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PSA - 1.01/1.02 Temperature Gauges/Overheating Display Causes Massive Memory Leak


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Noticed the same thing. 1.0 was working all fast and smooth and 1.0.2 gained fps drops all of a sudden. Also the aero feels kinda soupy and stall-less again.

I also got random moments where the FPS would go down to abysmal levels. I'll just play 0.90 until this is fixed, which sucks since the new features are pretty fun.

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I also got random moments where the FPS would go down to abysmal levels. I'll just play 0.90 until this is fixed, which sucks since the new features are pretty fun.

I find 1.0.0 to be just fine. It's 1.0.2 that feels weird.

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Hey since we're on the topic of temperature, am I the only one seeing that the 'default' temperatures of everything is in the hundreds of degrees? Like the default Kerbin surface temp is 200-something?

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Even with the improvements memory still steadily increases in 1.0.

That's true in 1.0.2, but I found that 1.0 itself didn't seem to increase by any significant amount when lightly modded.

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Hey since we're on the topic of temperature, am I the only one seeing that the 'default' temperatures of everything is in the hundreds of degrees? Like the default Kerbin surface temp is 200-something?

yep; everything is on the Kelvin scale now. (zero kelvin is absolute zero, zero degrees Centigrade is 273 Kelvin, one kelvin = one degree Centigrade)

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I've had some heat related crashes too. Of course I'm pushing the envelope. That's the point of the game right?

I get to about 1300mps and things of course start overheating and breaking. So when my wings broke off I was still partially operational and I figure "screw it" and throttle up. Getting back to 1300mps, I get back to almost overheating, run out of fuel and.... game crash.

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Built a giant barrier in front of my supersonic jet fighter and it seemed to work. Limited my speed to 1000 but kept going,... Some things started to overheat but never did. Re-activated a fuel tank to keep going and.... crash.

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Not a single out of memory crash here and i've played for 8 hours in one sitting returning all sorts of things from the mun minmus and duna.

Do you have the heat gauges showing? It only happens when you put your craft through substantial heating for a sustained period with the gauges showing. Mine started crashing only after I started expiramenting with suborbital rocket planes to gather science data out of the dessert. I had sustained heating, but not excessive and the landing gear showed gauges for about 2 mins, then it crashed.

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It's almost like the 1.0 release went too smoothly, so something had to be done to fix that :sticktongue:

Really, it may be prudent to let people revert to 1.0, if they haven't backed it up already (or repeal 1.0.2 if it is as bad as people say);

I've run a diff against it, and I would suppose, many of the changes can be done without needing 1.0.2's updated assembly-c.dll (or the updated unity memory dump files)

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Not a single out of memory crash here and i've played for 8 hours in one sitting returning all sorts of things from the mun minmus and duna.

The leak only occurs when multiple parts are overheating and the temp gauges show up. A capsule or capsule plus heat shield is unlikely to cause a leak. I got a leak with a min lander with 4 landing legs, two floodlights, and several Ox-STATs. The exposed parts all started to overheat. No leak when gauges don't show up or are disabled.

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I am using ATM - at 2.3 gigs...basic startup career on to 2.8 gigs of about a half hour...fully modded; havnt really timed my game yet but when I started no memory creep; no overheated parts in my gameplay to this point.


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Im not having that problem for the moment, i have 12 mods installed, running full graphics @ 1080p. And while flying a spaceplane it starts ~2.7gb and when getting hot showing up the gauges it just spikes to ~2.85gb and stays there.

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Im not having that problem for the moment, i have 12 mods installed, running full graphics @ 1080p. And while flying a spaceplane it starts ~2.7gb and when getting hot showing up the gauges it just spikes to ~2.85gb and stays there.
With just a few parts heating this leak doesn't really show itself. Has to be a few more parts and it will start slowly rising in ram usage until it crashes. This is kinda like the VAB->Launch->Revert leak or the flying close over the ground one where one doesn't notice it until its done often enough.
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