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DonLorenzo's Forum Campaign: To space, the moon and beyond

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After playing togfoxes excellent campaign I couldn\'t resist the urge to run one myself, and here I am doing so. I completely re-vamped the part costs and invented a technology tree to help you guys go where no one (or more accurately, everyone, lots of times) has gone before.

The campaign will progress in turns, during which all participants design a craft to undertake a mission of their choosing, research technology and possibly partake in contracts. Turns are submitted by e-mail to me at \'ksp@donlorenzo.eu\'. I will give turn updates either in this thread, either by updating the OP or just by posting.

Below, spoilered per item for visibility are the rules, the tech tree and the available missions and rewards for turn one.

You will start the campaign with $9000

What you can do in a turn

1. Research one technology. The researched technology is immediately useable in the same turn

2. Undertake one mission

3. Participate in one ´contract´ (contracts will be irregular events, turn 1 doesn\'t have one)

4. (new since turn 5) Undertake 1 \'personal mission\' or receive $1500 in fundraising

Mission rules

1. The craft you design must be within your budget

2. The use of mechjeb is allowed and encouraged, it\'s also free.

3. Provide \'pilot instructions\' with your craft, as detailed as you see fit. You are designing the craft as an external contractor (for me). I will fly it once and the results from that flight count.

4. A Zoxygen main system is mandatory on all manned flights, even if the atmosphere is not left.

4b. The Zoxygen main system may not be jettissoned, except during ballistic descents. In other words: no rocket burns are allowed without the zoxy system on board.

5. All the kerbals must always survive and return home. Each dead kerbal will cost you 25% of your profit that mission. Can be higher in case of gross negligence (ie. crafts designed to kill kerbals)

6. Kerbals are G force sensitive, <10G is safe. Between 10 and 15G there is a chance for kerbal death, between 15 and 25G there is an increasingly higher chance and survival above 25G will be very rare. I will roll dice for this :)

7. A completed mission will pay out the reward as stated in the mission overview (lower in this post), additionally the \'first bonus\' will be paid out to the first person to complete that mission. Should multiple people complete the same mission in the same turn, they\'ll both get the bonus. \'Second\' and \'Third\' bonuses may be introduced as well, depening on the amount of players and game progress

Salvage rules

1. Once Salvage tech I has been researched it will become possible to salvage parts. Parts are salvageable if they are landed safely, or jettisonned with an attached parachute.

2. Parachutes can safely descend 4 units of mass for salvaging purposes.

3. Decouplers can never be salvaged.

Technology rules

1. One technology can be purchased per turn.

2. Technologies can be purchased in any desired order, except incrementally numbered technologies. (ie. liquid tech I must always preceed liquid tech II, but has no bearing on booster tech)

3. Technologies are reduced in price by 10% after they are purchased at least twice, by another 10% after they are purchased four times. These numbers are liable to change based on the number of participants

Technology tree

Salvage Tech I - $1000 $900 $800 - Allows salvaging

Salvage Tech IIa - $1500 $1350 $1200 - +20% to command pod salvage (available starting turn 003)

Salvage Tech II - $8000 $7200 - +15% to salvage amount (all parts)

Space Cockpits - $1500 - Allows the use of airplane cockpits on spacecraft (available starting turn 005)

Aerospike Tech - $1000 - Allows the use of the Aerospike rocket (same price as gimballed LFE)

Parachute Tech - $2500 $2250 - -66% to parachute cost (new cost: 250)

Decoupler Tech - $3000 $2700 $2400 - -66% to radial and stack decoupler cost (new cost: 250)

Decoupler Tech II - $2500 - Allows the lighter radial decouplers (structural pylons) to be used. Same price as the regular ones.

Booster Tech - $4000 $3600 $3200 - -50% to Solid Fuel Booster price. SRB base salvage percentage to 50%

ZOxy Tech I - $5000 $4500 - Unlocks ZOxy tanks

ZOxy Tech II - $10000 - Unlocks ZOxy panels

Life Insurance - $5000 - -50% to deceased kerbal family reimbursement cost. (gross negligence still applicable)

Fuel Tech - $7000 - -50% to liquid fuel tank cost

Liquid Tech I - $7500 $6750 $6000 - Small/Large/Gimbal LFE prices to $5000/$12000/$15000

Liquid Tech II - $12500 $11250 $10000 - Small/Large/Gimbal LFE prices to $2500/$8000/$10000 & Liquid engine base salvage to 20%

Liquid Tech III - $15000 - Small/Large/Gimbal LFE prices to $1500/$7000/$8000

Liquid Tech IV - $15000 - Small/Large/Gimbal LFE prices to $1500/$6000/$6000 & Liquid engine base salvage to 40%

