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1.1.2 Magic Smoke Industries Infernal Robotics 2.0.2


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2 hours ago, kcs123 said:

You will have better luck if you put some structural (non moving IR) part between IR part and dock port.

Cool, i'll try that next time. 

For the vessels that are already launched the F5 & F9 trick seems to work. Undock -> dont touch the IR controls -> quicksave -> quickload -> now you can move IR without it freaking out completely. 


1 hour ago, mrstoned said:

The KAS 1.0 beta has the rigid and flexible links that can be operated unmanned by mouse-clicking.


And i shall have a look at that as well. Whats one more mod, my PC is coping fine with the 48 i already have :D



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Hi everyone.

Maybe it's been asked befor but I can't find the answer.

I installed IR (can't wait to try it) but in the VAB I see the parts in the Utilities tab but that is it. There is no IR tab. And if I take a IR part attach it to something and I bring up the servo control it is totally empty.

There is no text or anything in the servo control screen.


Any Ideas?

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Hi Rikard\ @Mrstoned

Okay, I've been doing some searching and downloaded the reworks pack.

Just to be sure: I need to delete IR! Then:

Download IR version 2.0.10 and install

download reworks and install and then I'm good!?!?!?

Do I need the legacy parts?


Thanks for your help

Edited by Maximveen84
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Note; I run ksp 1.2.2 and use these links:

IR (The plugins core pack) https://github.com/MagicSmokeIndustries/InfernalRobotics/releases

Also get the Legacy parts pack from the same page, or get the rework models here: 

It's named Rework_Repack_1.1.2

And ModuleManager 2.7.5 here:

I dont use CKAN as i try to bookmark the forumthreads for easy follow of bugs and discussions etc.

The controlpanel from USI is not the same as for IR. They look similar tho.

Hope this helps


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On ‎2‎/‎25‎/‎2017 at 6:25 PM, Halitsu said:
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When I try to use the robotics, they work fine in the hanger, but they get all gibbled when I launch. This example is only showing one part, but the pistons, rotaters, etc don't work either. 

The parts on either side of the robotic parts act like they are connected directly, so when I try to move the robotics it just breaks the parts connected to them

I'm having this problem too. Tips?

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Next Issue: 


The utilitron sampler doesnt work. 

I'm using IR 2.0.10 and got the IRSurfaceSampler.dl from github but the following happens: 

Sometimes, the sampler wont sink into the ground but hover over it, as it ifs collosion box is larger than it should be. 
It cant collect a sample: 



Other times, when i drop the exact same vessel in a different place with hyperedit, it will sink into the ground, but still wont be able to take a sample: 








Bug, user error, interference of other mods? Your guess is as good as mine... :)




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On 26/02/2017 at 0:25 AM, Halitsu said:
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When I try to use the robotics, they work fine in the hanger, but they get all gibbled when I launch. This example is only showing one part, but the pistons, rotaters, etc don't work either. 

The parts on either side of the robotic parts act like they are connected directly, so when I try to move the robotics it just breaks the parts connected to them

This happens to me too, does anybody know what to do about it? :c

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13 hours ago, yorshee said:

This happens to me too, does anybody know what to do about it? :c

do you have "landing legs" in your craft? if so, remove them and try again. also @ZodiusInfuser i have noticed that normal landing legs tends to interfere with IR somehow, servos gets stuck, well actually the whole craft gets stuck mid air, can't move, rotate or pitch even with sas or RSC.

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Finally!!! All I wanted was a robot grabbing arm for my station and now I have it. It does "work" in 1.2.

Initially it got all tangled up when hitting the "all parts back to default" button for the first time, but after a quick F9 and only using presets or just actuating one part at a time, it worked perfectly fine and got the job done.

The MINBUS is finally complete! Jeb's happy, too ;-)

Thank you so much for this!!


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Quick question

I was trying to build a modular rover, girder block with 2 wheels, connected to another girder block by one horizontal and one vertical uncontrolled rotatrons, with the intention of giving more mobility and traction to each of the blocks in bad and uneven terrain, in other words, the ability to each block and wheels to be unattached from the each other, a better suspension, if you will.

The problem is, there's no limit of travel for the rotatrons, so the horizontal ones fold on themselves and the entire rover-worm turns into a ball once any power is applied to the wheels.

Is it possible to develop a rotatron that freely moves once pressure is applied, however tends to stay centered, like springs? So if a certain force makes it turn, so it does, but once that force is removed it gently rubber-band back to it's original position?



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It used to be possible back in the day, but do not know if the method works under the newest KSP.

You can try though by making a copy of a part you want, renaming it, and playing about with its jointSpring and jointDamping values. Normal IR parts have both these set to 0, and free moving ones have the jointSpring at 0.0000001

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Thank you, Zod!

It's working very nicely now, I'm just fine-tuning the values.



Now another problem I'm having is, depending on which direction the front is pointing compared to the rear, some of the wheels start spinning backwards, acting as brakes.

I understand why this happens, as that section of the body is pointing in a way where "ahead" means another direction. I just can't find a way around it, other than having 4 sets of wheels in the first section providing all the traction and leaving the rest as merely powerless wagons, which defies the purpose of the whole thing. Interestingly, the angle deviation on one specific section necessary to cause this issue is nowhere near 90º, it can be as small as 5º, which doesn't make much sense.


This one is a thinker...

I figure if I make the linkage extra firm this won't happen, but then the whole idea goes down the drain.

(for those wondering: the purpose of this is to make a rover capable of carrying ALL of the scientific experiments available to roam the surface of moons and planets and collect a lot of science in one trip, rather than make several different landings in different sites. I want this thing to be able to mine ore and be completely independent, able to roam for years without running out of resources.So I need something with a really good traction, maneuverability, speed and able to climb steep mountains when needed)

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No problem! Glad playing around with those values still works.

Driving direction is a specific problem with KSP, so I cannot advise you on that unfortunately. It being 5 degrees is behaviour I have experienced before though with my old Movatron parts. Not saying it's right but I've at least encountered it.

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On ‎3‎/‎2‎/‎2017 at 2:04 PM, Hacki said:

Next Issue: 

The utilitron sampler doesnt work. 

I'm using IR 2.0.10 and got the IRSurfaceSampler.dl from github but the following happens: 

Sometimes, the sampler wont sink into the ground but hover over it, as it ifs collosion box is larger than it should be. 
It cant collect a sample: 

Other times, when i drop the exact same vessel in a different place with hyperedit, it will sink into the ground, but still wont be able to take a sample: 

Bug, user error, interference of other mods? Your guess is as good as mine... :)

I know I'm late, but...

Current KSP is know to have some sort of terrain issue. (One aspect is exemplified by the T3 and T2 runways not being aligned properly and showing seams.) As far as I know, all of Kerbin has that issue to some degree. (Plenty of mentions of rover suddenly flipping out at particular locations, IIRC.) I imagine this is related. I've had vessels sitting on the ground but look like they're floating like half a meter above it and what not. It seems like an inherent collision detection versus visual rendering problem in KSP itself due to the changes from 1.1.x to 1.2.x.

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