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[WIP] [1.05] THERMONUCLEAR TURBINES! 1.0 Nuclear Aircraft Engines


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One other question/issue. Is there supposed to be usable atmosphere on Duna? Because the MASAMUNEs weren't working for me.


My crew is in for quite a long vacation....

That's not right... :-/

Seems like there is a dependancy of oxygen?!

I found this at the bottom of the config file:



// name = ModuleResourceIntake

// resourceName = IntakeAir

// checkForOxygen = false

// area = 0.01

// intakeSpeed = 10

// intakeTransformName = Intake




// name = IntakeAir

// amount = 0

// maxAmount = 1



MAybe this part causes it?

Edit: it is slashed out, but maybe it has something to do with the intakes...

The slashed out section is a testing section for the engines before I decided to go with IntakeAtm. There should be a Module Manager Patch that makes all intakes have the following added...

name = ModuleResourceIntake
resourceName = IntakeAtm
checkForOxygen = false
area = 0.01
intakeSpeed = 10
intakeTransformName = Intake

name = IntakeAtm
amount = 0
maxAmount = 1

I'll fly something to Duna to check it out. It was fine on Eve maybe something to do with Duna's thin atmosphere? I'll see what I come up with.

Edit: Also, a preview of the Muramasa...


Credit: propellers by nli2work.

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Ooooooooooooooppppps! My bad! :P

My Module Manager Patch Reads:

name = ModuleResourceIntake
resourceName = IntakeAtm
checkForOxygen = true
area = 0.01
intakeSpeed = 10
intakeTransformName = Intake
name = IntakeAtm
amount = 0
maxAmount = 1

It Should Read:

name = ModuleResourceIntake
resourceName = IntakeAtm
checkForOxygen = false <------------this right here...
area = 0.01
intakeSpeed = 10
intakeTransformName = Intake
name = IntakeAtm
amount = 0
maxAmount = 1

I'll just release a hot fix...

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I made a test flight with a SSTO to Minmus and back, imho the heat generation could even be higher, a 1 km/s burn barely raises the temp gauge above 50%. :)

I updated the heat generation for the next update, it's currently sitting in my dev folder.

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Do you intend to make other sizes too? MK2/3 2.5m?

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An MK3 Thrusterblock would be epic...

You read my mind. lol Yes I plan to make a MK2 and Mk3, and my next which will replace the ramjet (basically the Masamune already does the job) is a 2.5m version.

Edit: When I mean my next, I mean my next model after the Muramasa release.

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I changed the IntakeAir to IntakeAtm in v.0.1.3, it should have CRP and MM included with the package. Please let me know if you're still having problems.

Thanks for the reply. Forgive my ignorance but I'm not sure what CRP and MM are.

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Thanks for the reply. Forgive my ignorance but I'm not sure what CRP and MM are.

No worries, CRP = Community Resource Pack, MM = Module Manager. I released 0.1.3a which should fix previous problems. Just be sure to maintain the folder structure that is in the download.

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Do you have Module Manager and Community Resource Pack installed? It comes in the download, also included is a patch that adds the IntakeAtm resource to all intakes, which requires Module Manager to be installed. Also make sure you have the current version. 0.1.3a All you have to do is drop GameData into Kerbal Space Program folder and over write anything it asks you to over write. All dependencies are included in the download.

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Those models are so darn pretty, o got started with blender recently and i have a hard time to even model a fuel tank...:)

3D modeling isn't something that happens overnight, it takes time to learn the tools and practice. I consider myself, no way of an expert and I am constantly learning new things.

Edit: But it is very rewarding when you create your fist thing, import it into a game, or even make a game and get to say, "that is my thing! I made that! Isn't it cool!?"

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That was.my attempt yes. Ive got still some ideas left of what i want to see in ksp, though it is not that easy, given the mass of enjoyable mods here....and i played lots of them. :)

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anyway, lets have a look at your parts, next. There is not much i can inagine to be more useful. :D

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I noticed neither Kerbal Engineer nor Mechjeb has a read out for the TWR of those engines, but im not sure if this is caused from the engines config or not. Do you know of such an issur yet?

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I noticed neither Kerbal Engineer nor Mechjeb has a read out for the TWR of those engines, but im not sure if this is caused from the engines config or not. Do you know of such an issur yet?

That's interesting, I haven't heard any problems yet. It could be caused by the configs, or it could be caused by the fact the engines can run forever? (Except in space)

This is certainly the first I've heard about this.

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And one another: the engines arent registered as having mass , have a look at the screen:


Same goes for KUNAI, but here is the CoM at least moving slightly backwards...if i attach MASAMUNE, it even runs forward^^

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Am I doing it wrong? :o

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And one another: the engines arent registered as having mass , have a look at the screen:


Same goes for KUNAI, but here is the CoM at least moving slightly backwards...if i attach MASAMUNE, it even runs forward^^

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Am I doing it wrong? :o

The Engines have a CoM adjustment to move the mass forward to help balance the craft, thus spreading the weight across the air frame. Also it is there to simulate gutting out parts to make room for ducts, compressors, diffusers, and the reactor. Remember the engine does weigh 4.25 tons. Just because a nozzle gets put on the craft doesn't mean it is the whole engine. The R.A.P.I.E.R. does the same thing.

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yeah makes sense, but it is a massive drawback for my smaller planes due to the fact my com sometimes hits the capsule, no way to properly align wings there. just dont have to use these engines for them. :) ir maybe it could be aligned like Kunai, a slight relocation towards the engine?

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yeah makes sense, but it is a massive drawback for my smaller planes due to the fact my com sometimes hits the capsule, no way to properly align wings there. just dont have to use these engines for them. :) ir maybe it could be aligned like Kunai, a slight relocation towards the engine?

I may do an adjustment, or make a less powerful shorter/smaller nozzled engine... I originally figured since the Masamune was more complected it would take up more space and mass. I'll work with the CoM.

But then again you can't put a GE90 on a commuter jet... (GE90s are used on the Boing 777)

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