Remote Tech I - $10000 $9000 - Unlocks Unmanned Pod

Remote Tech II - $15000 - Unlocks Powersats


There used to be a table here, but I\'ve removed it so the post fits more missions and contracts (20000 char limit..) Just look at the .xls :)

Turn 012: Available missions and rewards

Mission: Reach 10km altitude. Reward: $6500. 1st Bonus: $500 2nd Bonus: $250

Mission: Reach 25km altitude. Reward: $10000. 1st Bonus: $1000 2nd Bonus: $500

Mission: Reach 50km altitude. Reward: $10500. 1st Bonus: $1000 2nd Bonus: $500

Mission: Reach 80km altitude. Reward: $13000. 1st Bonus: $2000 2nd Bonus: $1000

Mission: Reach 200km altitude. Reward: $16000. 1st Bonus: $2500 2nd Bonus: $1250

Mission: Reach 2000km altitude. Reward: $25000 1st Bonus: $10000 2nd Bonus: $5000

Mission: Establish stable orbit. Reward: $18000. 1st Bonus: $4000 2nd Bonus: $2000

Mission: Establish & complete one full kerbin orbit* at >80km. Reward: $25000. 1st Bonus: $5000 2nd Bonus: $2500

Mission: Establish 100x100km equatorial orbit, complete two such orbits then land at either pole (on ice-cap) Reward: $33000 1st Bonus:$10000

Mission: Deposit a \'Kubble\'** Telescope in a circular 100x100km orbit. Reward: $33000 1st Bonus: $7500 2nd Bonus: $3750

Mission: Deposit a \'Probe\'*** in Kerbol orbit. Reward: $38000 1st Bonus: $10000 2nd Bonus: $5000

Mission: Impact a \'Kubble\'** on the surface of the Mun at at least 1500m/s. Reward: $35000 1st Bonus:$10000

*Re-entry maneuvers allowed to begin while over KSC

**Get the Kubble part from http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/index.php?topic=3362.0

*** Use the attached .craft file. Uses NovaSiliskos Probodobodyne pack (http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/index.php?topic=6397.0). The probe and the attached decoupler are free, the capsule and ZOX module are not.

Turn 012 Contract: Bomb the pole!

Db101 submitted this idea for a contract, therefor as per the the \'meta contract\' of last turn, he will get to participate in it for free. Next bit is by Db101

As the land and sea near the launchpad is cluttered with debris, the kerbals decide that the most efficient way to clean up is not with trash bags and volunteers (that\'s boring!) but with the awesome power of water. If they could just get a wave to swipe the stuff away, they could get back to launching without dodging spent stages everywhere. The 'top scientists' (oh no) decide that the best way to influence the nearby ocean waves is to send a radiothermal bomb to the south (or north) pole and detonate it on impact with the ice field.

While this proposition seems simple enough, there is one big problem. The bomb is so radioactive that even the most radiation hardened control systems will quickly short out in its vicinity. This translates in only 90 seconds of useful flight input after launch. Rocket motors will keep working, however 90 seconds after launch all control (even mechjeb!) becomes impossible. Hence the challenge is this: Build a rocket that will drop this bomb on either ice-cap, but after MET 1:30 no control inputs are possible. (mechjeb will be switched OFF and the controls left untouched)

Needless to say, the capsule will be unmanned. I see Db101 made the bomb on the manned capsule, that\'s alright. Those kerbals in there screaming aren\'t real. Honest. Then why do we have monitors and video feeds of their horrified faces? Shut up.

Ahem.. the rules!

-All parts allowed (no mods other than those in OP though)

-ALL control gets cut off after 90 seconds. If you can rig it so the mechjeb is seperable, great. If not, no problem.

-Entry fee: $1500 (free for Db101)

-Success payout: $6000

-No extra bonus for a \'winner\'. This one is hard enough as it is I\'d think. Owing to the unpredictable nature of uncontrolled flight the risk of losing your money is certainly present. To compensate a bit every design gets three flights instead of the usual one.

-Find the bomb.craft in the bottom of this post

State of the Joint Space Station Project

Launched parts:

none yet

Parts still required:

25 x Large liquid fuel tanks

15 x Large Zoxy Tank

4 x zox Panel

5 x Tri Coupler

2 x Liquid Fuel Engine

20 x RCS block

10 x RCS fuel tank

2 x small Liquid Fuel Engine

4 x Command Pod

Joint funds available:


Bellaby\'s thread for joint construction coordination and civil chat can be found here: http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/index.php?topic=15108.0

If you want to play, post here or just e-mail me with your first turn submission at ksp@donlorenzo.eu.

