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The Martian by Andy Weir


What did you think of the movie?  

117 members have voted

  1. 1. What did you think of the movie?

    • Out of this world 10 out of 10
    • Really, Really Good
    • It was an ok movie
    • I really did't like it that much
    • I absolutely hated it

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I have yet to see how you can tell the plot of a movie from a trailer.

Well except for revenge of the sith, but what was going to happen was fairly well known.

Well since we know the source material then we have a pretty good idea of the plot. Thats not to say the movies from books haven't been totally antithetical to their movie counterparts. Based on what I have seen from the trailers it looks like thay are going to be fairly loyal to the book. Also we have Andy Weir in his own words, said they were pretty loyal to the book. He had advanced copies of the script. Also I edit video for corporate events, parties, commercials, etc. and I can tell you the trailers are heavily edited. Now it doesn't take a person with my experience to know that trailers are heavily edited, however I can tell when someone is trying to tell a specific story and lead people towards believing something. In this case I can tell that the editor was trying to show how beloved the character is by showing everyones reaction to him still being alive. Thats all I am trying to say. I am not trying to figure out the entire plot. Call it hope that they are going to stay loyal to the book and that I am using all of knowledge to justify it to myself and other lol.

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If you'd read the book, you'd see the very humorous side of Watney. He's got this passive-aggressive-jerk mentality going on. Which must have contributed significantly to his survival.

Edited by Red Iron Crown
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If you'd read the book, you'd see the very humorous side of Watney. He's got this passive-aggressive-jerk mentality going on. Which must have contributed significantly to his survival.

Definitely, especially in the technologically questionable conversations via Sojourner.


Some sort of VASIMR descendent, probably.

It is a VASIMR, I recall one of them attaching a heavy gauge cable to VASIMR some-number.

Edited by Javster
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A very odd question. Am I the only one that compares Mark Watney to Farscape's John Crichton, at least from early episodes of the series? That is, to compare the two personalities, not events or issues of their respective stories.

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If they change it from Watney bashing disco to Watney bashing Hendrix I'm calling in an air strike.

Hahaha I agree!! But I think in one of the trailers that look like NASA promos he makes fun of disco. So that should be ok.

- - - Updated - - -

So the trailer just came on regular TV... the music is Jimi Hendrix. Totally should have been disco. Staying alive, perhaps?

That's a great idea maybe later trailers.

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Its all fixed!!

Video here

- - - Updated - - -

I edited the OP and it now includes all of the videos and trailers so far for the Martian. Plus all of the information we have so far on the movie. This thread has evolved quite a bit. It really was meant to be a discussion thread about the book but honestly how could we not talk about the movie. It really does look like its going to be great. I think maybe this should be a general discussion thread about the book and movie. Once the the movie comes out people aren't gonna want to talk about the book. So I suppose it will be both.

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They are really capitalizing on popular space shows huh. Live broadcast of crews, Neil deGrasse Tyson hosting space shows about the journey, etc.

Makes me feel giddy about the day that it is not just promo for a movie anymore, but real documentaries.

Edit: For some reason, I was under the impression that there was one black guy in the crew when I read the novel, even though I don't think it mentioned that. Weird.

Edited by RainDreamer
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Great article about the Martian and landing on Mars before 2050. Andy Weir had this to say about Matt Damon being picked. Is he contractually obliged to say that or does he really feel that way. You be the judge. "He absolutely nails the character; he does perfectly," Weir said. "He's exactly how I imagined Watney. I'm really, really happy."

Full article here http://m.space.com/30401-the-martian-andy-weir-video.html?cmpid=514630_20150828_51591546&adbid=10153029761111466&adbpl=fb&adbpr=17610706465

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You know i just realized that we are really close to the release of The Martian. I mean October 2nd is less than a month away. So I would like to jump start the discussion to the book readers. What absolutely needs to be in the movie? They can cut everything else out what absolutely needs to be in the movie? Kinda a similar question but what are you looking forward most to seeing on the big screen.

For me honestly I am just happy to 1) Go to the movies and not see a huge superhero summer blockbuster. 2) See a movie that is 100% derivative of earlier movies. 3) a remake of a cherished childhood movie. 4) The conclusion of a series of movies that just has to be split into two. The martian is the answer to all of those things. As I said there is a reason hollywood sunk its teeth into the martian. In many ways its a unique movie. Obviously the stranded alone idea has been done but this the martian is a hugely optmistic book. Watney never gives up. The human race unites around him. Even the idea of us visiting and exploring mars is hugely optimistic. So that is what I am really just excited to see. Even if the movie isn't that great there is always the book. I am just happy its something different. I suppose to answer my own questions from above. I am really looking forward to seeing all of the space infrastructure. The hermes, the rovers, the mav, the hab, the suits, etc. It should all look wonderful. Also say what you want about movies like Prometheus, even though the story wasn't all that great. It was a gorgeous movie. All of Ridley Scotts movies are beautiful to look at, along with the props, and practical effects. So even if it sucks, at the very least will look beautiful.

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So even if it sucks, at the very least will look beautiful.

I'm tired of movies like Gravity and Interstellar. A movie needs more than just good special effects. It needs a good story.

I've read "The Martian" and I have high hopes for the upcoming movie. Why? Because it has a good plot. I think if they don't try to over do it and maybe take a page from recent movies like Europa Report, it could end up being a real classic.

In response to the queation, though, I don't so much worry about what they might take out as what they might add in. We don't need explosions, chase scenes and cheezy "power of lurve!" themes to make a movie worth going to see.

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I'm tired of movies like Gravity and Interstellar. A movie needs more than just good special effects. It needs a good story.

I've read "The Martian" and I have high hopes for the upcoming movie. Why? Because it has a good plot. I think if they don't try to over do it and maybe take a page from recent movies like Europa Report, it could end up being a real classic.

In response to the queation, though, I don't so much worry about what they might take out as what they might add in. We don't need explosions, chase scenes and cheezy "power of lurve!" themes to make a movie worth going to see.

I don't see your point here.

Both Gravity and Interstellar had a good story, and they were good movies. Why? Because they both had outstanding visual effects(Gravity did incredible CGI and Interstellar went for a great blend of CGI and practical effects), they were much more realistic than most space movies out there(ahem Armageddon, Mission to Mars, Red Planet, Event Horizon, Star Wars etc.) and they had good stories. Gravity's was simple, but used a lot of metaphors to convey the message of the movie and the protagonist's dilemma. Interstellar was a tad bit more complex, but was still very touching and logical, and by itself is an important movie because of the real issues it addresses, showing a not-too-distant future that seems much more real than other dystopia's we have been exposed to before.

I have high hopes for The Martian. The book itself was great, and the movie's director is promising, as well as the cast(some of it from Interstellar too).

I just hope they manage to put enough information into the movie and don't end up skipping important parts of the book.

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I don't see your point here.

We've had these discissions before on this forum and I respect your opinion. But that doesn't change the fact that those two movies are highly polarizing. Some people really like them while plenty of others immediately think of them when the tooic of movies that are visually stunning but otherwise flawed is raised. I am looking forward to hearing what others think about The Martian when it is released. Hopefully it manages to live up to our high expectations.

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