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1.1.2 Magic Smoke Industries Infernal Robotics 2.0.2


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Why does it happen sometimes that after restarting the game the hinges turn into the wrong direction? Instead of "unfolding" (from 180° to 0°) the hinge turned to the other direction (180° to 360°) which should be impossible and in the end the hinge stays outside of the arm (like mirrored and where it should be I have a gap). ... is this a known bug? or does this happen only to me? ... I do have installed the latest KJR but I thought this should be solved...

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I've installed the mods, compiled them under smokeindustries folder after unzipping them and I've also deleted IRactivestruts and struts. When I put the folder into the mod gamedata folder and I can't get the game to start without crashing, what else is needed?

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11 hours ago, Abpilot said:

*sigh* can someone fix infernal robotics (it works fine) however the file is A:huge resulting in my game crashing on start up B:I'm using a laptop HAHAHAH i crap!:sticktongue:

Questions would be.

1) how much ram are you running?

2) which game version

3) how many other mods are you running?

4) have you ever messed around with your page file size to cheat a little extra ram out of your system? - Google "Page file"

IR really isn't that much of a hog. But if you are trying to run numerous other mods along side it.... Then a laptop may very well give up the ghost on that note.

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10 hours ago, V8jester said:

Questions would be.

1) how much ram are you running?

2) which game version

3) how many other mods are you running?

4) have you ever messed around with your page file size to cheat a little extra ram out of your system? - Google "Page file"

IR really isn't that much of a hog. But if you are trying to run numerous other mods along side it.... Then a laptop may very well give up the ghost on that note.

1) dunno

2) 1.3

3) 15 including SXT continud

4) HOW!

i use a laptop (:)

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7 minutes ago, V8jester said:

1) Control panel, system

3) might have too many mods if you don't have enough ram.

4) Here you go:

Win 7 Page File Adjustment

Win 10 Page File Adjustments

Thx plus do you recommend use any other mods, i am getting quite bored of ksp yet want to get back into it so pleas suggest some EPIC ones (i am getting a desktop computer so suggest big mods if you wish)

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Can anyone help me understand the possible/impossible interactions between things like rotatrons and docking ports? Or really any ir part and docking ports? Is there any way to make it so I can have movable docking ports? 

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42 minutes ago, HaydenTheKing said:

did i do something wrong?


42 minutes ago, HaydenTheKing said:

Hey all, I downloaded and installed written, i dont have the IR button on my toolbar and when i right click on the parts i only get option to resize not make them work

did you follow the instructions in the post linked below?

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On August 28, 2017 at 5:56 PM, Abpilot said:

Thx plus do you recommend use any other mods, i am getting quite bored of ksp yet want to get back into it so pleas suggest some EPIC ones (i am getting a desktop computer so suggest big mods if you wish)

Check out my youtube channel for ideas, or my forum thread "Advanced aircraft designs" both linked in my signature. I have a mostly complete mod list there on my forum thread. But be warned. My install has close to 150 mods in it. Gonna need some serious joo joo if you want to run them all :)

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On August 28, 2017 at 11:46 PM, Crixomix said:

Can anyone help me understand the possible/impossible interactions between things like rotatrons and docking ports? Or really any ir part and docking ports? Is there any way to make it so I can have movable docking ports? 

I will attempt to shed some light here. (This is a more advanced and usually very messy thing to play with)

Basically imagine control, electricity and general "power" flowing from the command pod / cockpit of your ship to the "base" of any IR part. IR parts will only work in one direction. Example: place any IR part using it's node with the yellow "base" out away from the craft, then try to move it. Nastiness will ensue.

Now knowing this, if you dock one ship to another through any IR part. Once they become one ship. Which Command Pod is now in control of everything? And switching "control here" really won't help. But playing with dock, go to Kerbin and then reload the ship without moving anything "sometimes" will allow you to work around this issue.

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On 26/08/2017 at 0:16 PM, Uke17 said:

I've installed the mods, compiled them under smokeindustries folder after unzipping them and I've also deleted IRactivestruts and struts. When I put the folder into the mod gamedata folder and I can't get the game to start without crashing, what else is needed?

Guys, I've still checked up on the possible issues that I could be having. I've looked at the problems other people are having in the thread and I can't find someone with the same issue I have. I've loaded all the mods into the smokeindustries file in the gamedata folder and deleted the IRactivestruts and struts etc yet I can't manage to get the game running without crashing. I don't believe the ram is the issue as I have 8gb total ram nearly all of it available and a 2.6ghz processor, I don't believe it's an issue with lag or such but rather that the game won't load for another reason. Can someone please help me sort out my issue?

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Hi guys,


first of all, thanks a lot for all your work, it gives the game an all new face.

I followed all instructions in page 93 about installation of IR for KSP 1.3. Deleted activestruts, and struts. The mod is in GameData folder, named MagicSmokeIndustries.

But when i launch (without crash, glad to you), i can't see moving parts in the VAB (i'm in sandbox mode), only the structural parts of IR.

I'm pretty sure i'm making something wrong, but after long hours of search, i can't find nothing...

BTW, i first installed the mod with CKAN. I tried a clean manual installation too, but the result is exactly the same.


Thanks a lot for your future help



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Does someone know how I can remove all forces I have on my robotic arms? E.g. if I'm docking (secondary dock) with my end effector, then it can happen, that I do have some kind of tension on the joints. Is there a way to command the joints to go into the position with no tension? ... that would help me a lot with my mod-project (Canadarm2)... right now it works, but... I've still some troubles when repositioning the main latch to an other PDGF when there's too much force on the arm ...

And, just as a follow up... isn't it possible to get a more realistic collision handling of the robotic parts? Currently you can move them through your ship (but not through other ships) ... I know why this is, but there must be some workaround... don't you think?



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oh, by the way, I found a bug... (reproducible of course)

do this -> create a robotic arm with a center (controlling unit like HECS) and on both ends of this thing you place a tube a hinge (flat hinge) and another tube... fold these hinges to 180° and then place a docking port on each end-tube... now, depending on which docking port you dock the arm to your ship, one of the hinges will start to turn in the oposite direction

[ by the way... I'm NOT interested in constructing something here... that's purely for the reproduction of the bug (that's the easiest way to do it)... ]

Maybe someone is interested... in this... it was always a mystery for me, why some parts start behaving strange after docking a ship... maybe this bug is responsible for all of the things I saw in the past...



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