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Not happy with 1.x


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Hi there, casual gamer here!

So I've praised jeebus and stuff about this game. It appeals to my inner nerd in every way, even though things go wrong... Alot. Took a 3 month break, and what the happened?! I can accept rockets coming apart because of my lack of engineering, but this "slapping ..... action" while still possible to fly (somewhat) has mucked up this game beyond measure. I've used FAR and a doodle-bunch of other mods from the start, and I've had alot of fun. Why create these artificial boundaries to overcome the limitations in your physics engine? This game needs a good aerodynamic model, but only if the game supports it. Ie. not supporting this tree structure etc. when making rockets, rocket-mosh-party at the end is more than anoying.

Edited by sjwt
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I can still launch entire space stations in one launch.... Not sure what you are having trouble with. Maybe you are being to aggressive with your piloting? Try turning your rocket more slowly. Maybe wait until 15 k meters before even touching the controls.

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i dont get it. What's your issue exactly ? Rockets flipping out ?

Try adding fins and reducing gimbal range..

I have many things to say about 1.x, but really this isnt much of an issue for me

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After reading some posts here about people having trouble with rockets "tumbling end over end" I realized that most of them have CoG shift issues, due to fuel depletion in first stages, which even reduced gimballing or fins won't help with. The better way to solve such issues is throttling back and climbing to a point where drag and air resistance is less of an issue, then going full throttle.

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The best part is that OP is a casual gamer who uses FAR and a doodle-bunch of other mods from the start, and yet is complaining about 1.x stock. OP might want to go back to FAR and their doodle-bunch of mods; they might have an easier time of things.

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I have had my troubles with 1.0.x too. But then i really took the pill and relearned from scratch... and suddenly it works again.

Just minute little things you have to consider and off into space you go again - with all your crazy constructions.

Actually its much more fun now, with real gravity turns, altered drag and re-entry heat.

It has brought the game to a new level of challenge, from the point of engineering.

Flying however has become a lot more intuitive and controllable. Launch up a fresh career mode and give it a try.

Its still goode ole KSP, but with more finesse and fun!

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BTW, has anyone ever put a long-ish last stage of the smallest fuel tanks (with probe, battery, panels, and small SAS on top) through the atmo at high speeds? It´s hillarious. I wish i had taken a screenshot: The thing bends like craaazy, but it doesnt break, before tipping the whole rocket over. I think i used six of these tanks (which isnt all that many, now is it?), and i would etimate the bend topping 30°, maybe even 40° at some point. Struts fixed that for my next launch, but i was like ´wo-ho-ow´.

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  Mr. Scruffy said:
BTW, has anyone ever put a long-ish last stage of the smallest fuel tanks (with probe, battery, panels, and small SAS on top) through the atmo at high speeds? It´s hillarious. I wish i had taken a screenshot: The thing bends like craaazy, but it doesnt break, before tipping the whole rocket over. I think i used six of these tanks (which isnt all that many, now is it?), and i would etimate the bend topping 30°, maybe even 40° at some point. Struts fixed that for my next launch, but i was like ´wo-ho-ow´.

I just use Kerbal Joint Reinforcement. It puts a stop to wet-noodle syndrome.

I actually started using it in .90 to stop my Mk3 vehicles from coming apart from harsh glares, but it also keeps the use of space-tape for other designs to a minimum.

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There are many issues to 1.0 but I don't think "impossible to launch" is one of them.

It helps if you always, from the get-go, built "realistic" looking rockets and applied a "realistic" launch profile (ie no sudden 45° turn at 10km).

If you're used to massive pancake-style launch vehicles that spend part of their flight at a 45° angle of the current flight path, then yeah, it's pretty hard.

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  RubberDux said:
Hi there, casual gamer here!

So I've praised jeebus and stuff about this game. It appeals to my inner nerd in every way, even though things go wrong... Alot. Took a 3 month break, and what the happened?! I can accept rockets coming apart because of my lack of engineering, but this "slapping ..... action" while still possible to fly (somewhat) has mucked up this game beyond measure. I've used FAR and a doodle-bunch of other mods from the start, and I've had alot of fun. Why create these artificial boundaries to overcome the limitations in your physics engine? This game needs a good aerodynamic model, but only if the game supports it. Ie. not supporting this tree structure etc. when making rockets, rocket-mosh-party at the end is more than anoying.

I saw problems but not like you are seeing.

This may help you:

These are what I try to control speed (by grading I mean speed increases constantly with altitude no Oh gee im at 10001 meter let me push this thing up to 260 m/s.

1 to 1000 meters = 100 m/s

1000 to 5000 meters = 100 to 160 m/s respectively and graded (85')

5000 to 10000 meters = 160 to 220 m/s respectively and graded (80')

10000 to 15000 meters = 220 to 260 m/s .........(75')

After 15000 usually at maximum throttle, and 2' per 1000 feet.


The SFRBs have changed markedly. Some may be too powerful and tip the rocket over as they loose fuel. The output thrust of the SFRBs can be reduced and burn times increased in the VAB.

To prevent over throttling use a combination of SFRBs and LfOX engines and down throttle the LfOX engines and SFRBs reach the end of their fuel.

Tall SFRBs need winglets

My experience.

I built a simple 600L (aerodynamic) rocket tank last night in Blender and unified it into the game. put a LV909 on it and a tuned down half-height SFRB with no fins an put it into space on its maiden flight. (didn't even tamper with the drag parameters in the cfg). So basically the game is not hideous. When 1 if first came out and I did not realize they have changed RT-10 and BACC I ran into tipover problems, but quite honestly I had bigger tip-over problem with 0.18 to 0.22 so . . . . . . I built a BACC with very low drag and it always tipped over. The reason is that as it runs out of fuel all the drag and weight are at the top of the vehicle, this stuff all wants to be close to the ground. So now if you have a booster, it has only drag from its side (minimal) and from the flange around the nozzle. The drag is all at the front of the rocket, and yes this is a problem in RL two, watch some of the german ro

Oh and I don't use FAR or NEAR, Mech Jeb is my only vice, other than a few tank mods and my own creations.

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  PB666 said:
1 to 1000 meters = 100 m/s

1000 to 5000 meters = 100 to 160 m/s respectively and graded (85')

5000 to 10000 meters = 160 to 220 m/s respectively and graded (80')

10000 to 15000 meters = 220 to 260 m/s .........(75')

After 15000 usually at maximum throttle, and 2' per 1000 feet.

That's not really necessary anymore. Using a reasonable start T/W ratio (~1.6 atmo to 2 usually goes well), start a very early turn (it's viable to go 85' at 1km), and otherwise keep the rocket locked to the apoapsis. You should start youir gravity relatively early and then just keep the rocket inside the airstream to lower drag. With a well build rocket and a good flight path terminal velocity is so high you don't need to slow down.

Edited by Temeter
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  Sky_walker said:
This moment when some people realize game is actually easier with FAR than stock.

Yeah, FAR got a large stigma for being hard. Sure, it's hard to begin with, but so is everything to do with KSP.

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