Turn 012 is currently in progress, its deadline is 18-07-2012 23:59

Any questions, about anything I\'ll be happy to answer.

Enjoy running your space program!

Some mods you\'ll need

Zoxygen mod:;topicseen

Powersat Mod:

Unmanned pod:;topicseen

NovaSiliskos Probodobodyne kit: http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/index.php?topic=6397.0

The \'Kubble\' space telescope part: http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/index.php?topic=3362.0

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I just noticed with Saaur\'s submission that there has been a new version of the ZOXy mod released, I\'ve worked with the old one in designing the campaign. Fortunately the stats that matter (weigth, capacity etc.) are all the same for the new, sleeker and prettier parts so they\'re fine to use. The new external tanks have different fuel values, but fuel/weigth ratio is again the same, so they are also allowed (after zoxy tech, that is!).

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  Crowzone said:

Question: Is it on purpose that command pods aren\'t salvageable? (Set to 0%) Seems that would be a likely salvagable object.

That is on purpose, I figured since it will always return there wasn\'t a point in making it salvageable over reducing the cost outright. The Salvage tech II will make it salvageable at 15% however. If I could do in game item descriptions it\'d read something like \'Most of the cost for the command pod goes to the comfy leather chairs and the on board gourmet food snacks, unfortunately most kerbonauts have received mere basic potty training causing command pods to be less than salvage-worthy\'.

On another note, I\'ve slightly cocked up on some last minute balance changes so the first turns will be a little bit harder/tighter than I initially planned for, but that\'ll be slightly remedied next turn by a lucrative design contest contract that should give everyone some extra spending money

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Bummer, then it seems there\'s really only ONE good option for turn one missions :(

I mean, it would make sense to have a salvage value on it since it would make the decision about when to take salvage 1 more interesting.

I asked because the unmanned pod has a salvage value, so it seemed like an oversight.

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For this turn, consider the pods filled with hazardous waste upon return and thus completely unsalvageable. I will however take your pod-wishes with me, sleep on them a night and see what I\'ll come back with.

edit: I gave the unmanned pod a salvage value because that one does not always have to return, to further complicate the decision of when to go manned or unmanned.

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  DonLorenzo said:


Please see the attached .xlsx file for now.. I have no idea how to make any kind of nice list in the forum. If someone will tell me how to do it they can appear here.. :)

something like this maybe?


Cost and salvage per tech listed in each column. unlockables have empty Tech 0 columns



[td]Mass [/td]

[td] Tech 0 [/td]

[td] Tech 1 [/td]

[td] Tech 2 [/td]

[td] Tech 3 [/td]

[td] Tech 4 [/td]

[td]Salvage 2 [/td]








[td]Life Insurance[/td]








[td]Cheaper reimbursements[/td]



[td]ZO2 Main[/td]


[td]$1,000 / 50% [/td]








[td]Command Module[/td]


[td]$2,000 / 0%[/td]








[td]Salvage Tech[/td]




[td]$8,000 / +15%[/td]




[td]Unlocks Salvaging[/td]







[td]LFE Tech[/td]




[td]$12,500 / +15% [/td]


[td]$15,000 / +20%[/td]


[td]Cheaper LFE. More Salvage[/td]



[td]LFE - Large[/td]


[td]$15,000 / 5%[/td]

[td]$12,000 / 5%[/td]

[td]$8,000 / 20%[/td]

[td]$7,000 / 20%[/td]

[td]$6,000 / 40%[/td]




[td]LFE - Gimballed[/td]


[td]$20,000 / 5% [/td]

[td]$15,000 / 5% [/td]

[td]$10,000 / 20% [/td]

[td]$8,000 / 20% [/td]

[td]$6,000 / 40% [/td]




[td]LFE - Small[/td]


[td]$6,500 / 5%[/td]

[td]$5,000 / 5%[/td]

[td]$2,500 / 20%[/td]

[td]$1,500 / 20%[/td]

[td]$,1500 / 40%[/td]




[td]SRB Tech[/td]



[td]$4,000 / +40% [/td]





[td]Cheaper SRB. More Salvage[/td]





[td]$1,000 / 10%[/td]

[td]$500 / 50%[/td]








Fuel Tanks[/td]



[td]Fuel Tech[/td]








[td]Cheaper Fuel Tanks[/td]



[td]Zoxy Tech[/td]








[td]Unlocks ZO2 tanks, and ZO2 Panel[/td]



[td]Fuel - Small[/td]


[td]$400 / 10%[/td]

[td]$200 / 10%[/td]







[td]Fuel - Large[/td]


[td]$800 / 10%[/td]

[td]$400 / 10%[/td]









[td]$400 / 10%[/td]








[td]ZO2 - Small(150)[/td]


