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5 minutes ago, FourGreenFields said:

I don't get why people use the imperial measurement chaos. Seriously, just why?


On topic, there is/was also "The 5th Generation Fighter challenge [FAR]". Doesn't really seem to be alive anymore, but still fun to mess around with imo.


I don't know any other measurement system, or I'll have to translate everything I say, besides, whats so bad about it? It works??

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5 minutes ago, FourGreenFields said:

I don't get why people use the imperial measurement chaos. Seriously, just why?

If you're British you'll end up using metric when you mean it & imperial colloquially :P I'll still say "about a foot" instead of "about 30 centimetres" just because it sounds better. I'd never actually work in imperial though, that just leads to hair-pulling...

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54 minutes ago, He_162 said:


I don't know any other measurement system, or I'll have to translate everything I say, besides, whats so bad about it? It works??

Bad about it? This: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/e/eb/English_length_units_graph.svg

Yes, it works. So does a pontoon bridge. Doesn't mean it's a good solution.

Side note: You may have accidentally swapped the speed with and without afterburner at low alt for your "Viper" there.

59 minutes ago, Van Disaster said:

If you're British you'll end up using metric when you mean it & imperial colloquially :P I'll still say "about a foot" instead of "about 30 centimetres" just because it sounds better. I'd never actually work in imperial though, that just leads to hair-pulling...

Ok, point taken.

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2 minutes ago, FourGreenFields said:

Bad about it? This: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/e/eb/English_length_units_graph.svg

Yes, it works. So does a pontoon bridge. Doesn't mean it's a good solution.

Side note: You may have accidentally swapped the speed with and without afterburner at low alt for your "Viper" there.

Ok, point taken.

America uses it, and I live in America, so I learned it, there isn't a problem :)

I fixed the speed issue. Opinions? Likey? No likey?


America will be using it for a while, and it works, like a car, you don't need a fancy one, just one that does what you want it to.

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15 minutes ago, VeryDarkSkin said:

What wing parts are you using there? Never seen them before.

Also, do you play War Thunder Simulator FourGreenFields? I think I know you. :P Does PakistanHound ring a bell?

Some B9 Procedural Wings mod. Original isn't being developed anymore, but you should find it (= similar stuff, propably using the same code) if you search for it on this forum (not following it on Space Dock (iIrc not downloadable there) so would have to search it myself as well). Pretty usefull for thin wings.


Yes, and yes. And screw not being able to post on the WT forum if you haven't played for a while.

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1 minute ago, FourGreenFields said:

Some B9 Procedural Wings mod. Original isn't being developed anymore, but you should find it if you search for it on this forum (not following it on Space Dock (iIrc not downloadable there) so would have to search it myself as well). Pretty usefull for thin wings.


Yes, and yes. And screw not being able to post on the WT forum if you haven't played for a while.

Oh, then I have them I think :P.

Haha, I returned to WT a few weeks ago, its still playable, at least...

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22 minutes ago, FourGreenFields said:

Some B9 Procedural Wings mod. Original isn't being developed anymore, but you should find it (= similar stuff, propably using the same code) if you search for it on this forum (not following it on Space Dock (iIrc not downloadable there) so would have to search it myself as well). Pretty usefull for thin wings.

Original is being maintained here: https://github.com/Crzyrndm/B9-PWings-Fork

I have updated shaders for it, will link when I remember what I did with the file...

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11 minutes ago, Van Disaster said:

Original is being maintained here: https://github.com/Crzyrndm/B9-PWings-Fork

I have updated shaders for it, will link when I remember what I did with the file...

This file: https://www.dropbox.com/s/6gybk7ycuksln16/wingshader.ksp?dl=0 ? That is posted in B9PW thread ?

Playing with it for a while, haven't found any issues with it. Link should be still active, checked a minute before posting.

