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B-52 Kerbalfortress [0.15 STOCK]

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If you hit the arrow keys up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, then type 'BA', it will unlock a new special piece in the 'Structure' area.


you are joking, right?

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The 'weapons' are actually external fuel tanks that can be dropped as bombs, so they do extend the range significantly. They drain first in the regular edition and second in the extended edition (after the tanks the engines are mounted on).

What about first draining the External ones and dropping the External Fuel Tanks after they are empty, then switch to the regular.

This will probably give you some extra range and speed.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

Damn, this is the first craft I\'ve tried to fly that brought my PC to its knees (1-2 fps in flight). And here I thought the i7-860 can still be considered plenty powerful. Oh well :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

How did you build wings like that and what do you think of my two long range aircraft, the AT-700 and AT-1000. The number is for it\'s range, the AT-1000 still needs work to make it controllable with sas on but both can glide to a landing and even land in the water without the whole thing just breaking up.

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Wow, a plane that not only works, is really large, can fly for 400km, and has bombs?

Something tells me you are a real master rocket scientist!

I really want to see what else you can do!

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Wow. This craft caused my KSP to transform into a slideshow and upon attempting to launch veered off the runway and destroyed one of my F-56s. Six kerbals lost. Any recommendations? ???

Call it a training exercises, the public will never know!

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UPDATE: 0.16 version released

0.16 stats:

Cruise Altitude: 13,000m

Cruise Speed: 580 m/s

Range: 500 - 550 km

Armament: 4 heavy bombs

Glide range from cruise altitude: ~50km

Flight instructions:

- set precision controls

- full throttle

- hold brake (B) until fully spooled

- use yaw to keep straight on runway, pitch up at end

- set pitch trim to +3 notches above centre

- external tanks will drain first, then use manual fuel flow control to maintain centre of gravity

- never disable flow from an external tank, due to fuel glitches it will not resume when re-enabled

- after reaching 12,000m increase pitch trim to +5 notches

Craft file (attachments broken on new forum), right click -> save as: http://www.darkorbitmedia.com/ksp/0.15/B-52 Kerbalfortress [0.15].craft

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  • 1 month later...
  • 1 year later...

Guys, this craft hasn't been updated since .16. No point continuing commenting (I say hypocritically :P). I'm not gonna encourage moderator overzealous locking (IMHO, a persistent problem on these forums), but I will say please let this thread die. It lived, it died, no point necroing something over a year old.


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