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What Are Things You've Heard That Made You Facepalm?


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  UnionPacific1983WP said:

This person's youtube channel. Someone needs to talk to whoever runs it.

The main problems I see with it:

1. They could improve voice acting.

2. Everyone hates that movie.

That channel belongs to a former forum user who got banned last year.


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On one of my teacher's classroom doors, there are post-it notes from one of her classes, listing their goals for the year.

One of them amused me, it read "I want to do well this year so I can walk acrossed the stage next year!"

If you wanna walk across the stage next year, I suggest you work on your English. :sticktongue:

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I facepalmed when some science-ish youtuber said that apollo hoaxers were wrong since with a medium-big telescope you can see the LEM. Urgh. The kind of unverified claim that actually has a negative effect and makes the right people look like idiots...

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A few weeks ago I had to ride home with my neighbors. The driver, a short old lady, after nearly running over 3 people in the parking lot, was swerving in and out of her lane without a signal in heavy traffic going well over the speed limit. As I sat in the back seat fearing for my life, a story came on the radio about self driving cars. The lady then look at her husband and said, "You hear that? What a world, I wouldn't trust a computer to drive me anywhere."

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  Special Agent Sigvan said:
Pretty much everything that my non-gamer friends have ever said about video games.

I pretty much face palm when i see someone put major life details on their facebook page and the go crazy when some tags a photo with them in it.

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I get super annoyed when I hear people in one of my classes making generalizations about trains. "All trains do is go forward and backward!" "All train horns sound like the Polar Express whistle!" And when I try to explain to them how wrong they are: "Blah blah blah, can't hear you, who cares..."

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  Red Iron Crown said:
At the risk of causing a facepalm, what is wrong with that statement?

I suppose cars only go forward and backward as well, it's just that they can change the current orientation of their "forward" and "backward" vectors independently of what the road surface is doing.

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  Yukon0009 said:
Teacher of mine said that WW2 only lasted a year.

Watching Jeopardy last night. Three contestants, all Americans, failed to give a correct response for "So-and-so ran against this sitting President in 1944." One said Truman (maybe forgivable), and one said Eisenhower (who was a little busy invading France that year), and I was facepalming so hard I missed what the third said.

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  UnionPacific1983WP said:
I get super annoyed when I hear people in one of my classes making generalizations about trains. "All trains do is go forward and backward!" "All train horns sound like the Polar Express whistle!" And when I try to explain to them how wrong they are: "Blah blah blah, can't hear you, who cares..."

I'm not an enthusiast of trains that much, but I can imagine the pain (more or less i've been repeatedly picked on because of my love of classical music and passenger airliners). Ignorants..

- - - Updated - - -

  Red Iron Crown said:
At the risk of causing a facepalm, what is wrong with that statement?

Not really stupid, but that's a rather.. extreme generalization of trains.

Trains do go forward and backward, but they do useful things in the process. Picking up passengers, unloading crew, and even hauling the Soyuz.

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To further elaborate, they don't just go "forwards and backwards." If they had said "The only go forwards and backwards on rails." they would've been more correct. The reason it's such an extreme generalization is because tracks aren't straight. They can go wherever the track builder wants them to go. Trains turn with the track, and can change tracks to change direction. They can turn around at turn around loops, or they can just kick it into reverse.

They can do a lot more than go "forward and backward."

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  Endersmens said:
Did the car weigh 100-250 tons? :sticktongue:

If a train only weighed 1.5 tons it could probably do it.

One thing for certain... I would not want to be around if trains could back flip. Could you imagine a series of movies like Fast and Furious but with trains?

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In derailments trains can travel sideways, not a good thing. When an aircraft is traveling sideways its a pretty good indication that a stall has progressed to a dead man's spiral, also not a good thing, when a ship is traveling up https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Texas_City_disaster or sideways generally not a good thing, unless its a pilot boat with https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Voith_Schneider_Propeller. The of course cars going sideways a general indicator of bad road conditions (ice, heavy winds or excessive speed and water, or driving through an active low water crossing). A launch rocket traveling sideways is a general indicator of a failed engine.

The soviet jets could travel all but bottom first in controlled stalls. Balloons can travel sideways however that is general not a valid consideration since they travel with the wind so the direction of travel would be the opposite of the wind direction. A modern blimps can travel sideways albeit inefficiently.

Sidewinders travel sideways.

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