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Who made you get (into) KSP?


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It was the big hype everywhere, but I thought to myself that it would fade in empty promises. @Rocket2guns twitter was amusing, but I had more games to play than time to play anyway. When my 40th birthday came around, my fellow (physics) teachers gifted it to me, and it has been the fastest rise in gameplay hours since Minecraft, and most played game since I got it.

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I didn't get into KSP at first, despite showing up frequently on my youtube channel suggestion list. I didn't realize it was a game and not some foreign space program, because all of the screen shots for the videos where of normal looking rockets, and I wasn't looking too closely. It was shortly after that that I found a video for Space Engineers crashing a 1 to 1 scale Constellation class Enterprise into and asteroid that I bough that game and again was inundated with KSP videos. After a few weeks, I decided to click on one to see what it was all about and was brought to Scott Manley's page.

I watched many of his videos, thinking to my self that this is a coll concept, but there wasn't much game play to be had, so I would just watch the videos and be entertained by what others did. When Scott Manley did space planes, I was intrigued about the idea of being able to build my own air craft and have a simulator style experience to fly said designs in, and that is when I was sold. So I went and bought it (back when it was mid way through .25.5) and it has since become my most played and liked game since.

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Squad themselves made me get (into) the game. It was the one trailer video, not sure which version release it was for, the one with the purple squid alien thingy. So I saw that and thought to myself

"self, this looks goofy, cartoony and quite frankly kinda funny". So I bought it. It is with much chagrin that I did, since it has taken over my life. Bad Squad, bad.

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Well the truth be told, it was Gus Grissom. I was only a kid, but got to watch the launch of Liberty Bell 7 on TV. That one flight more than Shepard's or Glenn's fired my love of spaceflight. Flash forward many, many years and I'm searching the 'net for a space sim game different than Orbiter (burnt out a bit on that game) and found these little green creatures whose only reason for existing is spaceflight. Hooked me immediately.

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I recently purchased it after watching steam try to get me to buy it for what seems like forever, lol. I should have just listened to my steam marketing overlords because I absolutely LOVE the game and recommend it to everyone! I'm ashamed I didn't get it sooner. I've only been playing since 1.02 came out and I'm so happy with he aerodynamics (once I learned not to turn before 28,000m). I thought the game would be too silly, but it is really quite fun and its easy to interpret it as silly or serious as you want. My top 3 personal favorite video games of all time! A+

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