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What Profession are my Kerbals agian...?

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I would like a way to remind myself what profession my Kerbals are (Pilot, Scientist, Engineer) without having to exit whatever mission I am undergoing and check back to my astronaut complex to remind myself who is who. Some sort of indicator when the kerbal is selected would be nice. A way to remind myself of their level would be helpful as well.

(Jebediah Kerman ~ Pilot, Level 3)

and/or the Kerbals of different professions could have different colored EVA suits. Such as red->pilot, yellow->engineer, blue->scientist. The EVA suit could also change appearance as the kerbal levels up.

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  sumghai said:
I don't like the idea of different-colored suits to denote profession, and I'll override them with TextureReplacer.

An appropriate symbol/icon next to their names would be preferable.

I actually do the opposite. I use TextureReplacer to give the different classes different colored suits. :)

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  sumghai said:

An appropriate symbol/icon next to their names would be preferable.

Totally agree with this. I've even suggested this myself not too long after professions were introduced.

Even a simple colored border around the IVA mugshot would be incredibly helpful. Obviously red/yellow/blue (or yellow/red/blue if you prefer TOS over TNG) and perhaps white or green for tourist.

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  adinfinitum said:
Ummmm, if you go to map view, and click on the crew info under ship info, it tells you their profession and level.

It would be nice if the had different colored suits though.

Orange suits are for the initial four. So i dont think colored suits would work. Different colored helmets might work though. Blue = pilot; Green = scientist; Red = engineer

Edited by arkie87
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  adinfinitum said:
Ummmm, if you go to map view, and click on the crew info under ship info, it tells you their profession and level.

It would be nice if the had different colored suits though.

You mean if they replaced those four red stripes on the side of the helmet with another color to indicate another profession. That would be cool.

You could also change the color of the visor glass too.

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  Kuansenhama said:
You mean if they replaced those four red stripes on the side of the helmet with another color to indicate another profession. That would be cool.

You could also change the color of the visor glass too.

Alternately, they could put a symbol on the back of the helmet. Rather than doing it as part of the texture, it could be a separate decal, similar to how flags are added to ship parts and the EVA jetpack.

Plus, this would be better for those who are colour blind. We do see a number of forumers report having trouble whenever a feature uses a colour change to mark something important.

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  Brotoro said:
I, on the other hand, would like the kerbal's profession to be a value in the persistance file that I can edit (instead of being based on the kerbal's name).


Someone was definitely being a "SmartS" when they made it based on name...and it's not like the save file is terse anyways, one extra line per kerbal isn't going to double it's size or anything heh.

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