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Been a long time since I played much KSP. But slapped together a fighter-y craft I'm pretty happy with a few days ago, but there are some quirks I wouldn't mind some tips for. Firstly, I wanted it to be good at rolling at high angles of attack, managed that, but the yaw input required makes it a bit wobbly and can't really aileron roll without SAS (the wings always load up and cause it to barrel roll instead). Also picks up a bit too much pitch instability at mach 1.8.

Anyone have any ideas on how I can fix this without sacrificing performance? It could also probably be area ruled a lot better... And it's pretty ugly =D

Finally, what are some good settings for the BDarmory AI for a craft like this these days? SAS doesn't seem to play well with the artificial yaw stability (% AoA on the rudder)

Version 1.1+, FAR version Part mods: BDarmory+stock

(FAR Yaw & Pitch assist suggested, SAS suggested disabled, thrust vectoring on action group 3, engine mode toggle on 2)

https://www.dropbox.com/s/x5wbsox0udnocck/KF-7 Swellow.craft?dl=0


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1 hour ago, Phearlock said:

Been a long time since I played much KSP. But slapped together a fighter-y craft I'm pretty happy with a few days ago, but there are some quirks I wouldn't mind some tips for. Firstly, I wanted it to be good at rolling at high angles of attack, managed that, but the yaw input required makes it a bit wobbly and can't really aileron roll without SAS (the wings always load up and cause it to barrel roll instead). Also picks up a bit too much pitch instability at mach 1.8.

Anyone have any ideas on how I can fix this without sacrificing performance? It could also probably be area ruled a lot better... And it's pretty ugly =D

Finally, what are some good settings for the BDarmory AI for a craft like this these days? SAS doesn't seem to play well with the artificial yaw stability (% AoA on the rudder)

Version 1.1+, FAR version Part mods: BDarmory+stock

(FAR Yaw & Pitch assist suggested, SAS suggested disabled, thrust vectoring on action group 3, engine mode toggle on 2)

(Didn't download, just looked at the design)

If you want to keep the slip angle low, add proportional gain to the yaw assist. How much depends on the plane (too much and it can cause wobbling/overcompensation; may also need to mess with derivate gain to keep it from wobbling).

Just guessing here, but instability might be caused by the relatively blunt nose. Probably not a good idea to place those wings like that. You also seem to have narrowed the fuselage in the middle - and area ruling won't help too much when too far beyond Mach 1. For hypersonic speeds, use simple shapes (avoid any kind of parts sticking out), pointy leading edges, small face surface (? Not sure if that's the right word; cross section when looking at it from the front), and small wings (big surface area will also cause too much drag). B9 procedural wings will come in handy for that. Also helps to keep the entire plane as small and light as possible.

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I mean the main reason for the wobbly yaw while rolling is pretty obvious. It's cause I tied the rudder into roll inputs in order to let the AI use it for rolling (if purely human controlled, I'd just use the rudder pedals to apply yaw for my high alpha rolls), trying to figure out a way to make the AI use the rudder for rolls while not making it have so much an effect during sustained rolls or when doing minor corrections.

As I mostly want it to operate in the mach 0.4-1.4 region and potentially jump between transonic and mach 1.2 a lot, having good area ruling is useful (it's around 0.5 at the moment).

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2 hours ago, Phearlock said:

artificial yaw stability (% AoA on the rudder)

I think that your issue comes from here. %AoA is usefull for fine tuning pitching, for example if you have elevators on back on plane that don't have enough pitching authority then you add canards in front. But canard can cause too have too much pitching sensitivity if you put pitching on manual controls on both, canards and elevators at back. In such case you only use %AoA on canards with 0 manual controls and use 100% manual pitch control on elevators.

Found this combination quite usefull on large craft design too, using %AoA in front control surfaces to act as slats. Can be good method if you have trouble fine tuning neutral pitching point by moving main wing lift in close proximity of COM.

If I understand your configuration properly, having %AoA for yaw will mean that whenever craft have some pitching different than 0 AoA, craft will automaticaly start to yaw left or right too. Why you would want that ?

