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Occlusion bug/exploit found!

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Occlusion does NOT CARE about size of part behind and will still occlude it! This means that placing a cubic strut IN FRONT OF A 3.5m tank WILL BLOCK OVER 95% of drag! WOW!

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Testing was done with infinite fuel, but this bug is also present period.

Apparently the way occlusion works is it ONLY cares about stuff attached in a straight line. also, the frontmost part takes up 90% of the drag, but since you can easily make that part be something super tiny with insignificant mass/drag, you can shield MASSIVE rockets without actually doing anything. Also, stepped nose cones are better then a single part one, as only the frontmost part is truly affected by drag.

This NEEDS to be fixed asap, as well as radially mounted crap being never occluded regardless ofg where it is placed (for example radial docking ports will create equal drag whether they are tucked in a recess or stuck out in teh airstream.

While i love what squad did to this aero, its still just as capable of being exploited if you know how to do it. Occlusion based drag is very nice, but one radially mounted thinsg even if clipped inside the hull still create the same drag period regardless of how much stick out, and stuff that is stacked ALWAYS get occluded regardless of the shape/size of the thing in front.

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Hmm, this might be a good one. Node Attached things are only supposed to subtract off their own area from the object behind, not the entire forward surface.

Thanks for the report. :D



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