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The Apollo Applications Program: 1.0 Edition

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Gene K.: "Hello? Gene Kerman speaking."

Wernher von K.: "Ah! Gene! I vonted to talk to you!"

Gene K.: *sighs* "Wernher....what is ist?"

Wernher von K.: "Ve need anozer test of ze S-IB stage."

Gene K.: "A fourth test?! With the same configuration?

Wernher von K.: "Why should ve do ze zame zing a fours time? Don't be ridiculous! Ve need to see vot happens if we drop an engine in flight."

Gene K.: "You want us to shutdown an engine in flight?"

Wernher von K.: "Of course not....I vont ze rocket to drop ze engine."

Gene K.: *sigh* "And when do you want to....drop the engine?"

Wernher von K.: "I dont know. Mach 1. No! Mach 2."

Gene K.: "Do you think this is a good idea, Wernher?"

Wernher von K.: "Of corse! Ve have allready modified ze booster!"

This morning the fourth mission of the Odin program launched: Sleipnir I OS-4

OS-4 will be the last single stage test of the new Sleipnir Rocket. As the first three missions it will be a suborbital flight.

The major addition to this flight is that, in order to test the rocket's ability to deal with an engine failure during the flight, one of the engines will be dropped once the rocket reaches Mach 2. To the astonishment of the engineers the rocket was able to compensate the lost engine and deliver the second stage to a 91 km apoapsis.

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Finally got back to working on this challenge, after a long spinoff driving around the Mun!


Speaking of which, first off: the MOLAB-equivalent brought over to the Mun as part of Tier 2 and her crew has completed their circumnavigation of the Mun. But that's more under the Elcano challenge than here.

Okay, on to the main event:


Touched down on Minmus. Drove for a bit on Minmus. Flew a bit with an MMU vehicle thingy on Minmus. Am pleased with the performance of both rover and MMU thingy on Minmus. Realized I have a lot of delta-V left after landing on Minmus, but am holding off on what to do with it until after I handle a few scheduled launches from Kerbin. Anyway, Jormon and Val have a lot of Snacks! to munch on while waiting.

Great to see the new guys entering this challenge! Wondering about some of the older players, though--are you guys still active?

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This week in the Odin Munar Program: Munin II QTV

The Munin II vehicle was built specifically as a cheap way to test the new launch escape system. Todays flight objectives were to prove the Munin II rocket's capability as an Odin CSM test vehicle and to determine maximum speed of the plywood-contraption.

The rocket reached its maximum speed of 439.4 m/s (or Mach 1.48) at an altitude of 11.4 km. It reached an 18.5 km apogee before plumeting back into the ocean. No nosecones where hurt in the process.

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Hurt?Hurt? Nosecones cannot be hurt. Nosecones are immortal; nosecones are majestic creatures, sent by the Kraken to forever remind us of our frailty, and to prepare us for the Awakening that will cleanse our souls of sin and folly.

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Wernher von K.: "Yes, zis is Wernher von Kerman am Apparat."

Gene K.: "Wernher! The suits! The suits are here!"

Wernher von K.: "I did not order any new suit."

Gene K.: "No, Wernher! The officials! They are here at the cape! They want to see a rocket test!"

Wernher von K.: "So?"

Gene K.: "We have no rockets to test! The OS-5 test is scheduled for next January!"

Wernher von K.: "Calm down, Gene. Just send zem to the pad. Ve vill show zem somezing remarkable"

Gene K.: "Really? Holy cow! Thank your Wernher!"

This morning the Pad Abort Test 1 took place at the Kerbal Space Center. The launch escape system (LES) had to proof that it is capable of pulling the command module away from a possibly exploding rocket while it sat on the pad. The LES then had to gain enough altitude to allow the command module's parachutes to open. Officials that witnessed the Test were highly impressed!

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This morning the fifth test of the Sleipnir I rocket took place at the KSC: Sleipnir I OS-5

For the first time the Sleipnir I would fly two stages, the eight engine S-I first and the six engine S-IV second stage. This is the first orbital mission of the Odiun Munar Program, with the final stage entering a highly elliptical 90.2 km x 8750 km orbit around kerbin, turning the S-IV Stage into the heaviest satellite to ever be accelerated into space.

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Aaaaaaaaaaaaand jsut realsied that my S-IV stage should actually be called S-IVB. Thanks for that, Xeldrak. Gonna fix it right now.

Ohh, and anyone knows how I can change the title of an album? It doens't give me the option on "change inage titles/descriptions"

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Yeah, I only realized this morning that the S-IV stage at this point in time had six engines. And I realized that the Saturn I didn't have eight fins before the SA-5 test, so I made a mistake there :( All these nooks and crannies...

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Meh, don' think about it too much. You at least did your research; I didn't even bother with the Saturn I because I thought it was just an underpowered version of the Saturn IB. Might get on with it after I finish my main entry...

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Gene K.: "Wernher! The Suits are here again!"

Wernher von K.: "Don't vorry, Gene. Just sent zem to ze pad. I invited zem."

Gene K.: "You invited them? For what?"

Wernher von K.: "Zey liked the LES so much. I vill show it to zem again!"

Today the LES had to proof itself again, in the O-001 Mission!

In it's second test, the LES hat to pull a dummy CM away from a transsonic Munin II rocket. Once again the LES performed it's mission admirably and at Mach 1.2 pulled the CM away from the Munin II rocket and into safety.

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  ouion said:
can we use any mods?

You can use whatever mods you want, but there's bonus points for doing it stock.

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  Coga19000 said:
Aaaaaaaaaaaaand jsut realsied that my S-IV stage should actually be called S-IVB. Thanks for that, Xeldrak. Gonna fix it right now.

Ohh, and anyone knows how I can change the title of an album? It doens't give me the option on "change inage titles/descriptions"

Try clicking the gear icon on the album's upper right corner in the Albums page. If that doesn't work, well... you could try deleting and rebuilding the album from scratch?

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  B-STRK said:
Try clicking the gear icon on the album's upper right corner in the Albums page. If that doesn't work, well... you could try deleting and rebuilding the album from scratch?

I already tried the gear icon, didn't work to well. Anyways, I found the solution -but thanks anyway!

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