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Jet engines no longer glow red? (need to get hotter)

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Heyas. Another tiny thing that's bugging me that I'd like to ask about: the missing jet engine glow. I recall in I think it was 0.21, or whatever the update it was in which bac9 redid the jet engine models, I recall he also added a red glow to the engines when they're activated. This appears to be missing in 1.0 and its first two patches (1.01 and 1.02). Is this coming back at some point? I hope so.

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According to the patchlogs, the old overheating system seems to be removed and replaced by the new heat system. Maybe the glow now only occurs when the real part temperature rises? You can check heat with F10/F11.

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Hi Bomoo, it looks like heat was nerfed due to player feedback, so they won't get hot enough to glow in most cases, sorry.

Hi, sal. That seems like a big waste of a cool effect. Could you guys not repurpose it to show when the jets are active instead of when they're overheating (which doesn't happen anymore).

Edit: Wow, I just checked all the other stock engines and none of them glow when running anymore. Huge step backward, guys. Please consider adding that as a cosmetic effect and not strictly tying it to engine heat levels. I guess this has turned into more of a suggestion thread at this point, sal, so please chuck it over there if you're so inclined.

To be clear, I'm talking about this:


or this:


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I've actually seen the LV-909 effect: It only appears when the engine gets hot, and then it stays there for a while. The latter part is actually cool, since it makes sense when an engine needs a while to cool off.

What the engines really need are two states: One when they run at low heat and another one when they are actually hot.

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Noticed the missing glow as well even thought the Lvn glow was missing but at least in space they glow. Kind step backwards for the jets.

I found it was quite difficult to notice the missing glow on the rocket engines, but the jets are immediately noticeable. Only way I ended up getting the ramjets to glow was taking them through quite a rough re-entry, and then they kept glowing until I recovered the craft even though I'd shut them off. Bleh.

- - - Updated - - -

I've actually seen the LV-909 effect: It only appears when the engine gets hot, and then it stays there for a while. The latter part is actually cool, since it makes sense when an engine needs a while to cool off.

What the engines really need are two states: One when they run at low heat and another one when they are actually hot.

Agreed. There's currently no visual cue that the engine's running other than the exhaust plume. I think the low heat cue could be the current effect for the interior of the bell glowing, and high heat the external casing starting to glow (as with the LVN). Or just the dark orange/red outline that non-engine parts get when they overheat too heavily.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I was going crazy, I thought something was messed up with my Game or Video Drivers, every Screenshot and Video on Youtube shows the Jet Engines glowing when throttling up... I messed with every Video Setting I could find, looked through Setting Files, and re-installed the Game because of this. This kinda takes 70% of the Fun out of Jet Engines for me, and I'm an Avionics Guy...! Pretty pleeease...? I need my Fix of awesome Engine Glow...!

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I've let them on full Throttle for 10 Minutes, and there wasn't the slightest Hint of red. This isn't like Jet Engines are supposed to be. Also, Ion Engines don't go blue at all, either. They just stay black. If this is designed and intended like this, it's still something I'd rather want to change. Are there any Mods to bring back the visual Appeal of (in particular) Jet Engines? I'm really unhappy about this, it looks extremely cheap.

*Edit: Where does my Paragraph / Word Wrap Formatting go? I put them in, but the Posts show up as one ginormous long String of Text!

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I've been approving your posts from the queue (won't be necessary now), no sign of any formatting being added.

Resolved. One Plugin blocked some Yahoo-Javascript hosted on GoogleAPIs needed for the Editor.

Broke some other Functions as well, never had that happen before.

Now, to clean up after my Trainwreck of Posts!

Rocket Engine Nozzles were turning Red inside as well, yes. Now they probably don't any longer either, though due to the huge Exhaust Flame covering up most of the Engine, it's harder to notice I guess. At least with those, you can still see the big Flame shooting out of it, whereas Jet Engines don't show any Sign of being active other than the Smoke Trails Way behind 'em, which is not helpful when you've got, for Example, several jet Engines close to each other and one failed.

All I've been able to find so far was an Engine Light Mod, which adds Lightsources to Engines. But those aren't the Glow we're looking for. *Waves Hand*

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[shameless self-advertising] So I got tired of this as well and made a ModuleManager patch for it here. It's pretty simple but currently it changes the emissives system to FXModuleAnimateThrottle, making it behave similar to how it was pre-1.0. :) [/shameless self-advertising]

Wow! Thank you so much. You're my hero, dude. I was just fuming about how much this change annoys me, decided to check the thread, and you fixed it. MVP.

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