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Use for old airfield

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If you're low on fuel, and fast/high, and screw up the approach to KSC 09, it does give a possibly useful alternate landing strip, but not if you're low & slow with no fuel (if low & slow already, just use the vast plains of grass instead of KSC 09). Similarly, if low on fuel approaching KSC 27, it will be slightly closer to you until finals.

Mostly it's just a curiosity, and somewhere that's convenient to fly to from KSC when training yourself to fly, or experimenting with aircraft designs.

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Hi fellow Kerbonauts!

So my question is simple; for what do you use the old airfield?

In 0.90 I had tundra biome reading over there... But that's one use I wasn't able to replicate in 1.0.2, though I didn't try hard.

I mostly use it for short takeoff/landing practice. And because the airstrip there is flatter than the level 1 runway. :confused:

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I often use it for target practice. For testing landers etc. It's a handy distance for a near vertical launch to plop down on as if from orbit.

When I first got the demo (18.3) I spent ages just lobbing rockets at it 'for science' while getting the hang of the VAB and basic flight.

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In 0.90 I had tundra biome reading over there... But that's one use I wasn't able to replicate in 1.0.2, though I didn't try hard.

I mostly use it for short takeoff/landing practice. And because the airstrip there is flatter than the level 1 runway. :confused:

Just an FYI - there's Tundra behind the KSC runway - about a minute on land at around 20 m/s IIRC.

Edited by Prepper-Jack
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Some Mods allow alternative launching sites. I haven't used any of them yet, but had plans for once my resource extraction systems were up... then the Great "1" made me abandon that...

So you can use it as a new launch site with Mods... same with the launch site in the middle of the other continent... and a few dozen other places the Mods can add.

https://kerbalstuff.com/mod/77/KerbinSide is one such example (relies on another mod - may or may not be packaged together so check).

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Just an FYI - there's Tundra behind the KSC runway - about a minute on land at around 20 m/s IIRC.

Nice, I will check it out

What is the recovery rate of old air field?

If it is 100%, it would make a perfect alternate landing site.

If it's not 100%, is there a simple mod to boost its recovery rate?

I think it would be pretty high tough, I decided i want to use it as a fuel hub for a SSTO service to my Space Station so i can at least recover my rescued kerbonauts there and refuel my SSTO. Thanks anyone!

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