Slight dehadrial angle can help with roll/yaw issues you encountering. Whenever AI want to yaw craft, it will automaticaly roll too and vice versa, it might help you much better than what you want to accomplish with %AoA on rudder. You can use it on your craft design on just ailerons sinnce it have significant surface area for such small craft, or you can try with very light dehadrial with main wing.

You need to find middle ground between stability and maneuverability, too much dehadrial might also cause to have too stable craft.

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Actually the AoA% is applied relative to the control surface, not the vehicle. The way it's set up will actually make the rudder try compensate for yaw regardless if the FAR Yaw assist is enabled or not. It doesn't have a large effect while in level flight or low sideslip angles, but it actually is required for the craft to not depart during violent maneuvering.


I might see if there's a way to split the tail up into segments where the controls are a bit more isolated. At the moment both Yaw, Off-angle Yaw (AoA%) and Roll all apply inputs to the single rudder, considering this amount of inputs, I should be thankful it's as stable as it is. So far pretty happy with it though, the available instantaneous turn rate without thrust vectoring is excellent, and it recovers from awkward flight angles quite well. Maximum pitch input will make it stop nicely at around 25 AoA, and it will have a hard time going to into stall regions unless the thrust vectoring is enabled.

I'm mostly interested in tuning for the bdarmory pilot AI, as I'm not sure what the best settings are for this sort of craft.

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Start the BDA settings very much to the left. You might want to add Dynamic Deflection also, that can really help tuning for ai dogfights. If you're yawing a lot and it's causing problems you want static yaw stability rather than trying clever things with surfaces. Leave fancy yaw maneuvers for thrust vectoring, you'll just bleed energy in uncontrolled sideslips anyway.

The top & bottom AI settings ( steer xxxxx ) are Kp & Kd for the internal PD controller ( the last commit had an integral as well, but I haven't tried it as BDA isn't terribly safe in 1.1.2 ).

Tip - add +ve AoA to ailerons, then you can roll even with the wingtips stalled. I had craft in previous versions which the AI would fly down to ~35deg AoA/55m/s & still be in control, you just have to carefully set limits for the craft. The current AI AoA/g-limit restrictions are ok, but they take time to start functioning so the pilot can still pull into a high-AoA stall.

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The aircraft by itself isn't yawing much at all if left to its own devices, it's just the BDarmory AI that keeps doing it. But I'll try tweak the settings a bit more, probably won't tweak the aerodnyamics much at this point as I'm quite happy with the handling of the aircraft right now. Thanks for the suggestions guys =)

Random webms:

Rudder AoA%

20 AoA roll

I swear I have aerodynamic failures on their default setting...

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One thing you really don't want to do with the AI pilot is give it much yaw authority anyway, it'll just wag the tail & waste even more ammo. Also, don't use the FAR assists for the AI, you'll get the AI's surface controller fighting with the FAR ones.

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On 2016/6/13 at 0:28 AM, Van Disaster said:

If you enjoy detailed aircraft design it's worth it. The AI is immensely frustrating, but you do get results from putting effort into tweaking your craft. However you'll have to wait for Baha to come back from his dev sabbatical or someone to fork BDA & fix some things, I think.

High aspect ratio small swept wing design with proper adjusted wing settings win any bda ai dogfight

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I'll contribute some pics, all from various versions of the game and using various types of procedural parts because I like fine-tuning my aerodynamics:

Mixed-propulsion Helicopter:


Flies like a dream, speedy too.



The most finicky design I've ever made, the sideslip values refused to turn out nicely. But hey, at least it cruises at Mach 3.4 at 2,000m ASL.

My cheerful little career starter biplane:


A wonderful flyout for less than 30 parts.

Another Career starter Biplane:


Great for long range flights; it literally flies itself with a bit of pitch trimming. Pictured here transporting a passenger across the ocean to the desert.

Simple Domestic Airliner:


Bit ugly, but it gets the job done and is one of the more unique aircraft I've built. The engine at the back is tilted upwards about 20 degrees to prevent prop strike.

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