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[STOCK] Space Shuttle "Resolution"


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  On 6/23/2016 at 11:34 AM, Redshift OTF said:

Why did they roll the Space Shuttle anyway? Couldn't they have launched it 180 degrees and just pitched backwards? Or didn't they have the launch facilities for that?


Best answers here:


tldr: the launch facilities were built that way, and the shuttle has to roll anyway to aim towards whatever orbital inclination it was aiming for that particular mission.

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  On 6/29/2016 at 3:38 PM, OrbitalBuzzsaw said:

That would be really cool if you weren't using FAR.


FAR just makes it harder =p

It flies the same without FAR, I can upload a non-FAR version if you want but I was able to load the same model without FAR enabled and it worked.  The pure-stock version is REALLY easy to fly and land =)

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I’ve finally decided to name my shuttle.

Space Shuttle "Resolution"

The HMS Resolution was one of James Cook’s ships (One of which was Endeavour of course). As well, there was apparently once an enthusiast recreation of the shuttle cockpit that was named Resolution. So I thought it an appropriate for a KSP recreation by another shuttle enthusiast.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I needed a shuttle to launch the US Modules for what I think is either my third or fourth attempt at building the ISS. It's for my private enjoyment, and because of this I used a lot of mods to build it. Anyway, I decided to try this one out and use @inigma's STS Service Module with it.


This is the Unity Node, by the way.

Edited by pTrevTrevs
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  On 7/18/2016 at 3:42 AM, pTrevTrevs said:

I needed a shuttle to launch the US Modules for what I think is either my third or fourth attempt at building the ISS. It's for my private enjoyment, and because of this I used a lot of mods to build it. Anyway, I decided to try this one out and use @inigma's STS Service Module with it.

This is the Unity Node, by the way.


Looks fantastic! I still haven't managed to complete the full ISS using multiple shuttle launches and the arm for assembly yet myself, always get sidetracked. Hope to see the completed station some time!

Thank you for using Shuttle Resolution for your launch needs! =)

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  On 7/18/2016 at 5:01 AM, Naito said:

Hope to see the completed station some time!


Well, I've got Zvezda up. I probably won't release this because of how many mods I'm using or plan to use with it, but if I could find a place to share other pictures of it without cluttering up someone else's thread, I would make sure to document my progress regularly.


Next mission is Expedition 1 aboard a Soyuz TM, then the Z1 Truss, delivered by your shuttle.


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  • 2 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Made a major RCS fix.  Since I rather pride myself on how balanced this shuttle is without SAS crutches, I was pretty appalled to discover just how bad the RCS was.

Well that's fixed now, RCS translations and attitude changes now impart a very minimal of unwanted motions thanks to the RCS Build Aid (why didn't I use this before!?).

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I've tried using MechJeb to dock to my space station with this, but when I turn the docking autopilot on, the orbiter starts rolling out of control, distancing itself further from the station, and then the target automatically changed to the station itself (instead of the docking port I wanted to use).  I have no such problems with other spacecraft, however.  Are instances like these examples of the RCS functioning poorly or what not?  If not, what might be the issue?  (I'm such a noob LOL)


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  On 11/4/2016 at 4:11 AM, squiddyjc said:

I've tried using MechJeb to dock to my space station with this, but when I turn the docking autopilot on, the orbiter starts rolling out of control, distancing itself further from the station, and then the target automatically changed to the station itself (instead of the docking port I wanted to use).  I have no such problems with other spacecraft, however.  Are instances like these examples of the RCS functioning poorly or what not?  If not, what might be the issue?  (I'm such a noob LOL)



Hmm, I've never used MechJeb to dock, so I'm not sure.  I've heard MechJeb tends to be very RCS heavy though.

I suspect MechJeb has a couple problems auto-docking:  

1 the orbiter isn't PERFECTLY balanced when adjusting attitude or translating with RCS.  I tried to place the jets where the real orbiter has them, and unfortunately the KSP thrusters are sometimes too big to fit in the right locations without being a bit off, which causes them to induce some unwanted torques.  It's usually small enough that it's not a problem (for me anyway), but if MechJeb tends to get a little RCS happy, it might fire them off too much and cause unwanted occilations to build up.

2 the docking port on the orbiter is nowhere near the CG.  Most craft I've seen dock on Youtube place the docking port pretty much in-line with the CG of the craft, but on the shuttle the docking port is at the front of the cargo bay while the CG is in the back.  This could cause MechJeb to fire all sorts of thrusters when trying to rotate/pitch/roll the orbiter, which could then again start building up occilations.