[td]unlock me[/td]

[td]$150 / 10%[/td]







[td]ZO2 - Large(800)[/td]


[td]unlock me[/td]

[td]$750 / 10%[/td]











[td]Decoupler Tech[/td]








[td]Cheaper Decouplers[/td]



[td]Radial Decoupler[/td]


[td]$750 / 0%[/td]

[td]$250 / 0%[/td]







[td]Stack Decoupler[/td]


[td]$750 / 0%[/td]

[td]$250 / 0%[/td]









[td]$50 / 0%[/td]










[td]$500 / 10%[/td]









Utility and Control[/td]











[td]Cheaper Parachutes[/td]





[td]$750 / 0%[/td]

[td]$250 / 0%[/td]







[td]Winglet - AV-T1[/td]


[td]$150 / 0%[/td]








[td]Winglet - AV-R8[/td]


[td]$250 / 0%[/td]








[td]Fuel Line[/td]


[td]$100 / 0%[/td]








[td]RCS Thruster[/td]


[td]$100 / 20%[/td]








[td]Zoxy Tech[/td]








[td]Unlocks ZO2 tanks, and ZO2 Panel[/td]



[td]ZO2 - Solar Panel[/td]


[td]unlock me[/td]


[td]$3,000 / 35%[/td]










[td]Remote Tech[/td]








[td]Unlocks Unmanned pod, and PowerSat[/td]



[td]Unmanned Pod[/td]


[td]unlock me[/td]

[td]$4,500 / 35%[/td]









[td]unlock me[/td]


[td]$2,500 / 0%[/td]





It is a bit large, but then, there\'s also alot of info that it needed to have crammed into it and we only have so much table functionality here.

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Turn 1.

Initial Cash - 9,000

Purchased Booster Tech - (4,000)

Built Craft \'Perfect Timing\' - (4,750)


Ending Cash - 250


Piloting instruction

1) Select MechJeb\'s \'Ascent Autopilot\'.

2) Select \'Edit Path\' and make sure that \'Turn Start Altitude\' is above 11km.

3) Engage Ascent Autopilot

4) Initiate First Stage

5) As \'MET\' changes to 23 seconds, initiate Second Stage

6) As soon as craft begins it\'s descent, initiate the last stage which deploys parachute (important to get as much drag as possible)

7) Pray that the command module doesn\'t explode on impact

I vote that we do not get to keep the command module. I like the fact that there will be a high overhead in the initial missions, therefore creating more of a challenge. For those who believe that there is only one way to do turn one... I dispute that, take a look at my submission.

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I didn\'t mean there was only ONE way to do it - there\'s plenty sure, but there is one clearly Best way to do it.

I\'m also going to suggest that the game works better when you don\'t post your stuff to the forums - it allows people to take advantage of information they shouldn\'t have (ie know how other people accomplished missions) it is better when you just email your submission.

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Only if you are viewing this as a competition. I am not. I plan on doing the missions in order and progress as a true space program would... at least in the capacity that the campaign allows and the game provides.

I will have 4k less ending cash than anyone that went for the 25k mission, which means that I probably WON\'T be able to do that mission in the next turn. I\'ll have to just repeat the 10k mission. There is a chance that I will tech up faster, we will just have to see how things play out.


It will be possible for me to complete the 25km mission in the next turn, with plenty of room to spare. I may even be able to purchase a technology while I\'m at it.

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  imnotacanadian said:

Only if you are viewing this as a competition. I am not. I plan on doing the missions in order and progress as a true space program would... at least in the capacity that the campaign allows and the game provides.

I will have 4k less ending cash than anyone that went for the 25k mission, which means that I probably WON\'T be able to do that mission in the next turn. I\'ll have to just repeat the 10k mission. There is a chance that I will tech up faster, we will just have to see how things play out.


It will be possible for me to complete the 25km mission in the next turn, with plenty of room to spare. I may even be able to purchase a technology while I\'m at it.

Oh I know - I have crunched the numbers on several different mission plans ( I try to plan two or three missions ahead ) I never claimed your way was a Bad way at all :)

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I\'ve added the following rule to the OP

4b. The Zoxygen main system may not be jettissoned, except during ballistic descents. In other words: no rocket burns are allowed without the zoxy system on board.

I think most of you were aware of this carrying over from togfoxes campaign, but Thobe wasn\'t. I hope it\'s clear now :)

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That\'s not intentional, they ought to be on there. My bad.

They\'ll cost $200 each and will be salvageable at 10%

I\'ll update the OP and relevant excel sheets for the next turn.

Edit: huh, this was in response to a post from ThobeWill regarding the landing legs that\'s no longer there. Dunno what\'s up, but the legs are in the game! :)

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