they watched footages and that you can see it was all done in a studio, and now someone is trying to show a craft went there. Pathetic attempt of atheists to deny existence of Lord and show themselves as allmighty.

When Son of Human comes, will he find faith on earth? Luke, 18,9

Stop with these lies and admit you're tiny and insignificant compared to the Allmighty. God bless you."

One of the Facebook comments I've translated to English. Seems the dude is not trolling.




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So as you probably know, the 14th of July was not only New Horizons' flyby of Pluto, but also the national day in France (wich happens to be my country)

And that famous """"singer""" (he's just an intellectually-challenged model) dude tweeted that :


Translation :

Duty of memory for the 70th anniversary of the Liberation of France. Hard facepalm

Well, the Karma comeback did happen : everyone is calling him a ...... on the internet

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so as you probably know, the 14th of july was not only new horizons' flyby of pluto, but also the national day in france (wich happens to be my country)

and that famous """"singer""" (he's just an intellectually-challenged model) dude tweeted that :


translation :

Duty of memory for the 70th anniversary of the liberation of france. hard facepalm

well, the karma comeback did happen : Everyone is calling him a ...... On the internet

vive la france!!!

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So as you probably know, the 14th of July was not only New Horizons' flyby of Pluto, but also the national day in France (wich happens to be my country)

And that famous """"singer""" (he's just an intellectually-challenged model) dude tweeted that :


Translation :

Duty of memory for the 70th anniversary of the Liberation of France. Hard facepalm

Well, the Karma comeback did happen : everyone is calling him a ...... on the internet

I remember the buzz about national holiday from my one-year exchange in France some seven-odd years ago. That thing must have backfired a lot...

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So as you probably know, the 14th of July was not only New Horizons' flyby of Pluto, but also the national day in France (wich happens to be my country)

And that famous """"singer""" (he's just an intellectually-challenged model) dude tweeted that :


Translation :

Duty of memory for the 70th anniversary of the Liberation of France. Hard facepalm

Well, the Karma comeback did happen : everyone is calling him a ...... on the internet

T'es même pas cap de te souvenir que le 14 juillet c'est une date de la révolution?

I would be ashamed if I were him, I'm not french but I know what the 14th July mean in the french history.

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