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1.1.2 Magic Smoke Industries Infernal Robotics 2.0.2


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  Chrisbburn said:

Having an issue where nearly all the IR parts are missing there textures and showing up as black solid objects, any ideas?

Does it happen with Legacy parts or Zodius's reworked parts?

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Those are Zodius's reworked parts, which makes me think they're installed incorrectly. You should have the folders Rework_Core, Rework_Expansion, and Rework_Utility in KSP/GameData/MagicSmokeIndustries/Parts/. If that's not the problem, your output_log.txt/Player.log would help. Read the [thread=92229]How to Get Support[/thread] sticky in the Support (modded installs) forum if you're not sure where to find that log.

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How do I get this to work? What I'm trying to do is keep the rotatrons from making the ship rotate and just rotate the paddles because when I put it in water and use it without the uncontrolled rotatrons, it rotates the ship along with the paddles.


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Water in this game isn't really water. Also there's no real water physics calculated, it acts more like a super dense atmosphere.

Try SAS to keep it level. Or try floaties.

Be also aware of the weight of the parts. If the paddles are really heavy the lighter boat will rotate instead of the paddles.

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Hi guys

Do all the infernal robotics parts provide fuel crossed.

I want to use a Carbonate mini driller on an adjustable rail or hydraulic cylinder to get it down from a spaceship tank and drill Karbonite. Will the tank be supplied with Karbonite ?

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  gilflo said:
Hi guys

Do all the infernal robotics parts provide fuel crossed.

I want to use a Carbonate mini driller on an adjustable rail or hydraulic cylinder to get it down from a spaceship tank and drill Karbonite. Will the tank be supplied with Karbonite ?

They should, and it is quite easy to test out on the launchpad, don't you think? ;)

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  Chrisbburn said:
Which ones are which? I get it with all the Foldatrons, Pivotatrons

You should avoid using ATM or disable ATM for IR parts - see Zodius' thread for solutions (in the first post).

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I have a quick question. I'm trying to build a collective pitch (variable blade pitch) quadcopter that doesn't use ridiculous amounts of SAS in order to steer, and want to use the way quadcopters actually change their motor speed (in this case, their pitch) to steer. I have a way I can do this, but as far as I'm aware, there's no way to actually implement it into KSP. I want to bind the WASDQE keys to groups in IR, like normal, but for example, I want W to increase the pitch on the back blades and decrease on the front so it leans forward, E to increase the pitch on 2 diagonal blades to rotate it (QE and AD keys are swapped for me haha), A to increase the pitch on the back right and front right blades, etc. At this moment, it's impossible to include an IR part in two groups for different keys, let alone have different settings for the way the part reacts, so I can't make a true mechanical quadcopter, I have to rely on highly unrealistic SAS force.

In short: Is there any way to put IR parts into multiple groups, so different keys can activate the same part or sequence, without installing anything like kOS? I don't even know if kOS can handle it.

Pretty unique problem and scenario, I know :)

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  Xenro66 said:
I have a quick question. I'm trying to build a collective pitch (variable blade pitch) quadcopter that doesn't use ridiculous amounts of SAS in order to steer, and want to use the way quadcopters actually change their motor speed (in this case, their pitch) to steer. I have a way I can do this, but as far as I'm aware, there's no way to actually implement it into KSP. I want to bind the WASDQE keys to groups in IR, like normal, but for example, I want W to increase the pitch on the back blades and decrease on the front so it leans forward, E to increase the pitch on 2 diagonal blades to rotate it (QE and AD keys are swapped for me haha), A to increase the pitch on the back right and front right blades, etc. At this moment, it's impossible to include an IR part in two groups for different keys, let alone have different settings for the way the part reacts, so I can't make a true mechanical quadcopter, I have to rely on highly unrealistic SAS force.

In short: Is there any way to put IR parts into multiple groups, so different keys can activate the same part or sequence, without installing anything like kOS? I don't even know if kOS can handle it.

