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Assorted Atmospheric Bombers Challenge

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The Assorted Atmospheric Bombers Challenge ​

(A mostly-stock challenge)

Updates below!


The Department of Defense's bomber fleet used to be large during 0.90.0, because it comprised of ridiculous designs that don't look like they could fly, but they did. Now 1.0.2 arrived, and the Dept had to scrap almost all of their bombers except for a few sane ones.

The Department of Defense is reaching out to purchase a variety of bombers from prestigious companies.

Based off of Aanker's Military Procurement: Strategic Bomber Concept, but changed it a lot to benefit low part counts for weak computers like mine.

Build us a bomber with these requirements and restrictions:

Must be able to take off and land at the
KSC Runway
. You don't need to bring back bombs and/or drop tanks.

Follow this plan (Bomb the desert target area as seen in this map):


Must have at least 2 FLT-400s, 2 FLT-200s, OR 2 Oscar-B stack-of-4 attached to stack decouplers, radial decouplers, Hydraulic Manifold, pylons, or hardpoints:


Bombs must be loaded with fuel and deactivated!

Drop tanks are allowed, but make sure they aren't the bombs themselves.

Fuel from the bombs must not be fed into your bomber!

Cannot takeoff and land with rockets!

No mining drills or ore tanks on the plane itself!

Record your part count!

Record your mission time!


You need at least 1 picture for each in an Imgur album

Where the Bombs are, and Engineers' Report open, in the SPH

A picture showing that the bombs' fuel are deactivated (Right click bomb, then click on green arrow on Liquid Fuel and Oxidizer to make it deactivated)

On the Runway before Takeoff

Before dropping bombs

The bombs exploding

Landed, with the F3 flight log menu open


A video with all the above requirements

ALLOWED MODS ON CRAFTS-------------------------------

Kerbal Engineer Redux


Ferram Aerospace Research

Modular Rocket Systems

other visual mods (EVE and such)

Adjustable Landing Gear (if you're not a purist, I recommend this excellent mod)


Scoring System


-5 points for Mechjeb autopilot on plane

-5 points for Modular Rocket Systems

Base Scoring

Record your time. If your mission time is less than one hour, then 60 - (mission minutes) = whatever points

Bombs are worth

Oscar-B: 2 points each unit

FLT-200: 4 points each

FLT-400: 8 points each

Bonus Points!

Safety First (Face under 5 G-forces) 2 points

Daredevil (Face over 10 G-forces and stay in one piece) 2 points

Up and Down (Make a VTOL) 10 points

Dreamboat (Can takeoff and land on water without damage to anything) 5 points

Space Boy (Make an SSTO, bombs or no bombs) 10 points

Lowrider (Go close in between the mountains) 1 pts

Pit Stop (Has an accessible docking port for refueling trucks) 2 points

Special Tags (subject to change)

Replica of real life plane

Shortest Mission Time

Fly with no SAS (applicable to only video submissions)

Fly with Ferram (FAR Certified, as I call it)


Leaderboard (subject to change)

Hit-and-Run (Light) Bombers (2-6 of any accepted bomb)

  1. BooBoo by FlipNascar, 101 Points, 17 min
  2. Spineroid III by juzeris, 91 Points [F] 13 min
  3. Dash Spy Bomber by Toadstooliv, 67 Points
  4. AB-02 by ValCab33, 54 Points
  5. ?
  6. ?
  7. ?
  8. ?
  9. ?
  10. ?

General (Medium) Bombers (7-20 of FLT-400, 7-40 FLT-200, 20-40 Oscars)

  1. ?
  2. ?
  3. ?
  4. ?
  5. ?
  6. ?
  7. ?
  8. ?
  9. ?
  10. ?

Storm (Heavy) Bombers (40+ FLT-200 bombs, 20+ FLT-400 bombs, 40+ Oscars)

  1. B52 by Quantammatt, 216 points, 1 hour, 28 minutes [R]
  2. ?
  3. ?
  4. ?


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Mission time: 46 minutes 1 second >>> 60-46 = 14 pts

2 Oscarbombs: 4 pts

Lowrider: 1 pt

Total: 19 pts!


Le 8 May 2015 #1 (emphasis on 'Le')

Added Oscar counts for the Light-Medium-Heavy Leaderboard

Added entrants

Added mod list

Removed Smallest and Biggest tags

Added new tag

Changed one wonky thing (Thank you, toadstooliv)

May 8 #2

Added entrants

OscarBombs must come in groups of 4

May 9---

Added requirement

May 12---

Changed the names of the classes so they make more sense

SSTO may go to orbit with or without bombs

Stack decouplers allowed

Drop tanks allowed.

Removed LWH recording requirement

May 14---

Added oscar requirements

Added FLT-200 requirements

Edited by TrainEngie
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Looks like a fun simple challenge! I might build a fast light low altitude strike bomber just for lulz. I am a fan of some classic British jet aircraft that were designed for low level missions. Surely won't win points for raw speed or payload, but can you say, TSR.2?

