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The I <3 the ROUND-8 Challenge!

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  GoSlash27 said:
Just goofing off.

Well it uses xenon so I hate it, but that looks like Starwhip's tank so I love it! And half a wing? Are you trying to start a "Save the v0.90 Aero Model" thread? ;)

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  Deddly said:
Am I the only one who has a sneaking suspicion that HarvesteR is trolling us [...]

It could be a marketing ploy; they'll let us stew for a week, bring the ROUND-8 back, then while we're all euphorically shouting "Yay! We did it!" they'll announce an exciting new partnership where we can buy ROUND-8 themed jewelry.

"3D printed ROUND-8 Earrings and Bracelet Charms--the set only $99, just in time for Mother's Day!!"

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  Kuzzter said:
Well it uses xenon so I hate it, but that looks like Starwhip's tank so I love it! And half a wing? Are you trying to start a "Save the v0.90 Aero Model" thread? ;)

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It could be a marketing ploy; they'll let us stew for a week, bring the ROUND-8 back, then while we're all euphorically shouting "Yay! We did it!" they'll announce an exciting new partnership where we can buy ROUND-8 themed jewelry.

"3D printed ROUND-8 Earrings and Bracelet Charms--the set only $99, just in time for Mother's Day!!"

There just needs to be an inflatable ROUND-8 bathing ring :D

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  Kuzzter said:
Well it uses xenon so I hate it, but that looks like Starwhip's tank so I love it! And half a wing? Are you trying to start a "Save the v0.90 Aero Model" thread? ;)

Actually, it's worse than that; I put this in the wrong thread :blush:

It's supposed to be in the "green energy challenge" which, in the spirit of solidarity for the Round-8, was expanded to include Starwhip's tank.

Sorry for the confusion,


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  Yukon0009 said:
Apollo style mun mission, god knows how many tanks.

Well done! Would you mind posting just a pic or two in the thread here, to inspire those too saddened by the loss of the ROUND-8 to click through?

I tried a Mun mission also but ~250 toroidally oscillating parts blew up my PC. So YOU, Yukon0009, go to the top of the "To Mun and Back in a Donut" category!

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Well, I just dug up this .craft which I had made a while back, and I have to say, it's pretty good... and surprisingly suited to this challenge!

This was a craft using some parts that nobody loved or cared about (as far as I knew of): the Mark 55 Radial-Mount engine, the covered solar panels, and of course the Round-8. I tried to make them into a lander with awesome, 'retro' looks. The result wasn't half bad!



I could probably improve upon this ship if I gave it another go, but I think that this lander does a good job showing the uses of the Round-8. I used it as 'portholes' and also put a short toroidal spring on the bottom to cushion the landing. It accounts for much of this craft's fuel and a lot of its looks as well!

Oh, and it's a much, much better case for the Round-8 than my previous, universe-destroying entry... :rolleyes:


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  UpsilonAerospace said:
Oh, and it's a much, much better case for the Round-8 than my previous, universe-destroying entry... :rolleyes:

That is a very, VERY nice looking lander. Unfortunately I think I can see some Oscar-Bs above the radial engines, which technically disqualifies the entry from the Challenge. However your use of the stacked ROUND-8 as a landing spring--a use for which NO OTHER PART WILL DO!--qualifies you to become a Knight of the Order of the Golden Toroid!

Edited by Kuzzter
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  Kuzzter said:
Unfortunately I think I can see some Oscar-Bs above the radial engines, which technically disqualified the entry from the Challenge.

This is the only tank allowed for this challenge?

I wanted to post a small lander i created for a duna mission, but it features an oscar-b inside the round8 ;.;

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  Octa said:
This is the only tank allowed for this challenge?

I wanted to post a small lander i created for a duna mission, but it features an oscar-b inside the round8 ;.;

Sorry, we don't have a lot of rules but we do have that one :( But if you can demonstrate a job No Other Tank Can Do, I'll put you on the Gatecrasher list and give you a medal!

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  Badsector said:
I want make my entry 8800 dv Round8 Eve Takeoff (near to stable orbit)

So close! Can he get the rest of the way on EVA pack? This could be the most epic ROUND-8 entry ever, if you didn't also use Oscars!

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  Badsector said:
Oscar are for fuel lines, and probably i have no other way for make them :(, but i want see if i'm able to improve for a full stable orbit

Use the octoganal struts- massless, about the size of an oscar-b, and fuel crossfeed enabled.

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Wow! I think if you went back to 8800 and got rid of the Oscars (changing to octagonal struts for your fuel lines, per Yukon) you should be able to get a stable Eve orbit. Just launch from a higher place, your first one was only 2000m and you can get much higher than that on Eve.

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  gigaboom2 said:
Everyone seems to have forgotten about the toriodal's dark secret. As it turns out, they are not actually hollow. A kerbal can not fall through them. (They can't fit walking)

Well of course they're not hollow. There's a pane of glass/transparent aluminum in there so you can use it as a porthole on a pressurized ship.

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  Kuzzter said:
Sorry, we don't have a lot of rules but we do have that one :( But if you can demonstrate a job No Other Tank Can Do, I'll put you on the Gatecrasher list and give you a medal!

There's a oscar B hidden inside the round8. You can barely see it :confused: . This probes were my first successful interplanetary mission to duna, i'm still a bit proud if it.

I think the design wouldn't be that streamlined with 2 oscars. Also, there was much advantage in disabling one of the tanks, so the other one can be used to send the chutes off. Not possible with only 1 tank.




Still looks cute :sticktongue:

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  Kuzzter said:
It IS cute, but I'm having trouble figuring out what's going on there--can you explain a bit more the bit about how you disable one tank and use the other to "send the chutes off"?

The chutes, tanks and a decoupler are at the top of the actual lander. During descent, the "heatshield" is dropped and the legs are deployed. One tank is disabled, so the fuel is not used until after touchdown. You can do that by rightclicking on the tank and clicking on the green arrow right of the fuel bar. With this, i don't use this fuel by accident.

After touchdown, i enable the tank and throttle up until the lander is just about to lift of again. Then i decouple the top part. The chute module is still throttled up and now lighter, so it flies away and bids farewell to the lander before it it crashes to ground a few metres away. A bit like skycrane, just with touchdown.

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  Kuzzter said:
Ah, got it--so you're using the unique nesting properties of Oscar+ROUND to make a cute min-skycrane. I guess that qualifies you for the Order!

Thank you. I have a present for you:


One can dream...i keep my fingers crossed for this.

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