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So, I recently saw a guy/girl on the forums who doesn't doo much.

He/she seems suspicious though.

He/she always posts things like "First" and has used my photos without my permission.

It seems like a lot of Mods have visited his/her profile.

Do you know anything about this?

I can send a PM if a link to his/her page is needed.

- - - Updated - - -

Again, this is nothing, but his/her KSP Kerbaltech ribbons say s/he's done just about everything, like went driving on Eve with a space station.

I just don't know...

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Again with the ribbons, he/she is having trouble going to the Mun but can do all that other stuff.

He/she has also posted duplicate threads.

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What precisely are the standards moderators are expected to uphold? There seems to be an awfully loose determination of just what the rules are and how they should be interpreted between various mods. Also, who is the lead moderator to contact?

Edited by Randazzo
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We are expected to be good community members and hopefully be an example for others, though we are all human and occasionally have bad days or make mistakes.

Generally speaking, we discuss amongst ourselves how to handle non-trivial moderation situations, it's pretty rare for someone to receive an infraction or for a thread to be locked without the mods discussing it first.

KasperVld is our Lead Moderator and we have three Senior Global Moderators: DYJ, sal_vager, and Supernovy. If you have a problem with a moderator it is best to contact one of them via PM.

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KasperVld is the only paid moderator (and he does a lot more than moderate the forums). Also Ted, who doesn't really moderate much now that he is so involved in development but makes himself available for us to tap his wisdom and experience.

The rest of us are unpaid volunteers.

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Sometimes, but mostly not. I've found that since becoming a moderator I spend more of my forum time reading unpleasant posts and writing unpleasant PMs and such and less of my time participating in discussions the way I used to.

April Fool's Day was great fun, though.

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what was the aprils fool day joke? i never got to see it

All of the moderators switched their avatars to crappy MSPaint versions, and used only Comic Sans MS in their posts. All users were also given green names and labeled as 'moderators', although they lacked moderator powers. The forums as a whole caught on, and chaos (but good chaos!) ensued. It was a fun time.

There was also KasperVld's prank, which didn't go over all that well. I warned him.

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All of the moderators switched their avatars to crappy MSPaint versions, and used only Comic Sans MS in their posts. All users were also given green names and labeled as 'moderators', although they lacked moderator powers. The forums as a whole caught on, and chaos (but good chaos!) ensued. It was a fun time.

Good prank, fun time.

There was also KasperVld's prank, which didn't go over all that well. I warned him.

Never again. For your efforts to prevent such a disaster, I applaud you.

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Kasper's original joke post was removed, but you can read the discussion thread here. The highlights:

  • Paid access to common forum features, funds going to support moderators, modders, streamers, etc.
  • Reddit-style thread voting
  • Tagging age, gender, and location in every post
  • Auto-tweeting posts and limiting them to 140 characters
  • Forum Clippy

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what was the aprils fool day joke? i never got to see it

I wonder what it was, people kept going on about "Comic sans" and "MS paint avatars" and "Moderators." If someone could explain this mass delusion, I would be eternally grateful.

By the way, what do mods see when they look at a user's page? What awesome tools (I'm looking at you, banhammer) do they have?

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I wonder what it was, people kept going on about "Comic sans" and "MS paint avatars" and "Moderators." If someone could explain this mass delusion, I would be eternally grateful.

By the way, what do mods see when they look at a user's page? What awesome tools (I'm looking at you, banhammer) do they have?

We can add user notes, which are moderator-only notes. They are sometimes used for legitimate purposes, but often for 'lulz'. A now banned user who recommended that several moderators 'take an acid bath' now has a user note advising any moderators dealing with him/her to 'submerge in acid before handling'.

We can issue profile infractions, which are just like normal infractions except they need not be attached to a post, and we have the moderator control panel, in which we may abuse utilize reluctantly the banhammer, change signatures, avatars, etc. Forum admins may change rep level, names, and higher-level stuff.

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We can add user notes, which are moderator-only notes. They are sometimes used for legitimate purposes, but often for 'lulz'. A now banned user who recommended that several moderators 'take an acid bath' now has a user note advising any moderators dealing with him/her to 'submerge in acid before handling'.

We can issue profile infractions, which are just like normal infractions except they need not be attached to a post, and we have the moderator control panel, in which we may abuse utilize reluctantly the banhammer, change signatures, avatars, etc. Forum admins may change rep level, names, and higher-level stuff.

Thank you! I suppose I can't see a profile, from a mod's POV? And I assume this acidic user's posts are now relegated to the fault vault, or some similar repository for posts which have been moderated?

'submerge in acid before handling'. So moderators can see banned user's profiles? How many non-bot users have you had to ban?

How often do you have to change sigs, or avatars?

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