Not entirely sure what I can do to fix those except try fine tune the balance more.  I'll look into it.

Last time I used MechJeb on this shuttle to dock, I just used it to get close to the target and match velocities, then docked manually.  That was several KSP versions ago though, so I don't know what changes have been made yet.

Some things to try, maybe use a different control point when asking MechJeb to dock?  There are 4 control points that are commonly used on this orbiter now: the cockpit (0 alpha), the docking port (90 degree alpha), and  the two under the rudder for 10 degree orbital and 40 degree reentry alpha.  Make sure you're on the 10 degree control point when making orbit adjustments, or else MechJeb will never be able to match orbits.

Hope that helps?

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  On 11/4/2016 at 5:00 PM, Naito said:

Hmm, I've never used MechJeb to dock, so I'm not sure.  I've heard MechJeb tends to be very RCS heavy though.

I suspect MechJeb has a couple problems auto-docking:  

1 the orbiter isn't PERFECTLY balanced when adjusting attitude or translating with RCS.  I tried to place the jets where the real orbiter has them, and unfortunately the KSP thrusters are sometimes too big to fit in the right locations without being a bit off, which causes them to induce some unwanted torques.  It's usually small enough that it's not a problem (for me anyway), but if MechJeb tends to get a little RCS happy, it might fire them off too much and cause unwanted occilations to build up.

2 the docking port on the orbiter is nowhere near the CG.  Most craft I've seen dock on Youtube place the docking port pretty much in-line with the CG of the craft, but on the shuttle the docking port is at the front of the cargo bay while the CG is in the back.  This could cause MechJeb to fire all sorts of thrusters when trying to rotate/pitch/roll the orbiter, which could then again start building up occilations.

Not entirely sure what I can do to fix those except try fine tune the balance more.  I'll look into it.

Last time I used MechJeb on this shuttle to dock, I just used it to get close to the target and match velocities, then docked manually.  That was several KSP versions ago though, so I don't know what changes have been made yet.

Some things to try, maybe use a different control point when asking MechJeb to dock?  There are 4 control points that are commonly used on this orbiter now: the cockpit (0 alpha), the docking port (90 degree alpha), and  the two under the rudder for 10 degree orbital and 40 degree reentry alpha.  Make sure you're on the 10 degree control point when making orbit adjustments, or else MechJeb will never be able to match orbits.

Hope that helps?


Well, the MechJeb can get the orbiter to rendezvous just fine.  But how exactly am I supposed to use it to dock without controlling from the docking port?  That was my concern earlier.  Sorry if things weren't clear at first.

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  On 11/4/2016 at 11:18 PM, squiddyjc said:

Well, the MechJeb can get the orbiter to rendezvous just fine.  But how exactly am I supposed to use it to dock without controlling from the docking port?  That was my concern earlier.  Sorry if things weren't clear at first.


I actually don't know how MechJeb controls while docking, didn't know if you could just select a docking port and it'll just pick a control or something.  Sorry I really should try MechJeb more.  I mentioned the other control points mainly to make sure you aware of them during other flight modes, you're right while docking you obviously should control from the docking port.

I wonder if MechJeb would be able to dock better if the docking port was placed nearer the CG.  That should be near the rear quarter of the payload bay.  Maybe give that a try?

Haven't had a chance to fly today, I'll tinker with Mechjeb when I get a chance.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  On 11/18/2016 at 10:21 PM, CaribeanSoul said:

So is there a version that works well with 1.1.3?  There was a link for a 1.1.x version earlier in this thread but it doesn't lead anywhere anymore.


I updated the official version on KerbalX to 1.2, but I still have a copy of the old 1.1.3 version if you want it.

Uploaded to KerbalX here:


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  On 11/5/2016 at 3:42 AM, Naito said:

I actually don't know how MechJeb controls while docking, didn't know if you could just select a docking port and it'll just pick a control or something.  Sorry I really should try MechJeb more.  I mentioned the other control points mainly to make sure you aware of them during other flight modes, you're right while docking you obviously should control from the docking port.

I wonder if MechJeb would be able to dock better if the docking port was placed nearer the CG.  That should be near the rear quarter of the payload bay.  Maybe give that a try?

Haven't had a chance to fly today, I'll tinker with Mechjeb when I get a chance.


I actually forgot to say that MechJeb can't get the rendezvous maneuvers down 100%.  I had to restart the autopilot when the burn was about 5.0 m/s off from what was intended.  This is fine until the final velocity matching is needed, since the craft can't come to a standstill.  Of course, there is also the docking autopilot issues, but I did mention that in my previous posts.

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