Pretty unique problem and scenario, I know :)

It can be done in kOS quite easily, see the following example snippet from the mecanum script.

if (s:name = "FR Mecanum")
set s:acceleration to 20.
set FRMec to s.

if (s:name = "FL Mecanum")
set s:acceleration to 20.
set FLMec to s.

if (s:name = "RR Mecanum")
set s:acceleration to 20.
set RRMec to s.

if (s:name = "RL Mecanum")
set s:acceleration to 20.
set RLMec to s.

until ag1
local FRDir is 0.
local FLDir is 0.
local RLDir is 0.
local RRDir is 0.

set FLDir to ship:control:pilotwheelthrottle - ship:control:pilotwheelsteer + ship:control:pilotroll.
set FRDir to ship:control:pilotwheelthrottle + ship:control:pilotwheelsteer - ship:control:pilotroll.
set RRDir to ship:control:pilotwheelthrottle - ship:control:pilotwheelsteer - ship:control:pilotroll.
set RLDir to ship:control:pilotwheelthrottle + ship:control:pilotwheelsteer + ship:control:pilotroll.

if(FLDir > 0)
else if (FLDir < 0 )

//... and so on

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  Xenro66 said:
I have a quick question. I'm trying to build a collective pitch (variable blade pitch) quadcopter that doesn't use ridiculous amounts of SAS in order to steer, and want to use the way quadcopters actually change their motor speed (in this case, their pitch) to steer. I have a way I can do this, but as far as I'm aware, there's no way to actually implement it into KSP. I want to bind the WASDQE keys to groups in IR, like normal, but for example, I want W to increase the pitch on the back blades and decrease on the front so it leans forward, E to increase the pitch on 2 diagonal blades to rotate it (QE and AD keys are swapped for me haha), A to increase the pitch on the back right and front right blades, etc. At this moment, it's impossible to include an IR part in two groups for different keys, let alone have different settings for the way the part reacts, so I can't make a true mechanical quadcopter, I have to rely on highly unrealistic SAS force.

Variable pitch quadcopters are entirely possible with IR, but independent control like that is only really possible by stacking rotatrons (e.g have one that's your main rpm, then another that spins to either add or remove from that)

In short: Is there any way to put IR parts into multiple groups, so different keys can activate the same part or sequence, without installing anything like kOS? I don't even know if kOS can handle it.

Pretty unique problem and scenario, I know :)

If you want to do this without stacking rotatrons, kOS really is your best bet, as it gives your direct control over the angle/speed of infernal robotics parts. I have a kOS script spinning the rotatrons in these

, for example, allowing for movement using WASDQE.
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I have a support question.

I am experiencing floating robotic parts. in the VAB everything looks good I launch the craft and use the robotic parts and everything is fine then when I save and come back to the craft the robotic parts have moved or are floating or there orientation has changed. I've used the same craft several times and I was able to reload fine when it was around Kerbin Minmus and Mun but went funny around the Sun and Moho. has any one else experienced this or knows what a fix is?

I don't have access to pictures or logs at the moment but I can post something tonight

Thanks for the help

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Do you mean floating as in disconnected from the joint itself? I've seen that sometimes. It's actually visible in the editor if you move things in the editor. Has something to do with the way that you node attach the joints, I think it might be because they were put on backwards, not sure.

I haven't had them randomly move though.

Edit: And 'going funny around the sun or moho'? You'll have to explain further what you mean. Though logically it could be from heat warping the parts, but that feature isn't in KSP.

Edited by smjjames
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There still physically attached but visually floating with a large gap between the attached member. everything moved and functioned normally in the VAB and during the first launch, it was after a reload that it messed up. I've seen the joints move incorrectly when there on backwards and it dose look similar but wouldn't it have not worked from the beginning?

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  Xilis said:
There still physically attached but visually floating with a large gap between the attached member. everything moved and functioned normally in the VAB and during the first launch, it was after a reload that it messed up. I've seen the joints move incorrectly when there on backwards and it dose look similar but wouldn't it have not worked from the beginning?

Do you mean something like this?


Honestly though, you'll have to post screenshots to show what exactly is happening because it doesn't sound like we're talking about or seeing the same thing.

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Is there a reason that some of the Rework parts are locked to only certain sizes? I was hoping to make a really small lander with the foot, but it seems to only be a large part? Similarly with the Athlete trusses?

