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[1.0.4] BetterEmissives v1.3 - Pre-1.0-like engine emissives

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Note: As of 1.0.5, a version of the fix this mod applies has been merged into stock, meaning that this mod is more or less stock functionality now.

You can, however, (maybe) still use it as a patch to temporarily fix any outdated mod with an engine that still uses ModuleAnimateEmissive

Tired of engines not glowing even after ten minutes of continuous usage due to the new 1.0 heat changes?

Hate how there's no longer a way to visibly see if a jet engine is on or not, apart from smoke effects?

Angry over how engines take eons for their emissive to cool down after they're switched off?

Then this mod is for you!

This mod is my first ever mod, but calling it a mod is sort of a stretch. It's basically a ModuleManager config that changes the way engine emissives work, switching it to the same system that the ion engine uses (FXModuleAnimateThrottle). That means that the emissives are updated not with heat, but with the throttle. This offers mostly pre-1.0 like behavior, apart with some quirks with specific engines (see Known Issues).


[TABLE=width: 500]


[TD=align: center]BEFORE:


[TD=align: center][/TD]

[TD=align: center]AFTER:




[TD=align: center]Jets' emissives show up without the need to fly around for 2 hours!


[TD=align: center][/TD]


So pretty!





This mod works best with stock, but there's really no reason why it shouldn't work with any other mod (apart from tweaking the response times).

Remember, engines still heat up regardless of what it looks like. This means that an engine can look like it's completely cold, but can be close to overheating (but it should say in the staging UI if it actually is). You shouldn't trust it; rather, you should trust the new visual cue added in 1.0.2 (the orange highlight when a part overheats.)

DOWNLOAD: KerbalStuff



v1.3 (August 30, 2015)
-Jet engine and skipper patches are no longer applied when Ven's Stock Revamp is installed

v1.2 (July 06, 2015)
-The patch now applies itself to engines only so other parts with emissives (ex: nose cones) don't glow from throttle but from heat (as they're supposed to).
-Updated to 1.0.4

v1.1 (May 30, 2015)
-Tweaked the Skipper's responseSpeed to make it heat up slower (consequently making it take longer to cool down, like the jets)
-Changed the config to automatically patch parts with no thermalAnim name differently, so ModuleManager will throw no errors when the config encounters an engine with no thermalAnim name. This means that
all mods should theoretically work perfectly with this mod, apart from response speed tweaks.

v1.0 (May 23, 2015)
- Inital release

Known Issues:

+ Jet engines' emissives stay active for a long time after being disabled. This is because the response time needed to be decreased, since using a higher value would make the engine's emissive animate (or "heat up") much too quickly.
+ Jet engines eventually start glowing blue. This was present [URL="http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/98650-Blue-Jet-Engine"]even before 1.0[/URL] but only happened when the engine was near overheating.Explanation why it becomes blue now is [URL="http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/122673-1-0-2-BetterEmissives-v1-0-Pre-1-0-like-engine-emissives?p=1983763&viewfull=1#post1983763"]here[/URL].
+ The Skipper glows completely white when you run it for a long time and takes a while to cool back down. This was because of a change of the emissives's response speed in v1.1. Explanation on why it burns white [URL="http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/122673-1-0-2-BetterEmissives-v1-0-Pre-1-0-like-engine-emissives?p=1983763&viewfull=1#post1983763"]here[/URL]. The reason why it takes a while to cool back down is the same as the reason for the jets.
+ The LVT-30, (maybe) Toroidal Aerospike, and (maybe) all engines with no ThermalAnim defined have no emissives.
+ KW Rocketry engines do not receive this patch. This is because they use a custom emissive module.
+ The LV-909 glows brightly as if it was burning in a vacuum. I might make this an intentional feature later on though.
+ [B]MAJOR ISSUE: Engines cause FAR to spam voxelize when throttling. This is a huge issue with the Skipper and the jet engines since they almost constantly animate and I have no idea how to fix it. [U]If you have any issues with voxelization spam and have this mod installed, post here first instead of on the FAR thread.[/B][/U]

I'd really appreciate it if you notified me in this thread of any issues you find with this mod :). Issues include value tweaking, bugs, better configs, etc.


+ Actual pre-1.0-like emissive animation instead of some ghetto stock workaround. This could be hard, especially since I have no coding experience. I might have an idea with ModuleAnimateEmissive though.



This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It's included with the download.

Edited by mythbusters844
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Ooh, interesting. How's compatbility with things like HotRockets, EngineLighting and other mods that change engines like that.

I don't know about EngineLighting, but I have HotRockets and it works completely fine.

EDIT: Also, the link to KerbalStuff is broken.

Oooops, I forgot to publish it. Should be fixed now. :)

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First Mod for me to install.

As mentioned in this Thread, I messed with every Video Setting I could find, looked through all Setting Files I could find, and re-installed the Game because it didn't look like anything I ever had seen of the Game before, Youtube, Screenshots, everything. So I thought it was broken, or my Video Drivers were responsible. It just didn't, and still doesn't, make logical Sense to me to change especially the Jet Engines in that Way.

