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Being able to attach things to the fairings

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Hello, forums!

I was recently building a new replica of a Duna rover (aka Opportunity) when I noticed how wobbly it was at launch.


(the rover POPS OUT of the fairing at times!)

I did what I always would do - strut it more. However, I noticed that the wobbling was at the top, where the only place possible to strut it was the fairing itself, which was impossible to attach struts to.

It was very burdenous that I have to rely on strutting in vain, and a big hunk of streamlining and aesthetics is wasted. Maybe there can be another setting in the VAB to "open" and "close" the fairing, so that you can attach things on it, yet still keep it simple to assemble.

What do you guys think?

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  • 4 months later...
Yes. Yes. So many times I have suffered from LNS (Limp Noodle Sydrome) yet, the structural weakness is near the fairing, where I can not strut things. I would rep you, but I need to "spread some rep around"

Thanks! I seriously get annoyed seeing my payload suddenly popping out of the fairing, and it's a tad mission-ruiner at many times.

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It is possible to attach struts to a fairing using a little workaround.

  1. Attach some temporary part to your rocket, so it reaches up past the fairing base outside the fairing.
  2. Attach a strut from your payload to the temporary part, through the fairing.
  3. Strut will attach to the fairing instead of the temporary part.
  4. Remove temporary part.

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