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Buld an new outpost on Min or Minmus, driving me broke and insane.

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Accept contract on new base on Mun and Minmus.

Launch an new outpost an month after taking contracts, base will also be sent to the Jool system afterward.

Refill base at fuel depot in LKO, verify that launch new base flag is still lit,

Launch the nuclear pusher stage who will take base different places, Mun first, refuel this and dock to outpost, verify that flag is still lit. Jump to other ship who need attention, do that operation, game crashes.

Restarts and flag for build new outpost is not lit anymore, in short outpost can not be used for the Mun or Minmus contract even if all parts was launched after the contract was given.

Had two failed attempts on this, mun base failed as it docked with an old station in Mun orbit to transfer personnel and fuel. I then assumed it was the docking with old station who killed the build new flag, minmus base failed as I used kas to transfer monoproplant it needed for contract completion.

Either the kas connection killed it or that fuel was transfer after landing.

In short does anybody know the rules if it is any, I assume if you launch the base as one single launch and just stage your way to target it would work or it would hardly pass testing.

Looks like being docked to anything in any other launch even later and restart game or perhaps even switch to other ship or KSC kills the flag.

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I have been having the same issues with some base contracts as well, but this was before I had KIS installed. Don't really have a fix other than going into the debug menu and just marking the contract as complete. I don't really consider it cheating since technically I fulfilled the contract the game just didn't want to acknowledge it. Still frustrating though...

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Accept contract on new base on Mun and Minmus.

Restarts and flag for build new outpost is not lit anymore, in short outpost can not be used for the Mun or Minmus contract even if all parts was launched after the contract was given.

I then assumed it was the docking with old station who killed the build new flag, minmus base failed as I used kas to transfer monoproplant it needed for contract completion.

Are you asking if docking with an older vessel invalidates the "build a new ship" requirement? Is that what you mean by "lit"--the green verification in the contracts menu?

What mod is KIS?

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