But wait a Minute. ION ENGINES. They're supposed to work normally, turning blue...? They stayed dark for me, instead of glowing blue. There was no Way of telling if one was active at all, and if there was Power Drain, -which- one it was. Does it fix Ion Engines, as well? Or is that really a Vid Driver Problem on my Part here?

I'll try that Stuff as soon as I find the Time to do so.

Thx man.

*Addendum: Also, C#, you say...?

*Edit: I DUN GOOFED! Oh gosh. I didn't realize I put the Ion Engines on BACKWARDS. Like, Nozzle...? The Shape...? And it's got a Ring, too... k_embarrassed.gif

Ah... just so stupid. I'm checking right now, but I'm very positive they'll go blue when I turn them on... like I'm SUPPOSED to.

Edited by BlackSun
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You are a scholar, gentleman, and hero, sir.

- - - Updated - - -

Huh, strange about the LVT-30 and Aerospikes, as I swear I saw them glowing normally pre-1.0. Good job mucking up something so awesome, Squid.

- - - Updated - - -

Skipper also appears to glow white instead of red like pre-1.0. Not sure if bug.

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Skipper also appears to glow white instead of red like pre-1.0. Not sure if bug.

Oh. I guess that makes it look more like a H2-LOX engine, nah? :D

Joking-that-makes-it-seem-like-an-intentional-feature-because-it's-kerbal aside, even before 1.0, you could get them and the jet engines to glow blueish-white like that if you heated them up to almost overheating. You just never saw that in action because they didn't ever get that hot. But, with the hacky workaround that I used, the max throttle position corresponds to the max point of the heat animation, which is the blue glowing. They way I "fixed" it with the jets was by decreasing the response speed, but they eventually reach it and once they do they take ages to cool back down again. I might do that with the skipper, but I don't know if the advantages would outweigh the disadvantages.

(By the way, if you think the blue jet engines look better than their normal emissives, tell me and I'll change it :))

Edited by mythbusters844
Better explanation
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I like the red jets, personally.

Looks a bit strange with white is all I'm sayin'. As you pointed out, I've just never seen them heat up to that intensity before. If it's not a huge amount of inconvenient work for you, you have my vote for applying the response speed workaround on the Skipper.


- - - Updated - - -

Also I maek thread:


Because I didn't see one up.

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Alright, new update.

BetterEmissives v1.1

-Tweaked the Skipper's responseSpeed to make it heat up slower (consequently making it take longer to cool down, like the jets)

-Long awaited feature: Changed the config to automatically patch parts with no thermalAnim name differently, so ModuleManager will throw no errors (meaning that all mod parts should theoretically be compatible with this mod, other than weird quirks that require tweaking. An example of one of these quirks would be the Skipper's animation speed tweak in this update).

Sorry if I didn't make this clear, but even with the responseSpeed tweak the Skipper's emissive will eventually become blue. It's just a side effect of how its emissive was made and how the workaround I use deals with emissive animations :P. The only way to fix this would be a custom plugin or a fix on Squad's part (unlikely) or to keep the mod from touching Skippers.

Download: KerbalStuff

Requires ModuleManager: Get it here

Thanks everyone for your compliments. It really makes my day :D

can i see full screen shot

You can see full screen shots here: before: http://i.imgur.com/33zlqxi.png after: http://i.imgur.com/BdpXoVL.png

Jet engine full screen shot: http://i.imgur.com/bYCidM6.png

As you can see in full screen shots engines glow. However, the OP is more detailed and applicable than these full screen shots.

Edited by mythbusters844
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The only way to fix this would be a custom plugin

KW Rocketry ships with a ModuleAnimateEmissive or something plugin for the engines - would it be worth investigating that? No need to include it as a hard dependency, just use it if it's there (with a NEEDS on the patch). Thanks for the update as well :)

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KW Rocketry ships with a ModuleAnimateEmissive or something plugin for the engines - would it be worth investigating that? No need to include it as a hard dependency, just use it if it's there (with a NEEDS on the patch). Thanks for the update as well :)

Hmm...interesting. Some basic testing of the engines shows that the way it's used in KWRocketry makes it behave like the stock module, but it seems like I could tweak it for my own purposes :)

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...
In 1.0.4 the two nose cones A & B (the shaped ones) turn red as soon as you lift off

Oh. That was a silly oversight on my part and was quite easy to fix.


-The patch now applies itself to engines only so other parts with emissives (ex: nose cones) don't glow from throttle but from heat (as they're supposed to).

-Updated to 1.0.4

Download: KerbalStuff

Requires ModuleManager: Get it here

I haven't thoroughly tested it with 1.0.4, but it should work fine with this update. As always, feel free to report any issues you find. :)

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Oh. That was a silly oversight on my part and was quite easy to fix.


-The patch now applies itself to engines only so other parts with emissives (ex: nose cones) don't glow from throttle but from heat (as they're supposed to).

-Updated to 1.0.4

Download: KerbalStuff

Requires ModuleManager: Get it here

I haven't thoroughly tested it with 1.0.4, but it should work fine with this update. As always, feel free to report any issues you find. :)

Thank you, good sir.

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This thread is quite old. Please consider starting a new thread rather than reviving this one.

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