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[1.12.x] USI Life Support


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Is it normal that while habitation is shared between all vessels in a radius of 150m, that the Supplies *must* come from the same vessel? So if a Kerbal sits on a vessel without supplies, but there is a big supply container right next to that - he will rather starve to death than leave his vessel?

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9 minutes ago, Kobymaru said:


Is it normal that while habitation is shared between all vessels in a radius of 150m, that the Supplies *must* come from the same vessel? So if a Kerbal sits on a vessel without supplies, but there is a big supply container right next to that - he will rather starve to death than leave his vessel?

No, they should follow the scavenging mechanics. Check that your base follows all these rules and make sure you don't have warehouse turned off on the supplies storage.


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25 minutes ago, dboi88 said:

No, they should follow the scavenging mechanics. Check that your base follows all these rules and make sure you don't have warehouse turned off on the supplies storage.


Thanks, I think I finally understand. Warehousing is not the same thing as Scavenging.


I have some follow-up questions:

If this works in only 1 direction, does this mean that mulch is not picked up?

Assume I have Vessel 1 with 1000 supplies, and Vessel 2 with space for 30 Supplies, which has 2 Kerbals. The supplies for 2 Kerbals last approx. 30 days with all recyclers considered. If I leave the vessel and go to the tracking station, timewarp 30 days and come back to vessel 2, they immediately turn into tourists. Then after one second, the scavenging mechanic kicks in and pushes supplies from Vessel 1 to Vessel 2. The 2 Kerbals turn back into fully functioning Kerbals.

Is this correct behaviour? Because that's what I'm seeing. That is slightly awkward, because this requires me to constantly set timers so my poor Kerbals don't starve.

Edited by Kobymaru
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36 minutes ago, Kobymaru said:

Thanks, I think I finally understand. Warehousing is not the same thing as 

Yes you are correct, it's one way and won't be picked up, unless you've got a 'logistics consumer' for mulch. So if you stick and agro module using Mulch. It will pull the mulch back.

37 minutes ago, Kobymaru said:

If this works in only 1 direction, does this mean that mulch is not picked up?

Assume I have Vessel 1 with 1000 supplies, and Vessel 2 with space for 30 Supplies, which has 2 Kerbals. The supplies for 2 Kerbals last approx. 30 days with all recyclers considered. If I leave the vessel and go to the tracking station, timewarp 30 days and come back to vessel 2, they immediately turn into tourists. Then after one second, the scavenging mechanic kicks in and pushes supplies from Vessel 1 to Vessel 2. The 2 Kerbals turn back into fully functioning Kerbals.

Is this correct behaviour? Because that's what I'm seeing. That is slightly awkward, because this requires me to constantly set timers so my poor Kerbals don't starve.

Yes this is also correct behaviour. It's a limitation due to there being no background processing. The planner has no way of knowing if someone else will come and grab those supplies in the meantime so the planner only accounts for supplies on board.

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16 minutes ago, garwel said:

It looks like a bug in Life Support Status window in the VAB. I loaded a vessel with 2 kerbals, then removed one, opened the LS Status window, but it still showed "Current (2)".

It updates anytime you add or remove a part that could affect life support or habitability, so adding and then removing a supply pack should refresh it(as a work-around).

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5 minutes ago, Terwin said:

It updates anytime you add or remove a part that could affect life support or habitability, so adding and then removing a supply pack should refresh it(as a work-around).

I've just discovered the same. Still, would be good to have it update when crew changes.

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1 hour ago, Terwin said:

It updates anytime you add or remove a part that could affect life support or habitability, so adding and then removing a supply pack should refresh it(as a work-around).

More easy, it also updates by right clicking on a existing supply pack or container.

Edited by TinoR
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On 10/01/2017 at 1:35 AM, TyroneAlfonso said:

Has anyone had the issue where their life support supplies disappear immediately when docking??  This happens every time I dock with my first station in my new career.


Like you, I'm running a much-modded install. In my case, I'm using some mods not technically updated for 1.2.2 and a mix of CKAN and manually-installed versions, so I had assumed that the problem was at my end and had not posted anything.

For me:

  • Both the shuttle's and the station's supplies disappeared.
  • I've docked and undocked with this station many times before and the station's supplies have been fine.
  • I don't remember that previous shuttles carried supplies of their own, though I might be mistaken on this.
  • The station's mulch is still present.

I'll log a proper report if I can reproduce it under more controlled conditions.

Edited by CSE
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15 hours ago, dboi88 said:

@TyroneAlfonso Damn that's a lot of mods! Have you checked the corners of your station for any stowaways? :P

First thing you should do is recreate the issue with a clean KSP install with only USI installed.So you'd stick a station in orbit(obviously might need to be a little different) then go rendezvous as normal, if the issue is still present then the subsequent save file will be a great help to RD and can be added to the github issue, if it is not present then you'll know it's being caused by something else and then you can have a really fun time taking those mods out one by one to see what is causing it. 


37 minutes ago, CSE said:


Like you, I'm running a much-modded install. In my case, I'm using some mods not technically updated for 1.2.2 and a mix of CKAN and manually-installed versions, so I had assumed that the problem was at my end and had not posted anything.

For me:

  • Both the shuttle's and the station's supplies disappeared.
  • I've docked and undocked with this station many times before and the station's supplies have been fine.
  • I don't remember that previous shuttles carried supplies of their own, though I might be mistaken on this.
  • The station's mulch is still present.