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  *Aqua* said:
The wish to assign actuators to multiple groups comes up often (I would like to have that, too). Is there a chance you'll implement that some day in the future?

It is hard to do without breaking the backwards compatibility, but most likely kOS or Sequencer can help you overcome this limitation quite easily. And our API is open and described here https://github.com/MagicSmokeIndustries/InfernalRobotics/wiki/Using-the-IR-API so we welcome other modders to develop whatever user interfaces that they can think of.

Actually the Sequencer is using the above mentioned IR API and can be used as a (rather) simple example.

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  Xilis said:
There still physically attached but visually floating with a large gap between the attached member. everything moved and functioned normally in the VAB and during the first launch, it was after a reload that it messed up. I've seen the joints move incorrectly when there on backwards and it dose look similar but wouldn't it have not worked from the beginning?

Can you post your .craft file somewhere?

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  Ziw said:
It can be done in kOS quite easily, see the following example snippet from the mecanum script.

if (s:name = "FR Mecanum")
set s:acceleration to 20.
set FRMec to s.

if (s:name = "FL Mecanum")
set s:acceleration to 20.
set FLMec to s.

if (s:name = "RR Mecanum")
set s:acceleration to 20.
set RRMec to s.

if (s:name = "RL Mecanum")
set s:acceleration to 20.
set RLMec to s.

until ag1
local FRDir is 0.
local FLDir is 0.
local RLDir is 0.
local RRDir is 0.

set FLDir to ship:control:pilotwheelthrottle - ship:control:pilotwheelsteer + ship:control:pilotroll.
set FRDir to ship:control:pilotwheelthrottle + ship:control:pilotwheelsteer - ship:control:pilotroll.
set RRDir to ship:control:pilotwheelthrottle - ship:control:pilotwheelsteer - ship:control:pilotroll.
set RLDir to ship:control:pilotwheelthrottle + ship:control:pilotwheelsteer + ship:control:pilotroll.

if(FLDir > 0)
else if (FLDir < 0 )

//... and so on

Well, I think it's time to learn how to code in kOS then haha.

  ZodiusInfuser said:
Variable pitch quadcopters are entirely possible with IR, but independent control like that is only really possible by stacking rotatrons (e.g have one that's your main rpm, then another that spins to either add or remove from that)

If you want to do this without stacking rotatrons, kOS really is your best bet, as it gives your direct control over the angle/speed of infernal robotics parts. I have a kOS script spinning the rotatrons in these

, for example, allowing for movement using WASDQE.

I definitely know variable pitch is possible, it's awesome being able to use it. Stacking rotatrons... Never thought of that! Unfortunately, I'd need 6 rotatrons on each prop, thing could get messy. I guess I'm going to have to resort to kOS.

Thank you both for your help!

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Finally got some images

this is the issue in the home position

p><p><img src=

And this is the same probe from a different launch that is working fine

<a  href=%7Boption%7Dhttp://i288.photobucket.com/albums/ll174/XilisC/2015-06-17_00005_zpsszuwgrio.jpg' alt='2015-06-17_00005_zpsszuwgrio.jpg'>

I've used this probe 6 times the ones around Kebin Mun Minmus, and Eve are fine but the ones for Duna and the one heading to Jool are messed up. I shut down and restarted the game and the Jool probe went back to normal but the Duna was still messed and the Eve started acting up. could this be a Memory thing? I'm below the 3.5G mark but The game is having a lot of page faults when its running Because I only have 4G of ram witch is shared with my Video

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The difference I see is that the faulty satellite is still attached to the rocket and the working sat isn't. Try testing if it is caused by the lifter rocket.

Also page faults... are you sure you really mean page faults? Those only happen when drivers don't work correctly or the hardware is damaged. Do you mean swapping?

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the programs not finding what it needs in memory so it needs to load it from the disk cash

I don't have a craft file for the launcher I build them on the fly but I have a subassembly for the probe.

that craft has parts from SCANsat. IR, NF heat management, and theirs a lander under the lower shroud with some Dmagic orbital science parts.

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