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The Arctic Runner TAC challenge

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Due to me not being able to do this challenge, I want YOU to try and do it.

The challenge? Simple, but a bit difficult. To finish? You need to pick one kerbal, and crash land near KSC. But, from there you have to get to the North Pole. However, since you'll likely need KIS and TAC life support mod, you'll have to make runs to your kerbal. This challenge is over when you reach the secret UFO easter egg in the arctic. From there, you may rescue your kerbal or try to walk him back. You cannot use a rover or spaceplane to get to the arctic, you must do this on foot. Note that you can get into a plane or rover to get food, but not to use it in your journey for any other reason than to resupply your kerbal.

Also, you need TAC Life Support for KSP 1.0.2 and KIS for KSP 1.0.2. Note that Kerbal Konstructs and Kerbin-Side are optional mods you can use to set up a base in the arctic.

Don't forget that you cannot use timewarp at some points, because you might crash into the terrain and have to send another kerbal. You CAN, however, fly or drive your kerbal to where you died.


I managed to get to the mountains in my first run, using a bit of timewarp, I accidentally crashed my resupply ship into my kerbal. Second run, I got a bit further, but to challenge myself, I set up some turrets in the mountain area. I nearly died by the turrets, but, when I sent in a ship to draw the turrets' fire, my kerbal got hit and died. The ship was shredded, but I managed to use my parachute and RCS pack to save the kerbal going to resupply Edzer Kerman. However, Katuki was taken down by an orbital launch platform near the mountains. Also, Katuki is one of the most experienced pilots, next to Jeb, that I mainly use. So, now I'm between a rock and a hard place. Jeb is on EVA at Duna, he's stranded though. Bill was killed earlier because his parachute didn't deploy. And, Bob is on a mission at Laythe.


I managed to save Jeb and Bob.

Edited by Mrherponaderpsherp
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Oh god, I don't think anyone has the time for this. The Elcano Challenge is a long one, but not the year that this one would take.

And, per the rules, you need a submission, or need to attempt alongside others and prove its feasibility.

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  Xannari Ferrows said:
Oh it's definitely possible. In fact, I'm contemplating asking Fengist if running around a planet/moon would be acceptable. Don't ask me why... just ideas.

Didn't say impossible, just unfeasable.

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  Xannari Ferrows said:
Well, Unfeasable means to be very improbable. This is very probable. In fact, it's quite easy. It's the patience part that gets everyone.

Easy is a stretch. You've got to keep your Kerbal alive. TAC gives you 24 hours at a time. You'd need a resupply craft to follow or provide a waypoint.

Though I agree that it is possible.

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  Starwhip said:
Easy is a stretch. You've got to keep your Kerbal alive. TAC gives you 24 hours at a time. You'd need a resupply craft to follow or provide a waypoint.

Though I agree that it is possible.

19, to be exact. Assuming you take the most efficient route to the poles, you would need 19 stations.

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