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1.1.2 Magic Smoke Industries Infernal Robotics 2.0.2


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How do i run dx11 mode

It is a bit our of scope of this discussion, but I'll help you anyway. You need to create a shortcut to KSP.exe somewhere and then open it's properties and add "-force-d3d11" after ksp.exe

You might get some graphic glitches though depending on your GPU, but for most people its fine.

Enabling OpenGL mode is similar, just instead of "-force-d3d11" you should add "-force-opengl"

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cheers thx for the reply and yeah it did get of topic it back on im wondering if there is any news on the compatability with ir and atm? any progress or going to be...

There's nothing more that can be done our side, but the ATM guys are finally aware of the problem so will look into it when they get chance: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/59005-1-0-Release-5-0-April-28-2015-Active-Texture-Management-Save-RAM%21?p=1951095&viewfull=1#post1951095

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This Mod and all of its expansions are awesome, I have however run into a problem which may be infeasible to fix but I thought I might ask anyway. Basically I am designing a VTOL thing using some ducted fan engines from a USI mod, I have these mounted on some rotatrons this allows me to reorient them thus transitioning from vertical to horizontal flight. This works perfectly and I currently have them bound to 'h' and 'n' similar to RCS controls. I have howver had to add control surfaces as can be seen in the pictures linked below. This is the problem basically the servos can only be bound in one group. There, to my knowledge, is no way to have them occur in more than one group. This would allow me through a variety of different group movement combinations to have key bindings to control pitch yaw and roll through vectoring of the engines, thus removing the need for control surfaces. I understand that this may be impossible due to conflicts that arise from having a motor bound to more than one key, I am also aware that a solution is to have multiple servos stacked to give the required control this however adds to part count and also affects vessel stability/physics.




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This Mod and all of its expansions are awesome, I have however run into a problem which may be infeasible to fix but I thought I might ask anyway. Basically I am designing a VTOL thing using some ducted fan engines from a USI mod, I have these mounted on some rotatrons this allows me to reorient them thus transitioning from vertical to horizontal flight. This works perfectly and I currently have them bound to 'h' and 'n' similar to RCS controls. I have howver had to add control surfaces as can be seen in the pictures linked below. This is the problem basically the servos can only be bound in one group. There, to my knowledge, is no way to have them occur in more than one group. This would allow me through a variety of different group movement combinations to have key bindings to control pitch yaw and roll through vectoring of the engines, thus removing the need for control surfaces. I understand that this may be impossible due to conflicts that arise from having a motor bound to more than one key, I am also aware that a solution is to have multiple servos stacked to give the required control this however adds to part count and also affects vessel stability/physics.




This is why you need to learn a bit of kOS even just for robotics. It is quite easy now with new API. You can wait for new model rework parts update, there will be an example script there to control mecanum wheels.

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Can I put the KSPAPIExtensions from MSI IR into kOS? I'm asking because the one from kOS seems to be causing some exceptions and is outdated. Or is the KSPAPIExtensions tailored for the mod that it's in?

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Hehe i was looking at similar problem with my KSPAPIExt just an hour or two ago.

So far i have gathered from forum :

1. If plugin uses older KSPAPIExt you need to notify the plugin author to update it, replacing present version of dll with different one should NOT work (newer or older, does not matter)

2. Every plugin utilizing KSPAPIExt does so by having it inside its own folder structure ie multiple plugins will all have their own copy of dll

3. Do NOT, like me, put separate KSPAPIExt in its own folder. I did and it messed up my context menus with missing items and weird transparent item "separators" (which kind of looked nice but still buggy, you could click through them)

My install has both kOS v 0.17.2 and IR 0.21.3 RC and both have same KSPAPIExit dll (binary compare, unbeatable).

(Also still waiting for ATM guys to fix black IR icons/parts problem, i'm aware of opengl dx11 switches too)

Edited by fatcargo
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Just curious, why have you guys not converted your files to .dds? I'm no longer using atm due to this. Correct me if im wrong, but all of the mods I have that are in .dds format atm does not build a folder for. So I am assuming if a mod is in .dds atm wont benefit changing them, or this is how atm works. Don't have a clue though.

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Just curious, why have you guys not converted your files to .dds? I'm no longer using atm due to this. Correct me if im wrong, but all of the mods I have that are in .dds format atm does not build a folder for. So I am assuming if a mod is in .dds atm wont benefit changing them, or this is how atm works. Don't have a clue though.

Legacy parts use dds, reworked parts use texture sharing that is not compatible with ATM, but provides even more memory savings even without dds

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Just deleted and installed latest TweakScale and Infernal Robotics and I have the same issue I've had for a few weeks now. With both installed attaching (at least) the free docking washer causes some kind of placed/not-placed glitch where the gui thinks the part is not attached, but the attachment system thinks it is and everything turns to molten marshmallow and the VAB burns down around you and Satan shows up and invites you to a game of cricket... and generally things go wrong.

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Just deleted and installed latest TweakScale and Infernal Robotics and I have the same issue I've had for a few weeks now. With both installed attaching (at least) the free docking washer causes some kind of placed/not-placed glitch where the gui thinks the part is not attached, but the attachment system thinks it is and everything turns to molten marshmallow and the VAB burns down around you and Satan shows up and invites you to a game of cricket... and generally things go wrong.

Have you tried the free-spinning joint that comes in the Model Rework pack? I'm just wondering if the problem only applies to the legacy docking washer, as it is extremely thin. Also as Ziw says, an output_log when the problem occurs would help.

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I'm getting this errors in the log:

[LOG 01:07:06.843] Load(Texture): MagicSmokeIndustries/Parts/Legacy/dockingwasher_free/washer

[WRN 01:07:06.843] Texture load error in 'D:\Games\Kerbal Space Program v1.0.2 64bit\GameData\MagicSmokeIndustries\Parts\Legacy\dockingwasher_free\washer.dds'

[LOG 01:07:06.845] Load(Texture): MagicSmokeIndustries/Parts/Legacy/dockingwasher_free/washer1

[WRN 01:07:06.846] Texture load error in 'D:\Games\Kerbal Space Program v1.0.2 64bit\GameData\MagicSmokeIndustries\Parts\Legacy\dockingwasher_free\washer1.dds'

[LOG 01:07:06.848] Load(Texture): MagicSmokeIndustries/Parts/Legacy/dockingwasher_free/washernorm

[WRN 01:07:06.848] Texture load error in 'D:\Games\Kerbal Space Program v1.0.2 64bit\GameData\MagicSmokeIndustries\Parts\Legacy\dockingwasher_free\washernorm.dds'

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Any way to keep ATM from messing with the textures from the rework parts? Adding specific folder overrides doesn't do anything, they still end up all black :\

We've told the ATM devs about it. No word yet on if or when it will be resolved. Try looking at the suggestions under Common Problems to see if they help: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/65365

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The way I understand it is that, each craft is represented as a tree of parts, branching out from the root. When you dock to another vessel KSP has to make a single new tree that covers both of the crafts. This often results in the attachment direction of parts getting reversed and IR really doesn't like that. This means that if you try to do a robot arm with a docking port on the end of it, chances are you'll get this issue as soon as you dock.

Now if you have docking ports on your craft that don't have robotics parts between them and the root, chances are you'll be able to dock and undock and have things work just fine.

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I was looking on the old Wolfpack Aeronautics thread and they say that they've passed everything on to you guys but I can't find the cargo bay in the download here. Does anyone know where I could find a 2.5m cargo bay? Thanks!

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