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How to reach 20km with plane in mid career

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Hello everyone.

Today i have taken mission for temp scans. 3 of them i made easily, but 1.. I need to ust tempscan in area above 19km.

I had 3 attempts and all of the, ended badly. After i get 900 m\s at 18km alt i have reentry heat crashing my plane's nose and it becomes unoperable.

But if i not reaching high speed i have no engine thrust to get 20km alt. In img below last version of my plane



Edited by mwg_test
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That plane should be easily able to make 20k. In fact I would say that it is over engineered. Drop the regular jet engines (they are just going to add weight for what you need) and maybe drop some fuel (oxidizer first, jet engines don't use it).

From there here is what you do:

Climb at about 200m/s until an altitude of 10k, at which point you are going to go full throttle. Climbing still is fine at this point, but try to keep from getting above around 13k. Then, once you hit around 500 or 600m/s you need to nose up to about 45 degrees, or even higher. Keep full throttle until around 900-1000m/s, then adjust throttle to maintain that speed (do not go too much above 1km/s or else you will explode). You should make 20k easy.

If you are still having trouble try taking less wing as well.

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Build a jet like thing (like ravenspear mk4), try to fly very low (2km!?) beneath that point you should scan and just give full throttle and point straight up. Maybe this will give you enough push to reach that altitude!?

If that doesn't help... how about adding some rocket engines for the final push!?

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That is massive overkill for an atmospheric survey contract.

Something like this will easily go to orbit:

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Ditch the oxidiser and swap the RAPIER for a turbojet and it'll handle anything you need in the way of atmo survey contracts.

Something as simple as swapping the basic jets for another pair of turbos should make your existing plane work. But really, you've got more than twice as much wing as you need.

Edited by Wanderfound
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Try swapping the basic jet engines for two turbo jet engines. And make sure you keep your plane at the appropriate speed, if you go to fast, even your turbo jets will lose thrust.

Basic Jet used for low alt\low speed flight, landing. can't drop them, or i need more fuel for turbojet.

That plane should be easily able to make 20k. In fact I would say that it is over engineered. Drop the regular jet engines (they are just going to add weight for what you need) and maybe drop some fuel (oxidizer first, jet engines don't use it).

From there here is what you do:

Climb at about 200m/s until an altitude of 10k, at which point you are going to go full throttle. Climbing still is fine at this point, but try to keep from getting above around 13k. Then, once you hit around 500 or 600m/s you need to nose up to about 45 degrees, or even higher. Keep full throttle until around 900-1000m/s, then adjust throttle to maintain that speed (do not go too much above 1km/s or else you will explode). You should make 20k easy.

If you are still having trouble try taking less wing as well.

As i said in 1 post - reentry kills me at <1km\s speed and 18km altitude. If i reach 1km\s in more dence atmosphere - reentry kills me much more fast

Build a jet like thing (like ravenspear mk4), try to fly very low (2km!?) beneath that point you should scan and just give full throttle and point straight up. Maybe this will give you enough push to reach that altitude!?

If that doesn't help... how about adding some rocket engines for the final push!?

At 2 km altitude i cannot reach high speed for turbojet engines(they give thrust at speed more then 300m\s, less - only eating fuel). And with basic jetengines i have not enough thrust for vertical ascent

That is massive overkill for an atmospheric survey contract.

Ditch the oxidiser and swap the RAPIER for a turbojet and it'll handle anything you need in the way of atmo survey contracts.

I have only basic and turbojet engines, rapier is faaar away

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I have only basic and turbojet engines, rapier is faaar away

That was my point: take that same basic single-engine conventional Mk1 design (or something of similar airframe, exact parts don't matter), replace the RAPIER with a turbo, and it'll take you to the edge of space or circumnavigate Kerbin. Your science gear can go in the service bay, and if you must have a Science Jr it can be stashed behind the cockpit.

Just be sure to get it over 20,000m before you break 1,000m/s if you don't want your Kerbals to cook. See the captions on the Imgur album for details on how to get spaceplanes up and down successfully in the new aero.

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