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Galactic Black Screen

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This bug is very simple, and I have no idea how to deal with it.

I have a few mods installed (B9_Aerospace, Kerbal Engineer, Kethane, Mechjeb, Lazor systems, Lazor Guided weapons, and tweak scale).

I can construct ships just fine. My problem is when it comes to launching them.

As soon as the craft is loaded onto the tarmac, the screen goes black. I still have my HUD, and can move controls around. I can even activate my engines, adjust throttle ... etc. The problem is that the screen is pure black.

If I revert the launch to any previous stage, and re-launch the craft, I get a view of the galaxy, and I'm in outer space. Can't do anything, other than look at that skybox of the galaxy. I can move the camera around, but that's about it.

The biggest problem with this bug is that it happens at launch. After the craft is loaded, and right before it hits the airstrip. I can't do anything about it, I can't even launch any missions this way.

Would anyone, please, be able to help me figure out what's going on?

My processor is an i5 2.53 Ghz Intel

My graphics card is an NVIDIA NVS 3100M.

I'd be happy to supply any other information you guys might need.



That's what it looks like for me.


after much testing, and removing of mods. So far, it seems that Romfarer Lazor Systems is the one crashing MY set up. I don't know if it's the same for the rest of you, but I think there's a compatibility issue with either Lazor Systems, or Lazor weapons.

Edited by IraqiWalker
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I get the exactly same things. Usually it happens on craft load semi blank black screen. I return to space center i get same screen. Also this will delete the current craft i was trying to fly, and saves on point when i return to space center. Only mod in use is Kerbal Engineer. Was using Kerbal Alarm Clock, but it caused too much problems, lots of these black screen.

This just foiled millions worth of ships in my hard career, and really really frustrating. And im on the tipping point where I do not want to start from beginning.

Edited by Spacedweller
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I have exactly the same problem. Came here to ask about it.

I have a lot of mods installed, but had not installed a new one yesterday, when the problem started

Any fix?

reinstaled all the game and all the mods, started a new game (sandbox) and that was my first screen


the problem starter when i was flying, asked the game to rollback to space center so i could install mechjeb2 wich i forgot. right there this started

guess i need to try to open my save and load a craft without mechjeb, just wondering

aditional screenshots

right at launch:


after press M, while already buged:


is there any log file where i can seek more info?


tested on a brand install without mechjeb and alarmclock, and still same thing while trying to fly a stock plane

need to test without any mods later

Edited by nfpinto
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Hi guys, I had the same problem here:


I have not figured out a 100% efficient workaround, but I have found a way to keep it from ruining your game in post 1. Furthermore if you read the entire thread (its short) we discuss one or two situations which cause this bug to happen.

Please keep posting all relevant information (and I will too) so they can combat this bug.

Sorry for your misfortune!

Also note: The workaround won't work if you already saved over and you have no game to rollback to :(

Edited by OddFunction
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This is my GameData folder:


After a couple hours testing my mods to find the culprit (deleted one by one / used one mod at a time), narrowed down MY problem to this plugin: Throttle Controlled Avionics

The thing is, i was using this mod for like 2 weeks and was perfect, is a sweet mod but idk why, got corrupted somehow?

So i downloaded this plugin again (already was using latest version, so i just redownloaded), deleted my one and used the new, and this is the result:


everything is normal again, for now.

Still, i dont know what the problem was... corruption, incompatible issue with something...

i advice you guys to test your mods too. Find the problematic one, redownload it and test again.

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Having the identical problem, however it will just occur after some time playing the game. Seems to be associated with switching to a craft from the tracking centre. I get a perfectly black screen with hud info like this http://i.imgur.com/qumXnCW.png and then when I return to the space center there is a picture like that of IraqiWalker above. A restart of the game usually provides a temporary fix.

The only mods I am running are:

Kerbal Engineer Redux, Kerbal Alarm Clock, and Navyfish's docking mod. Any advice appreciated.

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I get the exactly same things. Usually it happens on craft load semi blank black screen. I return to space center i get same screen. Also this will delete the current craft i was trying to fly, and saves on point when i return to space center. Only mod in use is Kerbal Engineer. Was using Kerbal Alarm Clock, but it caused too much problems, lots of these black screen.

This just foiled millions worth of ships in my hard career, and really really frustrating. And im on the tipping point where I do not want to start from beginning.


Workaround "technically" found.

For me it was the Romfarer's Lazor Systems. I removed that mod, and the game has been working just fine. Kerbal Engineer is working fine with the game for me.

Edited by IraqiWalker
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I noticed that some of my mods are using an older module manager.dll. So, the order the mods are installed in are important, so that you end up with the newest module manager in place...took hours. But, as of 11PM last night I have a perfectly stable working game.

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Just gonna bump this thread, because after 2 hours of trying everything, I can't seem to find a pattern. seems completely random. No ties to any mod at all

It can be very frustrating. I removed Lazor systems and the game worked fine for me.

OP, have you tryed to delete mods, one at a time? spended 2 hours testing but at least i got my problem solved

As I mentioned in an earlier post, yes I did. In fact, I cycled through installing the game, adding a few mods at a time, getting it to crash, uninstalling, rinse repeat for almost a full day, until I vetted out my mods.It turns out that Romfarer Lazor Systems, and Lazor weapons is the one that does it for me.

I thought it was clashing with BD armory, so I removed BD armory, and tried with just the Lazor mods. The game immediately went back to malfunctioning. Removed the Lazor mod, and everything is peachy.

So it's either the mod itself is causing the crash, or some other reason.

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I noticed that some of my mods are using an older module manager.dll. So, the order the mods are installed in are important, so that you end up with the newest module manager in place...took hours. But, as of 11PM last night I have a perfectly stable working game.

I honestly don't know how to order my mods (I mostly do a manual install by plopping them into the "GameData" folder.

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