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-Looking at your post history you really need to turn down the snark(you aren't in minecraft fourm anymore serassa)

I never played minecraft. Besides when something is broken it's broken regardless of who is pointing it out. This challenge is limited by nothing but your CPU speed. Those with a Core i7 4790k are going to be able to build planes with 300 bombs while those with Athelon X2s will only be able to build ones with 100 bombs. It's that simple. If you think my posting history somehow makes that ok, hey it's up to you.

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I never played minecraft. Besides when something is broken it's broken regardless of who is pointing it out. This challenge is limited by nothing but your CPU speed. Those with a Core i7 4790k are going to be able to build planes with 300 bombs while those with Athelon X2s will only be able to build ones with 100 bombs. It's that simple. If you think my posting history somehow makes that ok, hey it's up to you.

Well the minecraft fourm comment was more of using the stereotypical minecraft fourm is full of *******s thing.

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Fun little challenge, I guess I'm the first entry :P

I wanted to do it with my Mirage-2000 replica, but it doesn't have enough fuel :(

So, I present, for the Light Bomber category, the AB-02, a medium-range (used to be long range) multipurpose plane.

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Time: 20min 23sec : 60-20 = 40 pts

6 OscarBombs: 12 pts

Over 15 Gees (weirdly, the final log only recorded a max of 8.2... Does it counts ?): 2 pts (?)

Total: 54 pts (?)

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Well, here's my entry, a 6 FLT400 bomb rapid response STOL bomber Spineroid III.

Did the desert mission in 13:53, delivering 6 FLT400 bombs. Some high-G maneuvers during the run. Used MechJeb (completely optional, but I am a lazy person).

So that's (8*6)+(60-14)-5+2=91 points in the light bomber category

Also flew through the mountains outside the mission, so that probably does not count? And quickloaded maybe a million times, because I am not a very good pilot, so the F3 screen shows gibberish. I hope I included enough "in progress" screenshots to document the mission instead.

Here's the craft download.

1 toggles the engines, 2 open/close the engine housing, 3 toggle airbrakes (made from control surfaces, no AIRBRAKES), 5 opens bomb bay. Space to drop the bombs.

Easy to fly when full, a bit flip happy when empty, but should still be manageable. Also do not operate at full throttle for long periods when empty, because that is too fast.

A couple of bombs may get stuck when dropping, if that happens, looking from below start closing the bomb bay, and as soon as they move a bit open it again. This should solve the issue. Just don't close it completely, that will end badly.

And here come the mission photos:

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P.S. Do not feed the trolls. Now the first page of the challenge is all full of irrelevant posts, making it confusing to newcomers. ;)

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Finally a use for this: http://i.gyazo.com/246577380f1295631f350ddd6303aa30.png

Anyway, good luck everyone else! :)

Also, regarding oscar-bs, is it each separate fuel tank or each group of 4 tanks?

The Oscars cannot be separated one by one. One OscarBomb is 4 Oscar tanks connected together like in the graphic.

- - - Updated - - -

also, thank you, toadstooliv (Dash spy plane) for participating!

- - - Updated, again. - - -

That looks like an awesome design!

Edited by TrainEngie
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Does this mean I have to bring out my old Kermite bomber for this challenge? It flies surprisingly well in the new aerodynamics and only needs a few small tweaks to get it back into fighting shape again. :wink:

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So I called it the BooBoo and technically it's a Light Bomber... -

Base time: 17 minutes, therefore 60-17 = 43

6 FLT400 bombs @ 8 each; 48

91 points + Space Boy bonus (although the rules do not stipulate whether it needs to be able to achieve orbit with or without the payload..... Without payload it will do it as is. With payload, well need to add a smidge more oxidizer or fly more efficiently so happy for you to remove this from my score pending rule clarification)

Total 101

Also, I'm sorry for my 90t "light" bomber...

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Edit: BooBoo goes to Orbit with a full payload of bombs. Horrible circularization burn on account of the bombs inducing a bunch of toruqe... But it's in a stable orbit. Just about. Also, my apologies, I didn't realize I'd claimed points without providing proof. That's just not cricket,

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Edited by FlipNascar
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My ten step guide to completing this challenge:

1: Spent 10 minutes building a retarded looking plane

2: Spent another 5 minutes tweaking it because it was too heavy for takeoff

3: realize your recording software doesn't work without flashplayer

4: download and install flashplayer

5: setup recording software

6: record your plane 10 times before it finally takes off properly

7: spent 45 minutes flying your plane to the target, bombing it and going back

8: be proud of yourself

9: check the recording and realize all it recorded was a black screen

10: ragequit

Maybe another time again...

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1. Fuel drop tanks? Yes-no?

2. Merged together bombs? As in, one big x2 FLT-400 bomb for ease of drop?

EDIT: So I attempted a run with my XB-44 'Sabre' today, hopeful that I could snatch the speed record while carrying an acceptable bomb load. But the game crashed on the way back. Here are the final seconds of that attempt:

Edited by Aanker
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