I'll log a proper report if I can reproduce it under more controlled conditions.

Yeah it is a lot of mods lol.  Performance wise it runs smoooooth as butter though.  I love it.

I'm going to deorbit and then relaunch that same station, checking to make sure it says 0 current crew first.  Hopefully that will narrow it all down to that issue.

If that doesn't work I will do the USI only install and go from there.  Thanks guys :)


Now my last glitch to figure out is all my completed contracts disappearing when starting the space tourism contract pack..... but that's for another thread. 

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Ok, this was DEFINITELY  the problem.  Crew showed as 1 with no crew members aboard.  I removed the cupola and reattached it.  Same.  Removed and replaced the life support supply pack.  Same.  Only launching then reverting back to the VAB fixed it. 

Minor annoyance but I can definitely live with it until this is patched up.

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On 1/9/2017 at 8:56 PM, RoverDude said:

Usual deal then - best bet is to get me a save with relevant vessels, and only USI and stock parts in said vessels so I can troubleshoot.

Ok - unable to reproduce with just stock & USI-LS parts. I'll take it up with the mod maker of the station parts I was using. Thanks.

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On 12.1.2017 at 1:03 AM, SmashBrown said:

Can anyone else confirm this CTT bug for me please. I have tried to figure it out, tried removing the hide empty tech node mod but that isn't interfering with it. A good deal of my usi ls parts are all dumped into the first survivability node for some reason. Have looked at the cfg and it seems ok but for some reason does not want to work.

Not a bug. That's how USI-LS is shipped.

There's a file in GameData/UmbraSpaceIndustries/LifeSupport called CTT.cfg that changes some node assingments when CTT is detected present. Almost all parts end up in either Hydroponics or Enhanced Survivability.

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2 hours ago, Streetwind said:

Not a bug. That's how USI-LS is shipped.

There's a file in GameData/UmbraSpaceIndustries/LifeSupport called CTT.cfg that changes some node assingments when CTT is detected present. Almost all parts end up in either Hydroponics or Enhanced Survivability.

I know but with CTT installed it does not move the parts to the appropriate nodes.

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3 hours ago, Streetwind said:

Not a bug. That's how USI-LS is shipped.

There's a file in GameData/UmbraSpaceIndustries/LifeSupport called CTT.cfg that changes some node assingments when CTT is detected present. Almost all parts end up in either Hydroponics or Enhanced Survivability.

So it's a bug then because he's showing that they aren't in the correct place.


3 hours ago, Streetwind said:

Not a bug. That's how USI-LS is shipped.

There's a file in GameData/UmbraSpaceIndustries/LifeSupport called CTT.cfg that changes some node assingments when CTT is detected present. Almost all parts end up in either Hydroponics or Enhanced Survivability.

No it's not. He's showing that they aren't in Hydroponics or Enhanced Survivability.

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On 12.1.2017 at 1:03 AM, SmashBrown said:

Can anyone else confirm this CTT bug for me please. I have tried to figure it out, tried removing the hide empty tech node mod but that isn't interfering with it. A good deal of my usi ls parts are all dumped into the first survivability node for some reason.

Have you maybe started the game without CTT and unlocked them there? They'll stay in that node if you install CTT after unlocking them.

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9 minutes ago, jd284 said:

Have you maybe started the game without CTT and unlocked them there? They'll stay in that node if you install CTT after unlocking them.

No CTT was on the whole time. Tried to pinpoint the cause but I have A LOT of mods. Not a big deal dont worry, just thought RD might want to know for future reference.

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I had the problem, that the USI LS window is broken, when on the launchpad connected to a "launch count down mod" patched launch clamp:

170115T204442.179 [EXCEPTION] [UnityEngine.GUILayoutUtility.BeginLayoutGroup] ArgumentException: GUILayout: Mismatched LayoutGroup.Repaint
   at UnityEngine.GUILayoutUtility.BeginLayoutGroup (UnityEngine.GUIStyle style, UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[] options, System.Type layoutType)
   at UnityEngine.GUILayout.BeginScrollView (Vector2 scrollPosition, Boolean alwaysShowHorizontal, Boolean alwaysShowVertical, UnityEngine.GUIStyle horizontalScrollbar, UnityEngine.GUIStyle verticalScrollbar, UnityEngine.GUIStyle background, UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[] options)
   at UnityEngine.GUILayout.BeginScrollView (Vector2 scrollPosition, UnityEngine.GUIStyle style, UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[] options)
   at LifeSupport.LifeSupportMonitor.GenerateWindow ()
   at LifeSupport.LifeSupportMonitor.OnWindow (Int32 windowId)
   at UnityEngine.GUILayout+LayoutedWindow.DoWindow (Int32 windowID)
   at UnityEngine.GUI.CallWindowDelegate (UnityEngine.WindowFunction func, Int32 id, UnityEngine.GUISkin _skin, Int32 forceRect, Single width, Single height, UnityEngine.GUIStyle style)

I think the USI window has problems with the little launch count down window. As soon as the clamps are disconnected, the USI window works.
I was expanding habitation a little with some DERP's, but needed to check the habitation on the launch pad. However, with the launch clamps that didn't worked.

Does anybody know if this is more a USI-LS or more a LaunchCountDown problem or if there is a workaround? (Besides deleting one of these or spawning without clamps)

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