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What's the Most Science/XP You Gained in One Mission? (Spoilers)


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  arkie87 said:
I say, if your heat shield doesnt explode due to overheating, then you arent playing KSP right :cool:
Haha true words. Trips to Jool are always so much fun. It's easy to encounter and there are always many interesting opportunities to encounter with 5 moons in the system. My most science in 1.0 is just ~500 with a munar landing on the border of 2 biomes, although I am planning to do a full Duna+Ike exploration mission that should be around 5k science. My most science ever was a heavily modded Jool-5 a couple of versions ago with a fusion powered SSTO.
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At first I didnt get any Science...I have since modded Squad's contracts to give me what I want...when my tier level 2 nodes are 500 each something had to be changed..I get 10x more Science and have my nodes up 5x+ stock...20,000 in the last 2 tiers of my tree I think.

The most I ever got in v90 was about in the 50's for a part test and/or maybe an orbit; I havnt made it to Minmus even but now that my game is ready...I will see. 2 of my tours are set to 500 each with a total of 5 tours; the lab may produce 500 in 10 says now instead of 111 days...considering my nodes are 500+ later on...I am doing well and wouldnt expect more than 500 on any particular trip; the tours are an exception and a grand tour is 1000; there are 5 of those and there is a rarity on them.

Cmdr Zeta

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  • 4 weeks later...

I just did this trip last night. Consisted of a manned mission with the full suite of science experiments in High/Low Eve, High/Low Gilly, all 3 Gilly biomes and High over Sun. I'm sure I missed a few, but 5.8k will do.


Edited by MadChris48
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Pretty much everything there was to gather on the Mun in one mission done by a single kerbal in a tiny lander with many refueling at a mining outpost. And I didn t have any science mod at that point. So it could be much higher.


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Well this was rather fun. I got a contract to build a station around the Moon. It was giving a little science, but a lot of money. So I used one of the strategies to convert all of the money into science. The contract was going to give me over 2000 science. But if that wasn't enough, the game glitches and then doubled the amount I got for some reason. It gave me around 4200 science for one mission.

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Played career for the first time in 1.0 and my first interplanetary missions were supposed to be to go to fun and eve, pit stop at their moon, and come back. Eve craft was messing up. So I scrapped that( stage to reentry stage and use RCS to get pe to 30km and safely land). Got my first intentional interplanetary intercept without needing mechjeb, but still used it to execute the burn. Aerobraked into duna orbit and realized I didn't have enough to get to like and get back home. Plotted an intercept home, yadda yadda, get to kerbin going 4km/s with a pe of 40. Safety landed with a bit more than 2k science points and was able to unlock all but one of the last science nodes

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Right now, and I am still a newbie, it has been 108 science or something like that, on my first orbital mission, which almost ended up a disaster! However, I got 100 science and could've gotten 140, if my Science Jr module had not screwed up...

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My eeloo mission came back yesterday with a ridiculous amount of science. 35340 Total but some of those experiments are not stock. Still.. with an experienced scientist you get 900 science per surface sample over there.


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I did a 38500 science point mission into Jool SOI in beta 0.9 which I finished just before 1.0 was released. In addition, I send in the same windows a multprobe mission to polar orbit which radioed 2500 science points. The whole mission brought back 41000 science points. This was in science gamemode

For this mission, I fired 14 rockets. 13 where to be assembled around Laythe obit. Each payload was around 40T

- Station core for 11 kerbals

- Return vehicvle

- 6 orange tanks

- 1 RCS tank

- 2 SSTO lander (Bop + Pol)

- 1 SSTO lander for Tylo + Tug

- 1 SSTO for Vall + 1 SSTO for Laythe

- 1 addtionnal staged lander for Tylo (in case the SSTO fails, but it didn't) + Tug

- 6 Probe launch (would not meet the station around laythe)

All 13 parts were assembled at 500km orbit around laythe (because of the nice view). The full space station with landers was ober 900 parts and 420T. I had to use KAS to remove parts to get a reasonable framerate.

The mission was to land twice on each moon in addition to a fly-by. The use the return vehicle. the station is still operationnal, but uncrewed. Only 3 of the 6 tanks were used. As I assembled the station around Laythe, I doesn't qualify for Jool-5 mission, I think.

SSTO landers were 14/16T LVN powered rockets able to get from the station to their dedicated moon (with help of a tug for Tylo) and back to the station. Laythe SSTO used a 2 jets / 1 LV30 combination, but the design was roughly the same. I had to do some rescue twice on the whole mission (the tugs were really helpful)

Meanwhile I sent a smaller mission to Eeloo, I parked the mothership into polar orbit and did a full science strip of Eeloo for 18000 science points. I had to dump the lander and the science section if the mothership there. It isn't operational anymore.

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