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[1.0.2] G-Force


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G-Force [0.1.01 Beta]

Welcome. This is my plugin, that enhances the realism of Kerbal Space Program. In the real world people have limits. One from much is acceleration due to gravity (G-Force). When i played KSP, I said, Kerman is immortal. Falling from a great height survived, extreme G-Force survived and this plugin fixes this.



"Kerbal Space Program/GameData/GForce/Plugins/PluginData/GForce/config.xml" is configuration file. Where gForgeVessel is max allow G-Forge on Vessel and gForgeEVA is max allow G-Forge on EVA.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<double name="gForceVessel">12</double>
<double name="gForceEVA">3</double>

Download: GForce.zip

If you found bug or have you idea for improvement G-Forge plugin then write on this thread. Thank you.


* 0.1.01 Beta : Create plugin.

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The problem here is that G-Force damage isn't instantaneous but additive. I would recommend you look into how Deadly Reentry does G-force damage to see how to do it. :)

Or you could look at KeepFit which does both direct Gee tolerance and Gee based Kerbal destruction, and fitness level tracking (of a sort) - when I went digging I could find (possibly) surprisingly little documentation to backup how the human body copes with high Gee for sustained periods, but there is definitely a difference between the Gee tolerance of a fit health individual and a flaccid weak couch potato (or a Kerbal you've left on a minimum dV transfer to Jool).

I also looked at the Dr code and took some initial elements from that, and expanded on it to handle different tolerances on different time periods - short term you might handle 10+ gee, but you wouldn't want to live there.


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